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  1. On the Edge

    IED attack in Pasni.

    with so much at stake, these almost daily killings will not make us attractive for investors. With Afghan end game fallout just starting, its been proven in last few days that we are not prepared, and it is only the beginning. But who can dare show mirror
  2. On the Edge

    IED attack in Pasni.

    Gen Raheel saved us from daily bombings everyone here on this thread is right, this is the most incompetent lot sitting at the top, more interested in engineering civilians and getting them tax waivers than actually fighting the war that could have ended long ago
  3. On the Edge

    2 soldiers embraced shahadat during an IBO in Central Kurram

    sir when objectives of top leadership turn to tenure extensions, civilian manipulations golf and plots then such tragedies (if true) will keep happening
  4. On the Edge

    Don't blackmail me into coming to Quetta, PM tells Hazara mourners

    i don't think they are political, what possible political advantages they might be seeking in light of demands 7 8 and 10
  5. On the Edge

    Don't blackmail me into coming to Quetta, PM tells Hazara mourners

    what demands you found to be political?
  6. On the Edge

    Rockets fired at US embassy in Baghdad

    what kind of defensive system is that?
  7. On the Edge

    Abbottabad Operation MUST Be Reinvestigated & Pakistani Accomplices Brought To Book

    his was the darkest period in our history, so overrated, he dropped the guards intentionally and let Blackwater seep into our cities, let rehman malik continue failure of preventing daily bombings
  8. On the Edge

    Asim Bajwa involved in dissolving Balochistan govt, Nawaz Sharif blames

    Bombs falling in our homeland should have been avenged by same or higher level of response, did we drop any bombs on their territory? my apologies if we did. Hindu only deserves total annihilation,
  9. On the Edge

    Asim Bajwa involved in dissolving Balochistan govt, Nawaz Sharif blames

    So we get invaded by enemy, enemy loses aircraft or 2, we return the prisoner in haste, where is the response>? well i am not a patwari, voted pti but you certainly seem to be brain dead ISPR intern or a niazi pujari be civil and i will engage in civil discussion, otherwise shooo
  10. On the Edge

    Asim Bajwa involved in dissolving Balochistan govt, Nawaz Sharif blames

    and yet it was Bajwa Niazi rule when India annexed Kashmir, attacked us and what did we do in return?
  11. On the Edge

    Asim Bajwa involved in dissolving Balochistan govt, Nawaz Sharif blames

    better to read a parchi than make big bongees, i would say.
  12. On the Edge

    a blunder of KPK police

    No its not about a showdown, that is just not possible We just needed a strong willed civilian leader, and in Imran Khan we had the biggest hope, at least myself. He was in a perfect position to assert civilian control but as ever it was our Bad luck that he didn't have balls. We have been...
  13. On the Edge

    a blunder of KPK police

    sad, rather than being made accountable for so many failed attempts to rule directly in the past, now we have a new approach to rule with full legal cover.
  14. On the Edge

    a blunder of KPK police

    more than just this incident, if the adverts' need is discriminatory, overall we should be clearly able to see that very steadily, establishment/army or whatever non-civilians are taking over every important post and position. With political forces being made irrelevant and forced out with...
  15. On the Edge

    Famous Pakistani Food

    what is daleem?
  16. On the Edge

    Famous Pakistani Food

  17. On the Edge

    Famous Pakistani Food

    Ghazi bhae you rock
  18. On the Edge

    Could Shahid Afridi emerge as a front runner for future prime minister of Pakistan?

    shehryar afridi is probably one of the biggest losers of pti, why is he even favourite? Jaan Allah ku dainee hay, what a bonga person and a liar, a leach i would say,
  19. On the Edge

    Could Shahid Afridi emerge as a front runner for future prime minister of Pakistan?

    always liked Afridi as a person he is a star and he should reach parliament
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