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  1. Cell_DbZ

    Belgium on the brink; government in crisis over UN-migration pact.

    Belgium’s N-VA: We won’t (yet) quit government or back UN pact Charles Michel asks parliament to vote on international migration accord that has divided his government. By LAURENS CERULUS 12/4/18, 7:51 PM CET Updated 12/5/18, 1:13 PM CET Belgium’s largest political party said it won’t quit...
  2. Cell_DbZ

    Nationalists Are Burning Federal Buildings and Degenerate Art Museums in France

    This protest isn't just against rising fuel taxes, but against the increasingly detached elitists. Nobody is happy with uncontroled (illegal) immigration only to benefit their own interests in the form of cheap labor, guised in a warped sense of liberalism, social justice and appeasment of...
  3. Cell_DbZ

    Yellow Vests : French interior minister ready to declare state of emergency ?

    I agree, however I am happy with the current healthcare system (in my country at least) and I really wouldn't want to have a system like the Usa. I much prefer mine and I am willing to pay for that. As for the extreme price on diesel/petrol for cars, the only thing I can call it is pure...
  4. Cell_DbZ

    Yellow Vests : French interior minister ready to declare state of emergency ?

    Quite interesting, there are some real sh1theads ruining it all. What is more interesting is the apparant divide between Flanders on 1 side and Walloons on the other. Flanders 5(Ostend): The whole 30 of them managed to disrupt traffic Walloons: These pictures really don't do any...
  5. Cell_DbZ

    Brexit: EU leaders back Theresa May's deal in Brussels

    And why wouldn't they? Both countries operate the Eurofighter and both contries contribute to it. Spanish arms industry is also heavily intertwined with Airbus, which in turn delivers plenty of arms to UK. So the Spanish will probably have plenty of tricks to deal with the RAF Eurofighters. I'm...
  6. Cell_DbZ

    Brexit: EU leaders back Theresa May's deal in Brussels

    I didn't even say that, I just said that the absolute maximum is 216, if you add AA missiles, you're going to lose Storm Shadows. I am pretty sure that even Eurofighters mainly carrying Strom Shadows will have 2 AA missiles to defend themselves, but they will have to sacrifice at least 1 Storm...
  7. Cell_DbZ

    Brexit: EU leaders back Theresa May's deal in Brussels

    All good and well that UK has many cruise missiles, but can you launch them in large numbers? You can't. The RAF has 9 tankers how many Eurofighters can it realistically support? The Eurofighter has a payload of 20.000 pounds and a Storm Shadow weights about 3000 pounds, meaning that a...
  8. Cell_DbZ

    Brexit: EU leaders back Theresa May's deal in Brussels

    The RAF does not even have close to the number of tankers needed to take the fight to Spain, you operate 9 A330 MRTT tankers, as they lack a refueling boom, you have a memorandum of understanding with the USAF for air refueling. If we assume that the it is just UK vs Spain on their own, you...
  9. Cell_DbZ

    Brexit: EU leaders back Theresa May's deal in Brussels

    The fighters reaching Spain that way would be limited at best, the Spanish will be able to deal with them as they have a sizeable air force themselves. Having a naval assault will also be very difficult, at least in the earlier parts of the war. The Royal nuclear submarine fleet will eventually...
  10. Cell_DbZ

    Salah Abdeslam finally speaks ... only to complain

    Seems like his prayers to Allah aren't working out at all.
  11. Cell_DbZ

    Japan to buy vertical takeoff F-35B Lightning II aircraft

    As far as I am aware, the Australian Royal navy won't be operating any f-35B's on their Canberra class. The Japanese will be operating up to 40 f-35B's On their 2 Izumo class and they also have 2 Hyuga class DDH's. Australia has 2 Canberra class AAS and they won't be operating any F-35B's on...
  12. Cell_DbZ

    Japan to buy vertical takeoff F-35B Lightning II aircraft

    That would be a very nice addition for the Japanese and quite the historical acquisition indeed. Is it comfirmed however? The only source stating that the Japanese have comfirmed the purchase is news24.jp. The Izumo class could operate the F-35B but it would need to be refitted in order to do...
  13. Cell_DbZ

    These are real women...

    How did you manage to interpret this threat that way?!? Modern day feminist are insufferable, they don't demand 'equal' rights, they demand special treatment. Yoy know why they can't demand equal rights? because they already have them. These women in OP's post are proof of that.
  14. Cell_DbZ

    Merkel calls for 'real, true' European army

    Quite obvious a true unified European army will never work. 1) There are plenty of European countries with different geopolitical interests, how will a unified army respond to that? Who gets to say what the army would do? majority vote?- then the big countries will almost always decide what...
  15. Cell_DbZ

    he One Time American Troops Fought Russians Was at the End of World War I—and They Lost

    The One Time American Troops Fought Russians Was at the End of World War I—and They Lost Thousands of U.S. soldiers sent to guard military storehouses from the Germans were instead ordered to wage war on the Bolsheviks By Michael M. Phillips 9 November 2018 Wall Street Journal In late...
  16. Cell_DbZ

    French far-right overtakes Macron in EU parliament election poll

    Actually Front National got 24% in the 2014 elections, so it seems they actually dropped if they now get 21%. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_Parliament_election,_2014_(France) @Vergennes
  17. Cell_DbZ

    France asks Germany to allow unlimited exports of warplanes in conflict-hit countries

    sure, you won the vast majority of the battles, but you didn't win the war. Guess what, the French Unoin lost 75k soldiers, while the Viet Minh lost upwars of 300k, furthermore, the French were completely torn apart by ww2, so it was inevitable they would have lost. What's your excuse? In the...
  18. Cell_DbZ

    Putin signs pension law to raise retirement age in Russia

    It's quite ironic that Putin gets hated on when he does something fairly reasonable, while he gets applauded for anything esle. I bet Manu (sorry, Monsieur president!) would be really content with such an approval rating:sarcastic: To be fair, they decreased military spending and they seem to...
  19. Cell_DbZ

    Macron Orders France to Avoid 'Overly Military' WWI Centenary Ceremony

    I kinda understand his point. Imagine Merkel sitting there when in the parade they all go like :"in 1918 we kicked those stupid Krauts back to the hellhole they came from! Vive la France!" :sarcastic: In all seriousness, I agree with president Macron. I just don't really see the point of him...
  20. Cell_DbZ

    Belgium to buy F-35s

    Is it? France tried to circumvent the tender completely, if we would have accepted their offer, we could be the target of lawsuits. If it would be the best option, surely France would have placed a offer within the tender, they still could have a special offer, like the Americans did. Ever...
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