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Opinion: China's strategy to cause a regime change in Taiwan

Oct 15, 2017
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Because Taiwan has no local oil production, Taiwan relies on importing fuel to run its agricultural machines like tractors. Taiwan has high population density but little agricultural land, so without modern agriculture its people will starve in a horrible famine. So what China can do is after China has 10 carrier strike groups operational, China can blockade Taiwan by air and sea and prevent Taiwan from getting fuel from abroad. Doing so causes Taiwan's modern agriculture to fail and this results in a massive famine in Taiwan with millions of people starving to death, and this induces local rebellion in Taiwan to topple the Taiwanese government.

@White and Green with M/S @F-22Raptor @Oldman1 @UKBengali @gambit @Ich @jamahir @jamal18 @Hack-Hook @Vergennes @Song Hong @Ali_Baba @bobo6661 @KAL-EL @thetutle @925boy @FuturePAF @mazeto @CAPRICORN-88 @sammuel @Wood @nang2 @Messerschmitt @mmr @Philip the Arab @Apollon @Philip the Arab @Hassan Al-Somal @Viet @Get Ya Wig Split @A.P. Richelieu @letsrock @PakFactor @RescueRanger @ZeGerman @zartosht @jhungary
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Bad strategy. No element of surprise. Everything will be broadcast in the West of a starving Taiwan. And two too slow. It's not China speed way of solving problems!

When China finally resolves the Taiwan issue, it will be something the West never thought of. Like how the West was caught off guard when China built those artificial islands.

Destiny/fate or whatever will make sure the West look like low IQ strategist dummies when China finally retakes Taiwan in her own way. Put them to shame for what they are low IQ dummies that could never win a single fight in China's neighboring backyard.
Bad strategy. No element of surprise. Everything will be broadcast in the West of a starving Taiwan. And two too slow. It's not China speed way of solving problems!

When China finally resolves the Taiwan issue, it will be something the West never thought of. Like how the West was caught off guard when China built those artificial islands.

Destiny/fate or whatever will make sure the West look like low IQ strategist dummies when China finally retakes Taiwan in her own way. Put them to shame for what they are low IQ dummies that could never win a single fight in China's neighboring backyard.

You can't broadcast if no journalist is allowed in due to air and sea blockade.
You can't broadcast if no journalist is allowed in due to air and sea blockade.
Hello, which century do u guys live in? Can easily broadcast to satellite internet. Plus it won't be the normal people with normal cellphones that do this. Will be those hardcore die hard traitors with military grade cellphone that has switchable batteries plus they'll keep stock piles of those fully charged batteries around.
Hello, which century do u guys live in? Can easily broadcast to satellite internet. Plus it won't be the normal people with normal cellphones that do this. Will be those hardcore die hard traitors with military grade cellphone that has switchable batteries plus they'll keep stock piles of those fully charged batteries around.

Communications jamming can jam signals from being broadcast to satellite.
Communications jamming can jam signals from being broadcast to satellite.
Can't jam them all. Some signals get thru. Plus the upload wont' be doing something like live streaming. Once they upload the vid to any1 of Western media servers, can fully disemminate to the rest of the world.

The Taiwan blockade strategy is just too damn slow, gives the enemy time to react, plus no element of surprise. Doesn't vibe with China speed way of doings things. Doesn't make the enemy (Western/Japan interferences) look like dumb inferior strategists.
Can't jam them all. Some signals get thru. Plus the upload wont' be doing something like live streaming. Once they upload the vid to any1 of Western media servers, can fully disemminate to the rest of the world.

The Taiwan blockade strategy is just too damn slow, gives the enemy time to react, plus no element of surprise. Doesn't vibe with China speed way of doings things. Doesn't make the enemy (Western/Japan interferences) look like dumb inferior strategists.

Blockade is legit. US blockaded Serbia, Iraq, Libya by means of no fly zone. Sure, people starve. But it is after all a very commonly used Western strategy to cause regime change.
I think it is possible to choose a city in Taiwan ruled by a Taiwan independence party, destroy it with massive bombing, and then ask the Taiwan government to surrender. If Taiwan does not surrender, it will blow up two more cities ruled by Taiwan independence elements. I recommend using incendiary bombs.
No, we want a complete Taiwan.

We are not in a hurry. We can wait until our navy exceeds the total number of NATO navies and our nuclear weapons are the same as those of the USA. Then we can deal with the Taiwan issue.

Taiwan should arm itself with nukes (and be deadly serious about using them). Plenty of countries willing to supply them. CCP will complain and threaten but ultimately they'll have no choice but respect Taiwan's independence.
Oh, I found an Indian with an IQ of 82. You're so smart. Why didn't successive American presidents think of the way you said? I suggest you run for president with trump.
Taiwan should arm itself with nukes (and be deadly serious about using them). Plenty of countries willing to supply them. CCP will complain and threaten but ultimately they'll have no choice but respect Taiwan's independe
You can supply them with Swiss army knives to be realistic, talk of nukes with your big mouth without costing a penny.
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