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Japan to buy vertical takeoff F-35B Lightning II aircraft


Jun 18, 2014
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According to news24.jp, Japan is officially has decided to buy vertical takeoff F-35B Lightning II aircraft to operate from its Izumo-class helicopter destroyers.

The newspaper said that the government has decided to procure the F-35B Lightning II stealth fighter aircraft which could be operated from a modified Izumo class ship and Island bases.

Japan’s Yomiuri Shimbun previously reported that the government may buy up to 40 F-35B vertical takeoff stealth fighters from the US that could operate from helicopter carriers, island bases and commercial airports. The F-35B can also take off and land conventionally from longer runways at major bases.

“The government is considering operating F-35B fighter jets from about fiscal 2026, in an effort to utilize airports on remote islands and thereby improve the nation’s capability to defend the isles,” the newspaper said in a February 12 story.

The F-35 is the most lethal and survivable fighter aircraft in the world, giving pilots an advantage against any adversary and enabling them to execute their mission and come home safe. The transformational F-35 is more than a fighter jet, it’s a powerful force multiplier with an advanced sensor and communications suite that significantly enhances the situational awareness and capabilities of networked airborne, surface and ground-based platforms.

The US military already operates F-35B squadrons in Japan. And the Japanese government is already buying 42

F-35A conventional takeoff and landing variant as the next generation fighter of choice for the JASDF in December 2011, following the F-X competitive bid process. And now, will buy and F-35B model short takeoff/vertical landing (STOVL) variant is designed to operate from austere, short-field bases and a range of air-capable ships operating near front-line combat zones.

The Italian Air Force will also operate the F-35B fighter jets.

That would be a very nice addition for the Japanese and quite the historical acquisition indeed. Is it comfirmed however? The only source stating that the Japanese have comfirmed the purchase is news24.jp.

The Izumo class could operate the F-35B but it would need to be refitted in order to do that. Would it be worth it?
That would be a very nice addition for the Japanese and quite the historical acquisition indeed. Is it comfirmed however? The only source stating that the Japanese have comfirmed the purchase is news24.jp.

The Izumo class could operate the F-35B but it would need to be refitted in order to do that. Would it be worth it?

Yes, its confirmed.

Buying F-35Bs and putting them on a modified Izumo class heli-destroyer was a proposal for awhile and became serious consideration by the government around August. This announcement now is a definite green light.

It's in serveral Japanese sources. Here's one.
Japan to order 100 more F-35 fighters from US
Move comes in response to China's military rise and Trump's pressure
Nikkei staff writers
November 27, 2018
Japan is preparing to order another 100 F-35 stealth fighter jets from the U.S. to replace some of its aging F-15s, according to sources.

The plan can be considered a response to China's military buildup, as well as a nod to U.S. President Donald Trump's call for Tokyo to buy more American defense equipment. Japan already intended to procure 42 of the new fighters.

A single F-35 costs more than 10 billion yen ($88.1 million), meaning the additional order would exceed 1 trillion yen.

Japan's government plans to approve the purchase when it adopts new National Defense Program Guidelines at a cabinet meeting in mid-December. It will also include the F-35 order in its medium-term defense program, which covers fiscal 2019 to fiscal 2023. The government wants to obtain 42 F-35s as successors to its F-4s by fiscal 2024.

The 42 fighters Japan originally planned to buy are all F-35As, a conventional takeoff and landing variant. The additional 100 planes would include both the F-35A and F-35B, which is capable of short takeoffs and vertical landings.

At present, Japan deploys about 200 F-15s, roughly half of which cannot be upgraded. The Defense Ministry wants to replace the planes that cannot be upgraded with the 100 F-35s, while enhancing and retaining the remaining F-15s.

To accommodate the F-35Bs, the government intends to revamp the Maritime Self-Defense Force's JS Izumo helicopter carrier to host the fighters.

Japan's neighbors are busy introducing their own advanced military aircraft. China deployed its homegrown J-20 stealth fighter in February, and by 2030 some experts expect the country to build a fleet of more than 250 fifth-generation jets -- as the latest generation of fighters like the F-35 is known.

Russia, too, is expected to introduce its fifth-generation Sukhoi Su-57 in 2019, at the earliest.

To keep up, Tokyo believes it is imperative to significantly increase its procurement of the most sophisticated stealth jets.

At the same time, Trump has repeatedly urged Japan to purchase more American hardware and reduce the trade imbalance between the countries. Buying more of the high-priced fighters is a quick way to do that.

In September, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe told Trump, "Introducing high-performance equipment, including American [materiel], is important for our country to strengthen its defense capabilities."

Pretty much every country which has recently acquired/inducted "helicopter carriers" will be operating F-35B. Italy, Australia, Japan, Turkey and possibly South Korea.
This WILL push JPN ahead of everyone else in Asia, excluding AUS, in terms naval aviation.
This WILL push JPN ahead of everyone else in Asia, excluding AUS, in terms naval aviation.

Yes, if other asian country is static :)

By the time Japan is ready with this F-35B on izumo deck, there could be another nation in asia that come up with much more powerful one.

Btw VTOL will be limited on carriage (fuel, munition)
Yes, if other asian country is static
And they are. How many countries in Asia, not counting China, can afford naval aviation?

By the time Japan is ready with this F-35B on izumo deck, there could be another nation in asia that come up with much more powerful one.
This is why you are an idiot who had to fake his credentials.

The Izumo is quite readied for the F-35B. JPN was a partner in the project. They knew what to expect.

Btw VTOL will be limited on carriage (fuel, munition)
Yeah...Am sure the Japanese are shaking in their combat boots at this 'Btw' from an Indonesian fraud. :lol:
And they are. How many countries in Asia, not counting China, can afford naval aviation?

