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Indian troops & PLA faceoff at Ladakh

to all the posters a little good morning post....

china never accepted the causalities suffered by its army but at the time of the exchange of dead bodies, causalities were clearly visible.

The PLA (People’s Liberation Army) was taught a good lesson and it was clear both in the minds of the Chinese Army and their political leadership that now it is going to be a difficult task to engage with the Indian Army in one to one fight.

The Chinese Dragon was given a taste of fire from Indian Machine Guns. The defeat of the Chinese army was so humiliating that it was never printed in Chinese Print Media (They are under government control).

What really china did after 1967 Nathu LA defeat?

The same China which was involved in cross-border skirmish and gave an ultimatum to the Indian Army during the India-Pakistan war of 1965 didn’t utter a single word during the India-Pakistan war of 1971(even though China was strongly against the formation of Bangladesh) and in 1999.

After the India China War of 1967, India defeated Pakistan in 1971 and Sikkim became an Indian State in 1975.

After Cho La and Nathu La fight India and China never got engaged in any cross-border firing through heated talks and heavy mobilization of soldiers was seen few times.

In 1986, India granted statehood to Arunachal Pradesh, which was an area claimed by China but administered by India. The Chinese government proceeded to protest and later on military movements were seen in that area but the issue was settled by peace talks and it remained a bloodless mobilization. In 1993, the two countries signed an agreement to ensure peace along the LAC.
to all the posters a little good morning post....

china never accepted the causalities suffered by its army but at the time of the exchange of dead bodies, causalities were clearly visible.

The PLA (People’s Liberation Army) was taught a good lesson and it was clear both in the minds of the Chinese Army and their political leadership that now it is going to be a difficult task to engage with the Indian Army in one to one fight.

The Chinese Dragon was given a taste of fire from Indian Machine Guns. The defeat of the Chinese army was so humiliating that it was never printed in Chinese Print Media (They are under government control).

What really china did after 1967 Nathu LA defeat?

The same China which was involved in cross-border skirmish and gave an ultimatum to the Indian Army during the India-Pakistan war of 1965 didn’t utter a single word during the India-Pakistan war of 1971(even though China was strongly against the formation of Bangladesh) and in 1999.

After the India China War of 1967, India defeated Pakistan in 1971 and Sikkim became an Indian State in 1975.

After Cho La and Nathu La fight India and China never got engaged in any cross-border firing through heated talks and heavy mobilization of soldiers was seen few times.

In 1986, India granted statehood to Arunachal Pradesh, which was an area claimed by China but administered by India. The Chinese government proceeded to protest and later on military movements were seen in that area but the issue was settled by peace talks and it remained a bloodless mobilization. In 1993, the two countries signed an agreement to ensure peace along the LAC.
internet was also invented by Indians
Real Indians and real Chinese are mature enough to not want escalation in disputes and know to resolve in a civilized way. Pakistanis (many that post here at least) are just not used to disputes being settled in a civilized manner - they fall into two categories : one who just like the little kids in half knickers that jump around and chatter excitedly hoping the two arguing grownups will fight; and the other that has subrogated revenge against India for past losses to be a Chinese favor. Sad lot
spoken like a true baniya
Subcontinent has always been good at Spin! I mean India as well as Pakistan.
Look at how whole recent fiasco was spun head on and no one even blinked.
Reports of Chinese frequent trespassing , camping and frequent brawls were coming in from 2019. Published time to time.
In fact newspapers reported Chinese preventing indian patrol parties to visit places that the Indian were used to patrol as early as late 2019.
Now recently Chinese got a lot more boots on the ground and implemented the same religiously. Much more to show India and USA that they need to rethink their design.
Media which initially picked up the story as it actually was - Chinese preventing Indian patrol parties at certain places and camping inside indian claims / Indian side of LAC , this looked bad for government and think tank went to work on how to turn this as a victory.
On instructions media changed it to- China wanted india to stop building road to DbO, but we are still building. Hence China loose. Soon road building pics are expected!

Damn! Thats way too much for a First post!

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