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Skripal poisoning: deleted Foreign Office tweet leads to awkward questions


Aug 12, 2015
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Boris Johnson under pressure to explain whether position has changed after tweet blaming Moscow is deleted

Pippa Crerar Deputy political editor

Wed 4 Apr 2018 14.53 BSTFirst published on Wed 4 Apr 2018 13.46 BST


A police cordon in Salisbury, where the former Russian spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter, Yulia, were found critically ill on a bench on 4 March. Photograph: Adrian Dennis/AFP/Getty Images
Boris Johnson is facing embarrassing questions over his claims that Russia had produced the Salisbury nerve agent after it emerged that the Foreign Office had deleted a tweet blaming Moscow for the attack.

With the foreign secretary already under pressure over his remarks two weeks ago that a Porton Down scientist had been “absolutely categorical” that the novichok had originated in the country, Jeremy Corbyn accused Johnson of “completely exceeding the information he had been given” after the emergence of the deleted tweet.

But Johnson later hit back, accusing the Labour leader of “playing Russia’s game”.

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Boris Johnson: 'absolutely categorial' novichok was made in Russia – video
The deletion, immediately seized on by the Russian embassy, has deepened the government’s difficulties after British scientists at the UK’s defence research laboratory announced on Tuesday that they had not established that the nerve agent used to poison Sergei and Yulia Skripal had been made in Russia.

After Porton Down said it had “not identified the precise source” of the poison, the Foreign Office issued a swift rebuttal saying the prime minister had always been clear that the assessment was “only one part” of the intelligence picture.

The announcement prompted claims from the Kremlin that Britain was lying about the origins of the novichok and demanded an apology from Theresa May.

However, it emerged on Wednesday that the Foreign Office had earlier deleted a tweet claiming the British scientists had concluded that the nerve agent was “produced in Russia”.

In an awkward development for the Foreign Office, the Russian embassy’s Twitter feed pointed out that the 20 March tweet on a presentation by Britain’s ambassador to Moscow on the Salisbury attack had disappeared.

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Russian Embassy, UK



Why would @foreignoffice delete this tweet from 22 March?

1:35 PM - Apr 4, 2018
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The deleted tweet read: “Analysis by world-leading experts at the Defence Science and Technology laboratory at Porton Down made clear that this was a military grade nerve agent produced in Russia.”

Johnson is now under growing pressure to explain whether the government has shifted its position.

Boris Johnson's diplomatic gaffes as foreign secretary
The security minister, Ben Wallace, said the Porton Down scientists had only provided one part of the picture and had never been expected to attribute responsibility for the attack.

He told the BBC: “Scientists are scientists. I, as well as national security, have organised crime [and] terrorism under my portfolio, and when we work with forensic scientists, the scientists tell us what something is. They tell me a gun and a type of gun was used, but the attribution of who used it, exactly how it was used, is a matter for the broader investigation.

“That includes intelligence, detectives if it’s a police investigation, and the scientists as well, and that’s perfectly understandable.”

Wallace, a close ally of the foreign secretary, defended Johnson for suggesting he had received assurances from government scientists that the nerve agent was categorically made in Russia.

“Porton Down will be able to tell you there are very, very, very few people in the world who, first of all, did design novichok – and that was the Russians – and who have developed and stockpiled it. In fact, the task of that is reduced to one,” he said.

A Foreign Office spokesman said: “An HMA Moscow [British ambassador Laurie Bristow] briefing on 22 March was tweeted in real time by @UKinRussia and amplified by @foreignoffice to explain what happened in Salisbury to as wide an audience as possible.

“One of the tweets was truncated and did not accurately report our ambassador’s words. We have removed this tweet.”

According to an official transcript of the speech, Bristow’s original words were: “The analysts at Porton Down, the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory in the UK, established and made clear that this was a military-grade chemical weapon. One of the novichok series; a nerve agent as I said produced in Russia.”

Corbyn, who faced criticism for his initial, cautious response to the novichok allegations, accused Johnson of exaggerating the evidence that Russia was to blame for the Salisbury poisoning.

Quick guide
What is novichok?
The Labour leader, asked on a campaign visit to Watford about the foreign secretary’s remarks, said: “He claimed categorically – and I think he used the words 101% – that it had come from Russia.

“Boris Johnson seems to have completely exceeded the information that he had been given and told the world in categorical terms what he believed had happened. And it’s not backed up by the evidence he claimed to have got from Porton Down in the first place. Boris Johnson needs to answer some questions.

He added that Johnson had been left with “egg on his face” over his interview.

In a series of tweets on Wednesday afternoon, Johnson dismissed Corbyn’s response, writing: “It is lamentable that Jeremy Corbyn is now playing Russia’s game and trying to discredit the UK over Salisbury attack... 28 other countries have been so convinced by UK case they have expelled Russians. In contrast, Jeremy Corbyn chooses to side with the Russian spin machine.”

The European commission said it had never thought that Porton Down had been tasked with identifying the source of the substance used in Salisbury.

