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Nationalists Are Burning Federal Buildings and Degenerate Art Museums in France

Desert Fox

Jan 16, 2010
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Article is from Russia insider. This yellow vest protest has been ongoing for what, three weeks now? What started out as a protest against fuel taxes on the working class because of "muh global warming" (because f!lthy rich Liberal elites care about the Earth all of a sudden) has also expanded to other anti-EU causes. Government buildings have been laid siege to, some even burned. Local government offices have been stormed. This is a nationwide phenomenon. Approximately 200,000 thousand or so people are taking part, overwhelming majority are White French working class folks. Surprised no one posted about it on this forum yet. This is some serious stuff going down in France. Could this end up having a domino effect and we see similar populist riots and protests in other EU countries?

Nationalists Are Burning Federal Buildings and Modern Art Museums in France

"The rank and file police and military sympathize with the conservative nationalist demonstrators, and are standing down, and even supporting them in some cases."

Entire article can be accessed here:


@Nilgiri @Psychic @Metanoia @LeGenD @Hamartia Antidote
Article is from Russia insider. This yellow vest protest has been ongoing for what, three weeks now? What started out as a protest against fuel taxes on the working class because of "muh global warming" (because f!lthy rich Liberal elites care about the Earth all of a sudden) has also expanded to other anti-EU causes. Government buildings have been laid siege to, some even burned. Local government offices have been stormed. This is a nationwide phenomenon. Approximately 200,000 thousand or so people are taking part, overwhelming majority are White French working class folks. Surprised no one posted about it on this forum yet. This is some serious stuff going down in France. Could this end up having a domino effect and we see similar populist riots and protests in other EU countries?

Nationalists Are Burning Federal Buildings and Modern Art Museums in France

"The rank and file police and military sympathize with the conservative nationalist demonstrators, and are standing down, and even supporting them in some cases."

Entire article can be accessed here:


@Nilgiri @Psychic @Metanoia @LeGenD @Hamartia Antidote

Is this strictly gasoline taxes or do they use it for something else...like home heating?
Is this strictly gasoline taxes or do they use it for something else...like home heating?
Not sure about the technicalities of this law. I wouldn't be surprised if it includes all kinds of fuel emissions.

This is what happens when you get rid of authority in favor of more liberty. :D
I would credit the fact that a leadership (Macron & co.) that's more concerned about pretending to care about non-issues at the expense of its constituents, and pushes destructive policies who's consequences it does not have to face and which overwhelmingly only affect the working class, is the main culprit here.
Article is from Russia insider. This yellow vest protest has been ongoing for what, three weeks now? What started out as a protest against fuel taxes on the working class because of "muh global warming" (because f!lthy rich Liberal elites care about the Earth all of a sudden) has also expanded to other anti-EU causes. Government buildings have been laid siege to, some even burned. Local government offices have been stormed. This is a nationwide phenomenon. Approximately 200,000 thousand or so people are taking part, overwhelming majority are White French working class folks. Surprised no one posted about it on this forum yet. This is some serious stuff going down in France. Could this end up having a domino effect and we see similar populist riots and protests in other EU countries?

Nationalists Are Burning Federal Buildings and Modern Art Museums in France

"The rank and file police and military sympathize with the conservative nationalist demonstrators, and are standing down, and even supporting them in some cases."

Entire article can be accessed here:


@Nilgiri @Psychic @Metanoia @LeGenD @Hamartia Antidote

I did post about that here ;


There is so much BS in this link,but seeing the source it doesn't surprise me.

Firstly,the "Jeu de Paume" wasn't burned,it was a car next to it that was burned. Some glasses were broken though.

As for snipers being deployed,it's the norm during large events since the terror attacks that hit France in 2015. They are here to monitor and neutralize and protect the crowd from someone who's armed or would commit a terror attack,not to target protesters. No citizen was ever shot by the Police,let alone by snipers.
Well both France and Italy have had simliar protests like this in the past riots were common as well but it usually died down like week later its been going on for like almost a couple of weeks and I knew someone from Spain who was driving to Turkey for a holiday and the all the main highways were blocked so he had to use local streets or country roads to get to Italy, anyways Macron is screwed I would not be suprised if Marine Le Pen gets more support and wins the next election
I did post about that here ;


There is so much BS in this link,but seeing the source it doesn't surprise me.

Firstly,the "Jeu de Paume" wasn't burned,it was a car next to it that was burned. Some glasses were broken though.

As for snipers being deployed,it's the norm during large events since the terror attacks that hit France in 2015. They are here to monitor and neutralize and protect the crowd from someone who's armed or would commit a terror attack,not to target protesters. No citizen was ever shot by the Police,let alone by snipers.
Why society is becoming so intolerant and lawless? What is going on?
Why society is becoming so intolerant and lawless? What is going on?

Govt not responding to sentiment of the people...thus lot of chasm and pressure is built up and will boil over at certain times.

The Govt has to do better job than continue along same elitist trajectory. It has to balance some sustainable populism rather than just throw names at large segments of the population.
A recent poll showed that 80 percent agreed with the yellow-vest protesters fed up with the high cost of living in a country where drivers already pay about $7 per gallon of gas.

The gasoline tax is slated to increase by about 12 cents per gallon, and diesel by about 28 cents, on Jan. 1.

Is this strictly gasoline taxes or do they use it for something else...like home heating?

In France Most of the revenue generated by carbon taxation will be used to tackle the national budget deficit, increasing anger at Macron, who left-wing opponents call the “president of the rich”.

