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  1. Cell_DbZ

    Holocaust Denier Sentenced To Visit Concentration Camps

    I personally think that sending him to concentration camps is a good 'punishment', so he can see for himself, as in a way to prove him wrong, ending the discussion once and for all. Not sure about the fine though...
  2. Cell_DbZ

    Holocaust Denier Sentenced To Visit Concentration Camps

    Holocaust Denier Sentenced To Visit Concentration Camps September 24, 2017 By Aiden Pink Outrage : Belgian lawmaker Laurent Louis performed an anti-Semitic gesture in Parliament ? and blamed Zionists for the Holocaust. A former member of parliament in Belgium who was convicted of Holocaust...
  3. Cell_DbZ

    Ultra-left group claims responsibility for attack on Gendarmerie barrack in France

    @Vergennes quite ironically those groups call themselves 'Antifa' meaning anti-fascist, meanwhile they are committing many acts of silencing anyone who even has a remotely right-winged or even liberal point of view, thus disagreeing with them. Quite fascistic behaviour if you ask me... At least...
  4. Cell_DbZ

    Belgian police officer WhatsApp’ed with terrorist suspect

    Belgian police officer WhatsApp’ed with terrorist suspect VRT Thu 21/09/2017 - 12:27 CDCA Brussels police officer suspected of leaking confidential information from a terrorism case is thought to have been in contact with Yassine Atar, a brother of Oussama Atar and nephew of the El Bakraoui...
  5. Cell_DbZ

    Russian plans to upgrade T-80 and T-90 jeopardise Armata programme

    Wouldn't it more be like 'postponing' this programme? It seems to me that Russians have invested too much already in the Armata programme (at least T-14 Armata) to just scratch it altogether. So I would think that the T-90/T-80 modernisation would be kind of a stopgap.
  6. Cell_DbZ

    Anger in Barcelona after Spanish police arrest Catalan minister and 12 officials in raids

    Spain bringing in the big toys (I'm going to to say I'm not completely sure of this as I got this from The Mirror.) http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/spain-crisis-over-catalan-independence-11211238
  7. Cell_DbZ

    World War I submarine found in Belgian waters of North Sea

    Yes even more so when considering that the submarine is in quite shallow water (about 30 meters).
  8. Cell_DbZ

    Anger in Barcelona after Spanish police arrest Catalan minister and 12 officials in raids

    A bit undemocratic for a democratic country, at least the Scottish were allowed a referendum... I have heard the rumor that the French would be willing to accept Barcelona in Ligue 1, PSG would be the news Real Madrid for them :fans:
  9. Cell_DbZ

    What U.S. Decline? The World Still Watches the Fed

    Here's a song you should listen to so you can't hear dem haters! :usflag::sarcastic:
  10. Cell_DbZ

    World War I submarine found in Belgian waters of North Sea

    World War I submarine found in North Sea Tue 19/09/2017 - 10:48 MBA World War I submarine has been found in the Belgian sector of the North Sea, off the West Flemish coast. The submarine, a German U-boat, is almost completely intact. Scientists believe that the bodies of 23-man crew are still...
  11. Cell_DbZ

    Spain Central Gov. prepares military intervention in Katalonia

    Never! Like my granny once said: "you can only trust a Dutchman when he's been dead for at least 3 days!" :cheesy: You can keep 'em! your economy will go down 1/5 within a year :sarcastic: That would be an effective bufferzone, no one would be crazy enough to come anywhere close to Molenbeek...
  12. Cell_DbZ

    Spain Central Gov. prepares military intervention in Katalonia

    Me a Belgian? as per a few Chinese members on PDF I am an Indian nationalist, so I don't know where you get that from.:sarcastic: It's a really odd situation actually, at one hand people do actually care (we could have gone into a civil war once in 1950, but that had more to do with the...
  13. Cell_DbZ

    First Iranian supercar Sirvan Phoenix unveiled

    Got to say, the car looks really impressive.
  14. Cell_DbZ

    Greek anarchists attack Turkish Airlines office in Athens

    Anarchists, from Greece to USA; all of them are cancer.
  15. Cell_DbZ

    War Sharks: Top Five Most Formidable and Intriguing Sub Designs in the World

    While it is true that the improved kilo's are quiet, I think it is not going the most quiet, the Russians themselves are already putting Lada-class submarines in the water and I still don't think they are going to be the quietest. They are apparantly busy with an even newer design, named...
  16. Cell_DbZ

    China vs Russia (2017)

    But that railway network is relatively close to the Chinese border, wouldn't it be vunerable to Chinese attack? I think Russia would struggle keeping it's railways active and have airlifters bring in weapons, it would take a while before the Russians could bring in big parts of it's army...
  17. Cell_DbZ

    China vs Russia (2017)

    First of all, a war between the 2 is unlikely, but it is still fun to speculate about it. Would a larger economy be the sole deciding factor in case of a war? If a war between the 2 countries would break out, then China would most likely be the agressor, thus resulting in international pressure...
  18. Cell_DbZ

    France offers Belgium Rafale jets and close partnership

    I'm afraid I don't know either and I was just speculating, perhaps @gambit can answer this? I really don't know. Perhaps the Rafale also has electronic differences? I am just guessing here. I think that it is politics that would be standing in the way the most.
  19. Cell_DbZ

    France offers Belgium Rafale jets and close partnership

    I am not too sure either, but I think the Rafale isn't designed to carry any ohter nuke than the ASMP Integrating the B-61 could be costly and perhaps politically unfeasable. @Vergennes 'There remains the case of the French Rafale. This aircraft, which its manufacturer describes as...
  20. Cell_DbZ

    France offers Belgium Rafale jets and close partnership

    If we Belgians would choose the Rafale, I think it would be a choice with some political context: more Europe, less Usa, as there have been several prominent politicians calling for 'less America' (beacause Trump). Having the Rafale would have some advatages, like less maitenance costs and...
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