The commission spokesman Alexander Winterstein told a Brussels press briefing: “Our understanding is that the role of the experts there was to identify the type of agent that was used, not the source of the agent ... They did identify the nerve agent novichok. That is what they have done.”

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"1) Porton Down identified nerve agent as military grade novichok;

"2) Russia has investigated delivering nerve agents, likely for assassination, and as part of this programme has produced and stockpiled small quantities of novichoks;

"3) Russia has motive for targeting Sergei Skripal.

"28 other countries have been so convinced by UK case they have expelled Russians. In contrast, Jeremy Corbyn chooses to side with the Russian spin machine."
"1) Porton Down identified nerve agent as military grade novichok;

Russia is not the only country to have the nerve agent and for having no antidote and being one of the most lethal substances on earth it’s magical that the daughter of the traitor is stable and talking. Magic!

In the west everyone is innocent until proven guilty, except if you’re Russia or Russian, then it’s the other way around.

"2) Russia has investigated delivering nerve agents, likely for assassination, and as part of this programme has produced and stockpiled small quantities of novichoks;

Or Russia could just assasinate people the same way Massad or the CIA does....

"3) Russia has motive for targeting Sergei Skripal.

This is frankly moronic, Russia could have killed the traitor while he was in Russia by just shooting him or making it look like an accident without zero repercussions.

"28 other countries have been so convinced by UK case they have expelled Russians. In contrast, Jeremy Corbyn chooses to side with the Russian spin machine."

28 other countries were also convicted of WMD and fake reports from the CIA about babies being thrown out of incubators. Many of the same countries were also convinced about fake Serbian war crimes in Yugoslavia. In 2008 when Georgia attacked and invaded South Ossetia and attacked Russian piece keepers the same countries labeled Russia as the aggressor. What about fake NATO reports claiming Russia does not target ISIS when the Syrian government with Russian help retook 95% of ISIS territory west of the Euphrates. Of course there is also decades old claims of Iran being e few years away from nuclear weapons....

What about Dutch Foreign Minister Halbe Zijlstra which lied about Putin and resigned, or what about Clinton’s fake reports about being under sniper fire in Yugoslavia when a video busted here claim.

I can list many more fake reports.

The west has no shame on what lies it tells or how rediculous they are. They put missile defenses close to Russia in order to counter Russia but have the nerve and audacity by claiming it was to protect from Iranian and North Korean missiles. Place missile around Russia and then blame Russia for countering the missile defenses by developing weapons to bypass the missile shield.

At the end Western lies serve one purpose. They want to destroy their enemies by any means possible weather it’s economic or military....lies, lies and more lies are a favorite choice of weapons.
Russia is not the only country to have the nerve agent and for having no antidote and being one of the most lethal substances on earth it’s magical that the daughter of the traitor is stable and talking. Magic!

In the west everyone is innocent until proven guilty, except if you’re Russia or Russian, then it’s the other way around.

Or Russia could just assasinate people the same way Massad or the CIA does....

This is frankly moronic, Russia could have killed the traitor while he was in Russia by just shooting him or making it look like an accident without zero repercussions.

28 other countries were also convicted of WMD and fake reports from the CIA about babies being thrown out of incubators. Many of the same countries were also convinced about fake Serbian war crimes in Yugoslavia. In 2008 when Georgia attacked and invaded South Ossetia and attacked Russian piece keepers the same countries labeled Russia as the aggressor. What about fake NATO reports claiming Russia does not target ISIS when the Syrian government with Russian help retook 95% of ISIS territory west of the Euphrates. Of course there is also decades old claims of Iran being e few years away from nuclear weapons....

What about Dutch Foreign Minister Halbe Zijlstra which lied about Putin and resigned, or what about Clinton’s fake reports about being under sniper fire in Yugoslavia when a video busted here claim.

I can list many more fake reports.

The west has no shame on what lies it tells or how rediculous they are. They put missile defenses close to Russia in order to counter Russia but have the nerve and audacity by claiming it was to protect from Iranian and North Korean missiles. Place missile around Russia and then blame Russia for countering the missile defenses by developing weapons to bypass the missile shield.

At the end Western lies serve one purpose. They want to destroy their enemies by any means possible weather it’s economic or military....lies, lies and more lies are a favorite choice of weapons.

I wouldn't jump up and down with glee just yet my Cossack friend. Give it a week and we will know WHERE the nerve agent was made! Watch this space!
I wouldn't jump up and down with glee just yet my Cossack friend. Give it a week and we will know WHERE the nerve agent was made! Watch this space!

The British are getting roasted and humiliated around the world by their fake claims and unprofessional, provocative and unfair accusations. Even many Americans are roasting the British government for giving zero proof and assuming Russia is guilty from the very beginning.

The only ones jumping up and down drowning in their own BS is the British government. I shall wait to see whatever moronic lies come out from your government which are world class liars. It will ultimately be just as pathetic as the WMD, babies being thrown out of incubators, Serbian massacres, Iranian nukes, ect.

