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Salah Abdeslam finally speaks ... only to complain


Feb 25, 2014
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Terrorism. The jihadist, jailed at the prison of Fleury-Merogis (Essonne), came out of his silence. And vociferates against prison guards.

Three years after his horrible crimes, Salah Abdeslam is no longer so silent ... The only survivor of jihadist commandos, guilty of the death of 130 people on November 13, 2015 in Paris and the Stade de France, came out of his silence, RTL reports on Tuesday.

He complains about his detention conditions

Under camera surveillance 24 hours a day at the prison of Fleury-Merogis (Essonne), he "expresses himself regularly in a low voice, alone in his cell, but strong enough so that his words are understandable," says RTL. The remarks would be virulent and would target the "unbelievers", in the words of RTL. In early September, for example, when guards brought him food, Abdeslam would have insulted them of "dogs", without however being violent.

The terrorist also protested against the number of walks and prison visits he is entitled to,which he considers to be too few. The prison administration, which is responsible for the health of the detainee until his trial, perceives a behavior considered reassuring, "less worrying than his silence he's stuck in,in the first months," says RTL.

"We will need him to speak"

This is also the opinion of Jean Reihnrat, lawyer of several victims of 13-November. "We were extremely worried for a moment because when we have this trial, we will need him to speak. That's why we're reassured to know he's almost angry, "he said on the radio. The trial is to be held around 2021, a deadline until which each act and deed of Abdeslam will continue to be recorded and transmitted to the investigating judge each week.

Should be put on a diet of 500 calories a day. Just enough to let him experience a long slow death.
Why this idiot killed civilians? If he was so motivated, he should have gone to war zone and fight against the terrorists.
Seems like his prayers to Allah aren't working out at all.

Allah doesn't listen to prayers of terrorists. Hope he rots in prison for the rest of his life, after his death he should be buried in unmarked grave.
Should be put on a diet of 500 calories a day. Just enough to let him experience a long slow death.
Why this idiot killed civilians? If he was so motivated, he should have gone to war zone and fight against the terrorists.

Actually that bastard wouldn't be there complaining if his suicide vest wasn't faulty. What he's going through is not even 1% of what the victims of the 13th november of 2015 went through and are still going through today. Sometimes I envy the prison conditions of shitholes,banana and failed republics,that's the only thing he deserves.

Allah doesn't listen to prayers of terrorists. Hope he rots in prison for the rest of his life, after his death he should be buried in unmarked grave.

With the charges he faces in France,there's little to no chances he'll get out of a French prison. And even if he does,he'll still have to do the 20 years he's been sentenced to in Belgium. His trial should not take place before 2020 or 2021 at the assizes court of Paris. It will be an unprecedented one (and probably a long one) given the number of civil parties (More than 1700) and lawyers. (More than 300)
Actually that bastard wouldn't be there complaining if his suicide vest wasn't faulty. What he's going through is not even 1% of what the victims of the 13th november of 2015 went through and are still going through today. Sometimes I envy the prison conditions of shitholes,banana and failed republics,that's the only thing he deserves.
Yup, he is a mentally sick bastard and should be cured of his illness.
There is no such thing called 'Jihadism' or 'Jihadi', there is only 'Jihad'. Those who undergo Jihad are called Mujahideen(if we are talking Muslim state military under a Caliph). This guy is a mass murderer and not a 'Mujahid' and we don't recognize such terminology.

'Jihadi' does not refer to a person in Arabic. It would translate as 'my struggle' in Arabic. It doesn't make sense in the context it is being used.

Yup, he is a mentally sick bastard and should be cured of his illness.

Salah is a mentally ill and so is OP, lol. :lol:

OP has some serious frustration problems which most certainly is something or things personal that we don't know about. He channels it out with these rants he publishes on the forum where he sounds very angry and we have to deal with it all the time. :rofl:
There is no such thing called 'Jihadism' or 'Jihadi', there is only 'Jihad'. Those who undergo Jihad are called Mujahideen(if we are talking Muslim state military under a Caliph). This guy is a mass murderer and not a 'Mujahid' and we don't recognize such terminology.

'Jihadi' does not refer to a person in Arabic. It would translate as 'my struggle' in Arabic. It doesn't make sense in the context it is being used.

Salah is a mentally ill and so is OP, lol. :lol:

OP has some serious frustration problems which most certainly is something or things personal that we don't know about. He channels it out with these rants he publishes on the forum where he sounds very angry and we have to deal with it all the time. :rofl:

Yet again personal attacks. :lol:

Seems like you have a personal problem with me,if you want we can meet I'll pay you some beer or something to chill out. Oh wait. :lol:
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