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Italy at odds with France over incident at border town train station


Feb 25, 2014
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Italy on Saturday protested to France over an incident in which French border police entered a clinic run by a non-governmental organisation that cares for migrants trying to cross the Alps, the foreign ministry said.

The episode angered many politicians, some of whom saw it as a violation of Italian territory.
The ministry, which had earlier summoned the French ambassador for an explanation, said in a statement that it had conveyed the Rome government’s “firm protest for the behaviour of the French customs agents, which was unacceptable ...”

The NGO, Rainbow for Africa, said that on Friday evening the French brought a Nigerian migrant to the railway station of the Italian border town of Bardonecchia.

The NGO said they entered the clinic, which is in the train station, and conducted a urine test on the man because they suspected him of drug trafficking.

The foreign ministry said France had been told earlier this month that the station was no longer accessible for its police because it was now being used for humanitarian purposes.

In their account of the incident, French customs said they had the written consent of the man for the test and the NGO had also given them permission to use the facilities for it. The test was negative.

French customs said they had followed regulations and were ready to clarify with the Italians any legal and operational procedures to avoid future incidents.

Massimiliano Fedriga of the right-wing League, which made big gains in recent elections, said the French had made Italy look like the laughing stock of Europe.

“French police do whatever they want on Italian territory without being disturbed, as if they are at home. What happened in Bardonecchia is grave and shows how our so-called friends in Europe have little or no consideration for us,” he said in a statement.

In their account of the incident, French customs said they had the written consent of the man for the test and the NGO had also given them permission to use the facilities for it. The test was negative.

French customs said they had followed regulations and were ready to clarify with the Italians any legal and operational procedures to avoid future incidents.

Reads like somebody is picking a fight. Are there elections due in Italy shortly?
Reads like somebody is picking a fight. Are there elections due in Italy shortly?

There were general elections in Italy few weeks ago. However,there wasn't any clear majority and no government formed yet. Rumors say there could be another election.

For several months, there has been a very strong tension between France and Italy over border due to the migrant crisis.
Are there elections due in Italy shortly?
The Rumours are the Lega Nord and M5S could form a government. Both are populistc Euro-sceptic parties, which could fuel tensions even further.

For several months, there has been a very strong tension between France and Italy over border due to the migrant crisis.
I think you guys should have a good 1v1 fight to settle things once and for all! :sarcastic:

The Rumours are the Lega Nord and M5S could form a government. Both are populistc Euro-sceptic parties, which could fuel tensions even further.
5 star movement is a real enigma. Cant see a Lega Nord M5S alliance lasting long.

I think you guys should have a good 1v1 fight to settle things once and for all! :sarcastic:

Lol I vote for Gattuso to represent the Italian side and Cantona the French. My bets are on France. A traditional Cantona flying kick would seal the match

5 star movement is a real enigma. Cant see a Lega Nord M5S alliance lasting long.
Well, in politics, ideals are 'lenient' when interests come into play. A good example is the current biggest Belgian party N-VA, they were nationalist, Flemish seperatists not too long ago, now they are 'conservative liberals' as they went mainstream...
The Rumours are the Lega Nord and M5S could form a government. Both are populistc Euro-sceptic parties, which could fuel tensions even further.

I think you guys should have a good 1v1 fight to settle things once and for all! :sarcastic:

5 star movement is a real enigma. Cant see a Lega Nord M5S alliance lasting long.

Lol I vote for Gattuso to represent the Italian side and Cantona the French. My bets are on France. A traditional Cantona flying kick would seal the match

Aha! Aha!

Needless to add, we will back whichever side @Vergennes says is to be backed.

I believe we,and Italians are civilized enough to settle this peacefully. If we aren't,let the kicks and headbutts fly. :sarcastic:
I believe we,and Italians are civilized enough to settle this peacefully. If we aren't,let the kicks and headbutts fly. :sarcastic:

I am sure it won't haha. But just in case you need some help we can send some northern flying kick assistance as well :D


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