Embarrassing stuff.
The British are getting roasted and humiliated around the world by their fake claims and unprofessional, provocative and unfair accusations. Even many Americans are roasting the British government for giving zero proof and assuming Russia is guilty from the very beginning.

The only ones jumping up and down drowning in their own BS is the British government. I shall wait to see whatever moronic lies come out from your government which are world class liars. It will ultimately be just as pathetic as the WMD, babies being thrown out of incubators, Serbian massacres, Iranian nukes, ect.

Embarrassing stuff.

Watch this space Cossack comrade
I find this whole situation so weird.

"1) Porton Down identified nerve agent as military grade novichok;
Well according to British investigation, Skipral has been poisoned at his house, yet he was found in the park. According to sources it takes 30 second to 2 minutes to be killed with novichok, I also have seen sources state the maximum time limit of 10 minutes...
Also, Novichok is supposed to be resistant to standard treatment to nerve agenst, yet the Skirplas survived. Either the dosis has been so small, that the perpetrators did a very sloppy job (Novichok is supposed to be extremely potent) or the first responders would have an effective antidote, which would be really weird.
For example, Kim Jong Nam was killed by just a little VX on a tissue, Novichok is supposed to be far more potent.

"2) Russia has investigated delivering nerve agents, likely for assassination, and as part of this programme has produced and stockpiled small quantities of novichoks;
That and there are precedents of the Russians (inderectly) poisoning their opponents, such as ex-Ukrainian president Yushchenko, with the Russians protecting the perpetrators from extradicition. Also the poisoning of Livinenko is very 'suspisious', in this case the Russian government or rich oligarchs behind them would really have a 'good' motive. Even the Russians themselves couldn't really explain it and if you look at the wikipedia page, they themselves mage theories of either the government, oligarchs or rogue FSB agents.

Here's a list of 'supicious' deaths of Russians.

So if the Russians didn't do it, there are precedents, thus making it easier to blame the Russians.

"3) Russia has motive for targeting Sergei Skripal.
I have trouble finding a good motive to poison Skipral, certainly in the light of World Cup 2018 (which Belgium will obviously win), why would Russia want to destroy their image right before such a big event? Also, Skipral was part of a exchange program of spies, why would they kill after exchanging him? Now because of this, no one is going to want to do such programs again, what wouldn't be in the Russian interests. Is it perhaps to test western unity? Wouldn't there be better and less drastic methods to test that? The only explaination I can think of is that Skipral has compromising information about Putin/oligarchs close to him/other FSB agents, but how would he have such information? If he did, then why would they set him free in the first place?

I might be missing something though.

"28 other countries have been so convinced by UK case they have expelled Russians.
There is this underlying sentiment that plenty of countries are pressured by the UK/US rather than convinced, pretty sure that Belgium was. Austria reported pressure.

In contrast, Jeremy Corbyn chooses to side with the Russian spin machine."
Jeremy Corbin was glorifyng Fidel Castro and wouldn't use nuclear weapons even if Britain was under attack, you shouldn't expect much from comrade Corbyn...

I think we should wait for a good (perhaps neutral) investigation, I am really curious what it would deliver.
Watch this space Cossack comrade
You think Cossack is something insulting? They are a cast of free professional warriors guarding the borders of the Empire. They covered themselves with fame and glory in all the wars of Russia, even during WW2. So, you give a great honor to a man, calling him a Cossack. It's like a Western knight, only poor.
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“The analysts at Porton Down, the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory in the UK, established and made clear that this was a military-grade chemical weapon. One of the novichok series; a nerve agent as I said produced in Russia.”

The deletion, immediately seized on by the Russian embassy, has deepened the government’s difficulties after British scientists at the UK’s defence research laboratory announced on Tuesday that they had not established that the nerve agent used to poison Sergei and Yulia Skripal had been made in Russia.

Basically, the difference between the two statements is that they've proven
that it was a Russian product but not that it was made in Russia; subtle... !

As for why the see sawing, m'well TBH, present day politicos aren't broad
shouldered enough for real tension as we witnessed during the Cold War.
So one week, you imagine the SAS roasting marshmallows over a burning
Kremlin and the next you squirm and crawl away from your own red line?

I can easily imagine a military attaché explaining to a Boris Johnson or any
GOP congressman that -No, a guilt ridden press conference doesn't quite
cover launching a sub full of ICBMs on Moscow cuz you're pizzed.

O tempora, O mores OMG ETC

Great day all, Tay.
I can easily imagine a military attaché explaining to a Boris Johnson or any
GOP congressman that -No, a guilt ridden press conference doesn't quite
cover launching a sub full of ICBMs on Moscow cuz you're pizzed.
Yeah because Russia also got plenty of ICBM and nukes and Britain is too small to sustain even half a dozen of those beauties so it should not get ahead of itself..
Well, of course ... however I was pointing more
to the ineptness than the MAD logic in itself?!?

Later mate, Tay.

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