Why discounting china? You said: "ahead of everyone else in Asia, excluding AUS, in terms naval aviation", and now become not confident about your own claim? :laugh:

This is why you are an idiot who had to fake his credentials.

The Izumo is quite readied for the F-35B. JPN was a partner in the project. They knew what to expect.

Oh really? Tell me when according to your expertise and experience, the F-35B could be ready on Izumo deck? 2019? :lol:

Seriously dude, it is you who are revealing your own fraud & idiocy here :omghaha:

Yeah...Am sure the Japanese are shaking in their combat boots at this 'Btw' from an Indonesian fraud. :lol:

Remember how many times I've debunked and proved your fraud .. don't pretend to have dementia shamelessly :laugh:
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Remember how many times I've debunked and proved your fraud .. don't pretend to have dementia shamelessly :laugh:
You only 'debunked' me in your dreams. Your common tactic is to simply ask the same question in different ways. You have not explained a single issue at the foundation level. It is YOU who are the fraud and the intelligent people on this forum knows it. No one asks you for any knowledge because you do not know anything.
You only 'debunked' me in your dreams. Your common tactic is to simply ask the same question in different ways. You have not explained a single issue at the foundation level. It is YOU who are the fraud and the intelligent people on this forum knows it. No one asks you for any knowledge because you do not know anything.

That's it?

Last time I've revealed your fraud by debunking your self proclaimed about your expertise in semicon industry, as it is revealed that you have no clue about "moore's law and its relation to China's pursuance on closing fab tech gap with US".

And the recent topic, your last argument is nothing more than a simply denial and petty statement, no valuable content at all that is worth replying:

Come on, I am still waiting for your plausible explanation why according to your knowledge & experience, the F-35B will be ready that soon on Izumo deck :laugh:
That's it?
Yup, that is all that is needed to downgrade you.

See this post...


YOU have not and never will be able to make something comparable simply because you have no experience and no knowledge. The only thing you know how to do is post news and even then, you have no idea on what the articles say.

This is a military oriented forum. You are a nobody to me.

Come on, I am still waiting for your plausible explanation why according to your knowledge & experience, the F-35B will be ready that soon on Izumo deck :laugh:
You talk as if somehow only China is capable of engineering.

“It is only reasonable to design (the Izumo) with the prospect of possible changes of the circumstances in the decades ahead... We viewed that whether the Izumo should be actually refitted could be decided by the government.”
I do not need to explain anything to an intellectual midget like you.
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Yup, that is all that is needed to downgrade you.

See this post...


YOU have not and never will be able to make something comparable simply because you have no experience and no knowledge. The only thing you know how to do is post news and even then, you have no idea on what the articles say.

This is a military oriented forum. You are a nobody to me.

LOL. Yes this is about military. But your explanation in that thread which you are bragging here doesn't prove that you have competency in military knowledge at all. That could be a cheat from other sources in internet. :lol:

In fact your inability to explain and defend your claim properly and plausibly on: "why F-35B could be on Izumo anytime soon" - will definitely prove the otherwise, that you are FRAUD regarding your claimed military competence; which is downgrading yourself to the place lower than the low one that you were already at. :lol:

Nope I dont. I never said China is the only one capable of engineering. I am questioning your claim on "how the Japan's order of F-35B WILL push JPN ahead of everyone else in Asia, excluding AUS, in terms naval aviation." that you have made in post #6.

It seems you have reading comprehension problem, or problem with cognitive capability :)

Furthermore: the link you gave only explain about how Izumo were also designed for fighter. But your incompetence obviously has made you FAIL to understand on the following:
  1. Lead time to prepare the deck to be suitable for VTOL.
  2. Lead time of the procurement of F-35B (ordering process, manufacturing lead time, testing, etc). Do you know it takes more than 6 years of lead time for the last Japanese' order of F-35?
which surprisingly you have NO CLUE at all; and that really... really show how incompetent and FRAUD you are :rolleyes1::laughcry:

I do not need to explain anything to an intellectual midget like you.

Hey cute little gambit ...... in fact your inability to defend your claim that you are demonstrating here - shows that it is you who are intellectual midget :laughcry: :omghaha:
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According to news24.jp, Japan is officially has decided to buy vertical takeoff F-35B Lightning II aircraft to operate from its Izumo-class helicopter destroyers.
View attachment 522409
The newspaper said that the government has decided to procure the F-35B Lightning II stealth fighter aircraft which could be operated from a modified Izumo class ship and Island bases.
View attachment 522410
Japan’s Yomiuri Shimbun previously reported that the government may buy up to 40 F-35B vertical takeoff stealth fighters from the US that could operate from helicopter carriers, island bases and commercial airports. The F-35B can also take off and land conventionally from longer runways at major bases.

“The government is considering operating F-35B fighter jets from about fiscal 2026, in an effort to utilize airports on remote islands and thereby improve the nation’s capability to defend the isles,” the newspaper said in a February 12 story.

The F-35 is the most lethal and survivable fighter aircraft in the world, giving pilots an advantage against any adversary and enabling them to execute their mission and come home safe. The transformational F-35 is more than a fighter jet, it’s a powerful force multiplier with an advanced sensor and communications suite that significantly enhances the situational awareness and capabilities of networked airborne, surface and ground-based platforms.

The US military already operates F-35B squadrons in Japan. And the Japanese government is already buying 42

F-35A conventional takeoff and landing variant as the next generation fighter of choice for the JASDF in December 2011, following the F-X competitive bid process. And now, will buy and F-35B model short takeoff/vertical landing (STOVL) variant is designed to operate from austere, short-field bases and a range of air-capable ships operating near front-line combat zones.

The Italian Air Force will also operate the F-35B fighter jets.

Having a aircraft carrier is against Japan's constitution. They will need to change it first.
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