Of the 34 billion euros ($38.71 billion) the French government will raise on fuel taxes in 2018, a sum of only 7.2 billion euros is earmarked for environmental measures.

This is what happens when out of touch politicians don't listen to the average person! This is the worst way to send a right message.
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There is so much BS in this link,but seeing the source it doesn't surprise me.

Firstly,the "Jeu de Paume" wasn't burned,it was a car next to it that was burned. Some glasses were broken though.

As for snipers being deployed,it's the norm during large events since the terror attacks that hit France in 2015. They are here to monitor and neutralize and protect the crowd from someone who's armed or would commit a terror attack,not to target protesters. No citizen was ever shot by the Police,let alone by snipers.
This protest isn't just against rising fuel taxes, but against the increasingly detached elitists. Nobody is happy with uncontroled (illegal) immigration only to benefit their own interests in the form of cheap labor, guised in a warped sense of liberalism, social justice and appeasment of extreme foreign practises.

People in France voted for Macron because they wanted to see change from the usual parties who were getting increasingly detached, but in the end, Manu became the embodiment of elitism. Who is left in France, Le Pen? Melechon? Sad to see that the average jooe feels increasingly forced to resort to such extreme measures. Macron only has himself to blame.

I would credit the fact that a leadership (Macron & co.) that's more concerned about pretending to care about non-issues at the expense of its constituents, and pushes destructive policies who's consequences it does not have to face and which overwhelmingly only affect the working class, is the main culprit here.
Agree with you. It is sad to see that several extremist groups such as Antifa and far rights group taint the protests. The majority of protesters are average Joe's, left or right winged.
This protest isn't just against rising fuel taxes, but against the increasingly detached elitists. Nobody is happy with uncontroled (illegal) immigration only to benefit their own interests in the form of cheap labor, guised in a warped sense of liberalism, social justice and appeasment of extreme foreign practises.

Agree with you. It is sad to see that several extremist groups such as Antifa and far rights group taint the protests. The majority of protesters are average Joe's, left or right winged.

Indeed the protests are now more than just about rising fuel prices. Cost of life,democracy and much more subjects. A lot of French are disappointed by Macron,they have the sentiment of not seeing much difference with classical parties and politicians,they wanted change but do not see it. I can understand them. Macron,the government politicians and MPs are totally disconnected from reality,they don't see the challenges and struggles beyond Paris and a Parisian point of view. More recently,an MP from the majority during a debate with yellow vests didn't even know what the minimum wage was. (Yellow vests left the debate after that)

Many yellow vests radicalised after feeling they were not heard by the government and the fact that Macron closed all doors of negociations. Populists are benefiting from the people's anger (left&right). There's increasing chances of the far left or far right accessing power in France. For many,they represent a real opposition to the Macronism. Pretty much all of other politicial forces are dead in my opinion. (republicans,socialists etc.)

Now for the first time since Macron's election,he was forced to step back in front of people demonstrating in the streets.

Despite recent's government announcements,majority of yellow vests still consider them as too late,too few and not enough. Let's see how things go,let's see what will happen in France,but also in Paris this saturday.
Indeed the protests are now more than just about rising fuel prices. Cost of life,democracy and much more subjects. A lot of French are disappointed by Macron,they have the sentiment of not seeing much difference with classical parties and politicians,they wanted change but do not see it. I can understand them. Macron,the government politicians and MPs are totally disconnected from reality,they don't see the challenges and struggles beyond Paris and a Parisian point of view.
I also think there's the argument of sovereignty, because as far as I am aware, the increased fuel prices were partially 'inspired' by the climate accords (I could be wrong). So to the average Joe, those accords were made on the international stage, where the French people (and the whole world in extention) had no say in it, yet those accords had disastrous consequences (or were to have). Another good example for invasive and just bad influence coming from 'globalist' decisions is the coming article 11 and 13 of the European copy right law. They could have disastrous consequences for the internet life, article 11 is known as the 'link tax' and article 13 the 'meme ban'. Going as far actually threatening freedom of speech.
I could do an explenation of article 11 and 13, but I am afraid that I would be diverting too much from this thread. I also would miss my point that I am trying to make. (i.e. supra-national organisations making decisions where the commen man has no say in it.)

Many yellow vests radicalised after feeling they were not heard by the government and the fact that Macron closed all doors of negociations.
Well that's what happened in 1789... Always listen to the people, because in the end of the day, when they are numerous enough, they are more powerful than you. The people didn't back down, so Macron had to.

Populists are benefiting from the people's anger (left&right).

Populist benefitting from situations like these is as likely as most cars having 4 wheels. It's up to the current goverment leading in a good way so that populists like these can't come up.

There's increasing chances of the far left or far right accessing power in France. For many,they represent a real opposition to the Macronism. Pretty much all of other politicial forces are dead in my opinion. (republicans,socialists etc.)
I honestly don't see any other non 'extreme' options either for France and for other countries in an alarming rate. My country is in a crisis too, for example.

Now for the first time since Macron's election,he was forced to step back in front of people demonstrating in the streets.

Despite recent's government announcements,majority of yellow vests still consider them as too late,too few and not enough. Let's see how things go,let's see what will happen in France,but also in Paris this saturday.
Not only that, but the yellow vest movement has spred to neighboring countries as well and future protests are certainly possible.
Security Council should hold an emergency session on this matter, US should call for this meeting after giving moral support to the anti-government protesters, Genocidal Nikki Haley should put France's regime on notice.
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