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  1. G

    Anger as Spain prepares to let Russian warships refuel on way back to Aleppo bombing

    You have clearly been Brainwashed. You think Muslim culture is Hijab, Niqab and Burka. It is NATO and USA that support the spreading of Hijab, Niqab and Burka. Did you also know Turkey is an ally of USA and NATO. This is real Islamic culture. This is funded by USA and Europe. You have clearly...
  2. G

    Anger as Spain prepares to let Russian warships refuel on way back to Aleppo bombing

    If Europe and USA stops funding Saudi Arabia. Maybe we can then have peace in middle east? If USA & Europe did not protect Saudi Arabia. We Muslims would have removed the Saud dynasty long time ago.
  3. G

    Anger as Spain prepares to let Russian warships refuel on way back to Aleppo bombing

    Last time I checked. Boko Haram AKA ISIS controls Lybia. Boko Haram kidnaps children and rapes them. They are freaking a-holes. I am Muslims and I do not even like Boko Haram. When Muslims goes around and kidnap children. In order to rape them. Then they are not Muslims. Boko Haram rapes...
  4. G

    Vietnam's middle class projected to double by 2020

    The Vietnamese republic are still alive in USA 2016. United States supported the Democractic Republic of Vietnam. Meanwhile China, North Korea & Russia supported communist Vietnam.
  5. G

    Vietnam's middle class projected to double by 2020

    Zionist Jews are EVIL.
  6. G

    Israeli Arabs more bullish on Israel than Israeli Jews

    Zionist Jews exploiting Chinese workers.
  7. G

    Vietnam's middle class projected to double by 2020

    Have fun with the NEO Nazis when they come to power in Europe. Cause it will someday. You will experience a whole new reborn Adolf Hitler in the future. The Nazi hates Jews and communism. Just like Muslims. And after they take over Europe they will then exterminate communism in the rest of the world
  8. G

    Vietnam's middle class projected to double by 2020

    Which one do you like the most? Zionist or Orthodox Jews? Muslims loves Orthodox Jews. Because orthodox Jews are following the original Jewish bible. Muslims hates Zionist Jews. Because Zionist Jews conquered Palestine. Karl Marx was a Zionist Jew. Karl Marx wanted to conquer Europe with...
  9. G

    Vietnam's middle class projected to double by 2020

    Communism was created by Karl Marx. Karl Marx is a Jew. The reason why Hitler killed Jews was because of communism. If communism was never invented. Adolf Hitler would have never killed the Jews. Adolf Hitler started World War 2. Because he wanted to kill off communism in Europe. And Vietnam is...
  10. G

    Vietnam's middle class projected to double by 2020

    Well I hope the communist traitors helps the people first. The traitor communist are ignoring the people and letting them starve to death. In my personal opinion. Vietnam should be ruled by Monarch and Buddhism. Not communist ideologies and dictators. Vietnam monarchy has protected the nation...
  11. G

    US will start WW3 soon ?

    Russia, China, North Korea are allies of Iran.
  12. G

    Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

    ISIS child soldiers in Syria.
  13. G

    China Economy Forum

    Robots replace humans at factories.
  14. G

    Who is Fighting Who in Syria?

    Kurdish soldiers attacking Turkey border. Hong Kong is still a British colony. China cannot do whatever it wants. Because then Britain will declare war on China. Taiwan is American colony. If China Attacks Taiwan then USA will declare World War 3.
  15. G

    What If There's India-Pakistan Nuclear War?

    Pakistan vs India rivalry is strong in this topic :D
  16. G

    Trump: Clinton's foreign policy plan would start WW3

    It does matter a lot. Because Trump wants to become friends with Russia and China. Which means we can avoid World War 3. If you just stop being so negative and just listen to what Trump has to say. We can avoid World War 3. Trump also wants to disband terror organization NATO. Which is a good...
  17. G

    What If There's India-Pakistan Nuclear War?

    Pakistan needs to kill Taliban first. There is no point in building a nation. When Taliban just destroys every thing.
  18. G

    What If There's India-Pakistan Nuclear War?

    Well I know that China is gonna support Pakistan. China and Pakistan are best friends forever. Pride & ego culture not good for Asia :(
  19. G

    How Would Trump's Plan to Bar Muslims Hurt Pakistanis?

    Trump would not hurt Pakistan at all. Because he is talking illegal immigrants. Pakistan Muslims comes in to USA legally through the green card visa. When Trump says ban all Muslims. He meant illegal Muslims from Africa and Syria. Trump is talking about the illegals. Not legal Pakistani Muslims...
  20. G

    Trump: Clinton's foreign policy plan would start WW3

    It really depends on Russian/China politics. It all starts with Russia/China. Hillary Clinton wants war with Russia/China. Donald Trump wants peace with Russia/China. I be happy if they chose Trump. Because then we have peace. And regarding bombings in Syria. Turkey, Russia and Iran are...
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