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  1. kinsr

    Allahabad will soon be called 'Prayagraj'

    Yes prayag too... Not Prayagraj
  2. kinsr

    Allahabad will soon be called 'Prayagraj'

    Not a historian ... Just a proud resident of Allahabad. And for ignoramuses like you, go through the following link http://allahabadmc.gov.in/heritage_city.html
  3. kinsr

    Chinese People's Liberation Army Transgresses Into Indian Territory In Arunachal Pradesh,

    lol ... Just look at the 3rd guy from the left ..... he is comfortably rubbing khaini (probably known as naswar in Pakistan). Ragadne ke baad,theek se thonk de, to Cheeni saale khanste khanste mar jayenge wahin... So much for "Sorry State" of India soldier.:cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:
  4. kinsr

    Allahabad will soon be called 'Prayagraj'

    Wrong, The name 'Ilavas' comes from the Paurav (Kins of Pandavas) King Ila, who build a city on the banks of Sangam (confluence of Ganga & Yamuna). Nothing do with Deen-e-illahi. http://allahabadmc.gov.in/heritage_city.html
  5. kinsr

    Allahabad will soon be called 'Prayagraj'

    It may be written as Allahabad but phonetically its "Illahabad"..
  6. kinsr

    Allahabad will soon be called 'Prayagraj'

    When was the city known as "Prayagraj" until today? And it was not Akbar, who gave it the name "Allahabad". It was Shah-Jahan. Akbar actually never changed the name. It had the orignal name "Ilavas/Ilabas" during Akbar's reign. He built the fort for her Rajput Hindu wives, who could visit the...
  7. kinsr

    North Indian Fadda !

    Was that a "Desert Eagle" that he pulled? Damn big gun...
  8. kinsr

    Allahabad will soon be called 'Prayagraj'

    Ideally, It should have been "Prayag" only, "Prayagraj" doesn't make sense. If it was merely for recall value then Prayag should have been the keyword. But previous governments had already chosen the name of Prayag as one of the major railway station in Allahabad, hence Yogi could have lost a...
  9. kinsr

    Pakistan's response to S-400

    Actually sea-skimming is much harder to master than terrain hugging. Sea keeps changing hence you need a real time scan and navigation to keep it below radar threshold and not take dip in the seas. Meanwhile the ground features are constant and a pre-fed way-point navigation can manage terrain...
  10. kinsr

    Pakistan's response to S-400

    Brahmos has evolved from P800 Onyx a Russian AShM. Sea-Skimming capability has been there since inception. So terrain hugging feature has always been there.
  11. kinsr

    Allahabad will soon be called 'Prayagraj'

    I remember a guy called @Manvantaratruti ... who claimed to be sole expert on hinduism and everyone else is a fool. You seem to be a reincarnation. I was born and currently living in Allahabad only ... so don't try to peddle "Your Rubbish" as truth. Confluence of Rivers is called "Sangam" not...
  12. kinsr

    Allahabad will soon be called 'Prayagraj'

    No they are not the same thing... Prayag is the real name.. Prayag raaj is merely a BJP construct.
  13. kinsr

    Allahabad will soon be called 'Prayagraj'

    It's Prayag that's got mentioned in aforesaid purans... Not Prayag raaj...
  14. kinsr

    DRDO testfires quick reaction missile off Odisha coast

    Though there are no clear proofs, due to amount of secrecy involved, but its widely believed in defense circles that India did buy Six batteries of S-300PMU in the early 2000s, which was later upgraded to S-300VM standards. The upgraded system is supposed to have anti-SRBM/MRBM capabilities...
  15. kinsr

    DRDO testfires quick reaction missile off Odisha coast

    A lot... NASAM-II (if approved by US Congress) Barak-1/Barak -8 Stinger S-300 Strella1/Strella10 Buk Pechora Osa PAD AAD Add to that... Bofors 40mm AA Guns ZSU-23-4 Shilka I too may have missed a lot due to my limited knowledge. India has brought at least one product from every Russian SAM...
  16. kinsr

    Pakistan conducts successful test of Ghauri missile system, ISPR

    Firing a 'nuclear capable' missile even with a conventional warhead can ensue a nuclear exchange. Once detected in air India will consider it as a Nuclear attack and will respond with possible nuclear attack.
  17. kinsr

    SAARC: Sushma leaves before Pak foreign minister's speech

    Ever heard of Napolean Bonaparte, and ever heard how tall he was. Did you notice the height of Sachin Tendulkar? Yeah good thing Shushma Swaraj left before hearing a brain dead and clueless Pakistani.
  18. kinsr

    SAARC: Sushma leaves before Pak foreign minister's speech

    Lol... Democracy doesn't mean wasting time. Pakistani delegation doesnt deserve the time of Indian FM, when there's nothing to talk about. Now don't tell me Shushma Swaraj should have waited to watch the terrorism unleashed on free food by the Pakistani delegation like the one depicted below ...
  19. kinsr

    SAARC: Sushma leaves before Pak foreign minister's speech

    Lols... Much better leaving before the Pakistani FM gets free, lest he would jump up and run for a handshake. Then announce to the world of the great 'informal meeting' with the Indian FM and he talking about JK to Indians. Exactly the 'Chotey Log' syndrome of Pakistanis. I remember once of...
  20. kinsr

    India’s ban on Huawei, ZTE to ‘please US’ will be opposed by local telecoms operators: experts

    Actually it's lesser about security and more about business. Chinese companies at this moment are prone to sanctions from the US. Just imagine our whole backhaul being dependent on sanction prone Chinese entities, we can't even get the installed hardware serviced due to sanctions. Other than...
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