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SAARC: Sushma leaves before Pak foreign minister's speech


May 21, 2006
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Calling Swaraj’s statement as “vague” Qureshi said that Swaraj talked about regional cooperation, but "my question is how will regional cooperation be possible when the regional nations are ready to sit together and you are the obstruction in that dialogue and discussion."

New Delhi: In the meeting of South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) nations held on Thursday on the sidelines of the ongoing United Nations General Assembly session in New York, Indian foreign minister Sushma Swaraj left for her next engagement soon after delivering her speech, without listening to the her Pakistani counterpart speak.

At the informal luncheon also the two leaders snubbed exchange of pleasantries or greetings.

As per the information received Afghanistan foreign minister was the first person to leave the meeting after his speech.

In her speech Swaraj emphasised to SAARC countries that an environment of peace and security in South Asia is essential for cooperation and economic development, but Pakistan accused India of obstructing the region's progress and prosperity.

She said the number of incidents endangering South Asia is on the rise and terrorism remains the single-largest threat to peace and stability in the geopolitical region, and the world.

"It is necessary that we eliminate the scourge of terrorism in all its forms, without any discrimination, and end the ecosystem of its support," she said according to sources.

Swaraj left the SAARC meeting early.

India-Pakistan encounter at SAARC Foreign Minister's luncheon meeting failed to break any ice. No pleasantries exchanged. EAM @SushmaSwaraj left the meeting hall after delivering her speech. Did not even hear Pak foreign minister @SMQureshiPTI's speech.@abpnewstv@MEAIndia pic.twitter.com/e0fGOQH3KF

After her statement, Pakistan’s Qureshi while talking to reporters said without naming India "We have to decide the next step. I have no hesitation in saying that in the way of SAARC's progress and in the way of the region's connectivity and prosperity, there is only one obstruction and one attitude. The attitude of one nation is making the spirit of SAARC and the spirit of the founding fathers of SAARC unfulfilled,” PTI reported.

Asked if he had talks with Swaraj at the meeting, Qureshi denied. "She left the meeting mid-way, maybe she was not feeling well," he said.

Calling Swaraj’s statement as “vague” Qureshi said that Swaraj talked about regional cooperation, but "my question is how will regional cooperation be possible when the regional nations are ready to sit together and you are the obstruction in that dialogue and discussion."

Pakistan and India are sharing a strained relation since India cancelled a meeting between the foreign ministers of the two nations proposed to be held on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly session.

India cited attacks by Islamabad-backed groups in Jammu and Kashmir and stamps released by Pakistan glorifying Kashmiri terrorists as reasons for cancellation of the proposed talks.
just imagine how ignorant and illiterate their FM is what we can expect from low level diplomats, actually these things comes from your family background.

you only learn to give respect to others if you were given respect. unfortunately indians never get respect hence they dont know how to act in civilized world.
Lols... Much better leaving before the Pakistani FM gets free, lest he would jump up and run for a handshake. Then announce to the world of the great 'informal meeting' with the Indian FM and he talking about JK to Indians.

Exactly the 'Chotey Log' syndrome of Pakistanis.

I remember once of a gr8 Pakistani general who did exactly the same to Atal Bihari Vajpayee and whole Pakistan celebrated it to be some kind of victory. Now that's whats called a 'Chotey Log' syndrome.
They have terrorism syndrome from Pakistan:sarcastic::suicide::suicide2:
I remember once of a gr8 Pakistani general who did exactly the same to Atal Bihari Vajpayee and whole Pakistan celebrated it to be some kind of victory. Now that's whats called a 'Chotey Log' syndrome.
It was our general, that's make sense, but this our FM what a pathetic world biggest democracy you have:enjoy:, you have narrow minded FM @kinsr you have terrorism syndrome from Pakistan @kinsr :suicide::suicide2:
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