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  1. S

    Is the end of Iranian regime near?

    I would say depending on what people sniff time of the regime change becomes relative.
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    Iran is preparing to buy new weapons-BBC

    Nothing will remain unchanged. Those countries who will engage in arms trade will be sanctioned by US just like they are sanctioning every subject who is buying Iranian oil.
  3. S

    Iranian drone shot down by US

    I do remember once general Hajizadeh said that Americans when nearby Iranian waters are calling IRGC to call off their aircrafts yet only to be responded by IRGC that there are no any airborn vehicles in the region. :lol:
  4. S

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    Perhaps the roles of two aircrafts are not the same where you have a spy drone and on the other a manned multi role jet. RQ-170 was built to spy into enemy airspace and eventually crash but not to be brought intact on the ground, hence why would Obama ask for it back. I assume you are saying...
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    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    Hmmm... I do have a question if Marine version with folded wings can fit inside the C-5M Super Galaxy cargo plane?
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    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    Its not like you need to disassemble F-35 to the last bolt, you just need to remove the wings and it will fit inside the cargo plane. For a second I even thought Marine version with folded wings can be also transported in one piece in one of these cargo planes. Its not about propaganda or not...
  7. S

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    There is a way for the F 35s to go undetected all way to Iran without needing to refuel at least not on its way to Iran. All you need to do is disassemble number of F 35 needed for bombing missions and transport F 35s in parts to the nearby base close enough to Iran and assemble it. However this...
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    The end of the deal, hopes, delusions and treasons

    The level of IQ who wrote this document must have been on the absolute zero freezing temperature.
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    3rd Khordad is base HQ-16 ?

    Yes, the 3rd of Khordad is based on the HQ 16 period. Can we close the thread now!
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    Iranian Air Defense Systems

    ^^^^ No shit!!!!
  11. S

    Good work IRAN , Kicked US drone

    Lil bit disappointed since I was expecting some relatively intact useful electronic gadgets to salvage from this wreckage. From what I see only some random fuselage pieces were found. Hope more vital parts will show up.
  12. S

    Senior Russian MP Proposes Iran to Purchase S-400 Missile Defense Shield

    Then later on, your offer would be more logical Buy the know how for some of the jet engines i.e. SU 30 where Iran is lagging behind and as a token of formality buy these few S400 batteries inside the package deal. But of course this depends on the Russian side to provide critical technology for...
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    Senior Russian MP Proposes Iran to Purchase S-400 Missile Defense Shield

    I would buy couple of batteries just for the sake of proposal.
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    Iranian Navy | News and Discussions

    It was intended to be sarcastic but now I see it failed to send this message. Was it only me that sees a circus performance by the US navy and their retarded insight and explanation following the latest events?
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    Iranian Navy | News and Discussions

    Clumsy IRGC personnel. They were trying to glue this magnet mine but it was coming off in the broad day light. When somehow they managed to glue the mine soon after US navy showed up and took photos and measuring instruments to bring some rock solid evidence that IRGC was behind the attacks.
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    Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

    I second this from head to toe.
  17. S

    Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

    What you are suggesting to some extent defies the definition of cruise missile. In theory even if this type of cruise missile does exist whats the point of maneuvering when you have super fast weapon at low altitudes because you use cruise missiles maneuvering characteristics to dodge areas that...
  18. S

    US May designate IRGC as a terrorist organization soon.

    These ayatollahs will soon find their new place in this universe and that is in the White House as you new presidents.
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