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  1. Cell_DbZ

    France plots new European military crisis force outside EU

    I am afraid that it is indeed the reality for the at least the near future. Well an European army would make NATO redundant and if the European countries really felt the need for more protection, they should start spending 2% of their GDP (Belgium spends barely half of that). Well Brexit...
  2. Cell_DbZ

    France plots new European military crisis force outside EU

    Hey now! Belgium sent 2 c130h hercules transport planes, 2 A109 Agusta medical evacuation choppers and 80 medical army staff, that's probably more than half our army! :sarcastic: Well, sadly, the 'more Europe' is just talk from our European bureaucrats who got their panties in a twist when...
  3. Cell_DbZ

    France plots new European military crisis force outside EU

    From what I feel there's a underlying 'ideology' of more Europe, which unavoidably means 'less America' or less anything, more independence so to speak. For example there are serious talks of unified or more integrated European army, which could mean undermining NATO. This sentiment existed even...
  4. Cell_DbZ

    Leclerc destroys car

    No not at all, I like Mercedes but the B class in particular makes me irrationally angry :p:
  5. Cell_DbZ

    Leclerc destroys car

    That's a Mercedes B class, it should have been driven over at least 3 times and then it should have been shot at least 4 times:devil:
  6. Cell_DbZ

    Skripal poisoning: deleted Foreign Office tweet leads to awkward questions

    I find this whole situation so weird. Well according to British investigation, Skipral has been poisoned at his house, yet he was found in the park. According to sources it takes 30 second to 2 minutes to be killed with novichok, I also have seen sources state the maximum time limit of 10...
  7. Cell_DbZ

    ‘Invader’ Macron: Why French border incursion left Italy fuming

    This is quite a tense situation. With euro-sceptics winning in Italy, the last thing you want is to (seemingly) attack their sovereignity. This should have been a minor incident, certainly with the 'dissapearing' borders in the light of the EU... This kind of proves that a true united European...
  8. Cell_DbZ

    Gold glitters & dollar declines as US-China trade war escalates

    @mohammad45 Can I ask why you posted this in the Europe/Russia section?
  9. Cell_DbZ

    Italy at odds with France over incident at border town train station

    Well, in politics, ideals are 'lenient' when interests come into play. A good example is the current biggest Belgian party N-VA, they were nationalist, Flemish seperatists not too long ago, now they are 'conservative liberals' as they went mainstream...
  10. Cell_DbZ

    Italy at odds with France over incident at border town train station

    The Rumours are the Lega Nord and M5S could form a government. Both are populistc Euro-sceptic parties, which could fuel tensions even further. https://www.cnbc.com/2018/03/26/italys-populist-parties-could-form-a-government-that-leaves-berlusconi-out-in-the-cold.html I think you guys should...
  11. Cell_DbZ

    Israeli F-35 fighter jets fly over Iran, Jerusalem Post

    There's already another thread on this... https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/report-israeli-stealth-fighters-fly-over-iran-targets-major-cities.551029/ Not without external tanks, which would make the fighter a lot less stealthy. This 'report' has been debunked already...
  12. Cell_DbZ

    Could Saudi Arabia Conquer Iran? A Cartoon Says Yes | NYT

    Well, if you watch until the end of the video, it becomes quite apparent...
  13. Cell_DbZ

    Could Saudi Arabia Conquer Iran? A Cartoon Says Yes | NYT

    How a war between Saudi Arabia and Iran likely really would go:
  14. Cell_DbZ

    Russia boots out 60 US diplomats and shuts Saint Petersburg consulate

    This could escalate even further. http://thehill.com/policy/international/380887-state-department-warns-that-us-could-respond-to-diplomatic-expulsions
  15. Cell_DbZ

    Russia boots out 60 US diplomats and shuts Saint Petersburg consulate

    Russia boots out 60 US diplomats and shuts consulate as UN chief warns of a new Cold War The 58 envoys in Moscow and two in Yekaterinburg must leave by April 5 - while the US consulate in St Petersburg will be shut down Saint Petersburg consulate Russia booted out 60 US diplomats tonight as...
  16. Cell_DbZ

    'You have violated the Quran': UK judge's rebuke of tube bomber

    And what gives the judge the right to say who a 'good' or 'bad' muslim is? The jugde shouldn't give a fudge what the Quran says, the judge should be concerned with implementing the British law and nothing else.
  17. Cell_DbZ

    'You have violated the Quran': UK judge's rebuke of tube bomber

    And since when is the judge a 'Qadi'? And since when did the Quran have jurisdictional power in the U.K.? Shouldn't the judge say that he violated the British law?
  18. Cell_DbZ

    At least 64 dead after devastating fire in Siberian mall

    At least 64 dead after devastating fire in Siberian mall By PATRICK REEVELL Mar 26, 2018, 7:08 AM The number of people killed in a devastating fire that swept through a shopping mall in Siberia has grown to at least 64, Russian emergency services have said. The fire engulfed the upper floors...
  19. Cell_DbZ

    UK has highest prison population in the EU

    Perhaps the number wouldn't be so high if they would stop jailing people making 'offensive' videos with their pug... :sarcastic: At least they aren't in Belgian prisons! http://www.dw.com/en/human-rights-violations-make-belgium-prison-hell/a-39926348
  20. Cell_DbZ

    Scandal: Belgian f-16's could fly 6 years longer than reported; military withheld critical info

    Well, it was a complete humiliation for him; his own military top brass withheld that information from him. He said he was going to hold a "big clean up". Vandeput was doing his best to have a fair tender, but our generals had other ideas... Of course this caused a sh1tstorm between the N-VA...
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