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  1. Nomad40

    Pakistan takes deliveries of 3 SAAB-2000 Aircraft

    Then why do you guy's embargo after payments? Your cell phone is probably on a payment plan-----and here you want full cash for fighter's. Get educated on your history.
  2. Nomad40

    Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

    That would have been a forever memory for the Indian's Freak out as in Joy------------GOBSMACKED Btw your friend khafee has blocked me from his forum-------we must be expecting some J-15s according to him, What do you have to say.
  3. Nomad40

    Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

  4. Nomad40

    Pakistan Naval Aviation - Updated

  5. Nomad40

    Pakistan Naval Aviation - Updated

    How many is PN willing to buy?
  6. Nomad40

    Pakistan takes deliveries of 3 SAAB-2000 Aircraft

    The thing is you american Capitalist do not know what loyalty is! Pakistan cannot depend on the american government-----The west is a stingy bastard that know's no boundary when it comes to money. Sure we have corrupt fcuk's in Pakistani bureaucracy-----but sadly Pakistan cannot blame others...
  7. Nomad40

    Pakistan Air Force | News & Discussions.

    Thats a B model.
  8. Nomad40

    Hey bud I hope you are Fantastic, Still waiting on your Email.

    Hey bud I hope you are Fantastic, Still waiting on your Email.
  9. Nomad40

    Indian troops & PLA faceoff at Ladakh

    No I just try to connect with people on their level because it really get's the point across, since you replied late and I forgot what I had in mind so carry on with your day.
  10. Nomad40

    HAL Tejas | Updates, News & Discussions-[Thread 2]

    Good insight at last a sensible reply. "The problem is most people like you don't know much about the hundreds of systems that are required for a 4th gen fighter, but think that just looking at it externally you can tell what goes on inside and behind the scenes" I always ask before I comment...
  11. Nomad40

    HAL Tejas | Updates, News & Discussions-[Thread 2]

    Yes we worked with Chinese company for the manufacturing part. I see you hindustanis come up with retarded arguments, A fighter is inducted into in air force when a requirement is there for it and the PLAAF had no contribution in the jf-17. I suggested you some thing about the problem with you...
  12. Nomad40

    Italy to soon approve the MEGA defence deal with Egypt

    Will you get what you have been saying for the Past 15 years-------You know the the plane that is named after a 4 legged carnivour with spotty skin!
  13. Nomad40

    HAL Tejas | Updates, News & Discussions-[Thread 2]

    Do you know how many squadrons of su-30MKI IAF has on the western theater?
  14. Nomad40

    HAL Tejas | Updates, News & Discussions-[Thread 2]

    Thanks for providing these images, Have you any knowledge about the RCS of Su-30 and CAP/AA configuration.
  15. Nomad40

    Indian troops & PLA faceoff at Ladakh

    Hello can you please explain the level of english i shall reply you with----- so I make sure that you understand some thing.
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