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    45 senior Pakistani bureaucrats declare dual nationality

    Additional IGP Punjab Syed Ejaz Hussain Shah (grade-21), is a Canadian national since 2002, DIG/Intelligence Special Branch government of Punjab Zaeem Iqbal Shiekh (grade-20), is a British national since 1987
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    Bangladesh set to outpace Pakistan’s auto sector

    This trend is going to continue until and unless division of larger provinces into small ones happens, separation of Industrial cities from the rural majority provinces, which ensure equal distribution of resources according to the NFC Award.
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    JF-17 Block-3 -- Updates, News & Discussion

    On 27 Feb, PAF taught IAF what and where were the gaps in the defenses and what exactly was outdated and needed replacement. IAF is a quick LEARNER, with deep pockets. If they can't handle PAF, how would be able to handle PLAAF ?
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    Surplus power generation in Pakistan: New problems

    Karachi is the single biggest market in pakistan in terms of selling alternative sources of energy like generators, solar power, etc If you connect the so called un- utilized extra / excess electricity to Karachi, then this so called SURPLUS ELECTRICITY WOULD FinisH IMMEDIATELY...
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    Featured Who is Killing TTP Commanders in Afghanistan

    One more terrorist dies only to be replaced by his deputy. There is a temporary disruption in their ranks but then they regroup under a foreign unifying force and come at us again and again. This goes on and on. There are hundreds of thousands of such elements that emerge every other day. There...
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    CPEC - stalled and lost momentum?

    Gwadar needs to be connected to Quetta upto PESHAWAR through a Rail link.
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    JF-17 Block-3 -- Updates, News & Discussion

    Difficult to digest the News Caption on the video
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    JF-17B Updates, News & Discussion

    Jf 17, a light weight fighter design, evolving / merging into a medium weight fighter design, would be uneconomical and disasterous. Then, there wouldn't be any need to evolve, because there does exist a medium weight semi - stealth design / concept, j10 D. This will ultimately, lead to an end...
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    SAC FC-31 Stealth Fighter: News & Discussions

    1. What is estimated cost of FC 31 vs J 10 CE? Per hour cost of flying? 2. What is approximate MTBO of WS 13 and WS 19 and when is it going to be production ready?
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    Surplus power generation in Pakistan: New problems

    Desalination plants catering to Karachi city's 30 Million + people, providing fresh water, would be ideal to utilize that extra electricity production
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    Chinese scientist's research boosts Pfitzer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccine development

    On one hand, you promote Chinese Vaccine as being manufactured from an old tried and tested method, being more reliable, potent and less side effects. On the other hand, you promote Chinese scientific contributions to the development of American / German vaccine, even though it's a new method...
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    For an average joe: This is why Karachi is miscounted - JI Chief Naeem Rehman

    Billions of dollars spent every year to buy weapons and fight for a cause that has not resulted in any resolution of the kashmir dispute having a population of about 13 Million. How many billions of dollars have they spent on 30 Million + population of Karachi? The narrative that brought...
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    For an average joe: This is why Karachi is miscounted - JI Chief Naeem Rehman

    My servants were NOT counted in the last census because they belonged to other areas outside of Karachi. Thus, less than a third of the total people living in my house were counted.
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    What area of the country pays what percentage of total tax?

    When Karachi is deprived of water even though it's located next to sea and 3-4 desalination plants can be easily made to supply water to the whole city, but instead multi billion dollar dams are being constructed to supply LINE water for houses and irrigation, to the people of the north, then...
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    France offers India a huge package of 36 more Rafales, 6 A330 MRTT & 100 Panthers

    Pakistan depends on 4 decades old French Mirages for a lot of reasons. Latest F4 Version of Rafael is very lethal indeed and pair it with Meteor, then Pakistan doesn't have a counter to it currently
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    Accuracy of Iranian missiles

    Not good against EW Assets / Jamming . Good for showing off / publicity / advertisements ONLY Iran's enemies need Iran to publicize such weapons to get FUNDING. Others are using this as an excuse to buy weapons that would be unavailable, under normal circumstances. Indirectly, Iran is...
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    IHC moved for release of ex-army officer’s son from custody

    Judicial proceedings against civilians by the armed forces should be held in open public
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    Bilawal, Zardari buy tickets to US president-elect Biden’s inauguration

    Same happened 4 years ago for trump's oath taking ceremony where they PURCHASED the tickets to get invited and be a part of the ceremony Something similar this time
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    Great News for Karachi | Govt Ministers Complete Media talk today | 10 January 2021 | 92NewsHD

    Illiterate, uneducated MAJORITY, ruling over the Literate, EDUCATED MINORITY. If law is to be followed, then Karachi can NEVER become separated from Sindh because of the 18th Amendment and because 2/3 rd Majority is required in Sindh Assembly, which will NEVER be given. Laws are broken /...
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