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  1. B

    Iranian Chill Thread

    Why does he need an exemption? Presumably it will used to help the US's regime change plots
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    Iranian Chill Thread

    Well sure, euros are uncivilized violence-prone barbarians so being better than them is the bare minimum they can do. But anyways like Stryker said Iranians don't care about what police in other country are doing. If you want to oppress people like the Shah did or like they do in the west or...
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    Pelosi's journey to Armenia and her anti-TR PR campaign

    Turks were the first humans, trust me I was there.
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    Iranian Chill Thread

    Yes American security forces consist mostly of sociopaths with low levels of education, what a standard to hold Iranian police to. This type of repression benefits no one and actively harms the nation by causing brain drain and breeding internal dissidents foreign intelligence can then exploit...
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    Iranian Ground Forces | News and Equipment

    They are obsolete for Iran's needs. "Israel" has F-35 and the UAE will soon get it, Saudis will probably get some 5th gen fighter down the line as well.
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    Switzerland will buy 36 F-35As from the US by 2030 and pay a total of $6.3 billion to the US

    Because there won't be as many whites? Are you claiming they're the only ones capable of building technology?
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    Iranian Ground Forces | News and Equipment

    SCO is an economic community not a military alliance. We already have access to TF30 and J79, both of which are significantly more powerful than the J85 but we haven't seen any evidence they have been reverse engineered. Sure AL-41 is a good engine but it's not as simple as "oh we will simply...
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    Iranian Ground Forces | News and Equipment

    I'll state it as clearly as possible on more time for you: If Iran wants to purchase foreign fighters, they should wait and buy 5th generation fighters when they are available in the future. Iran should not waste money on 4th generation fighters just because they're available now because that...
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    WSJ:Russia’s Use of Iranian Kamikaze Drones Creates New Dangers for Ukrainian Troops

    We don't have any evidence of their use yet, just the loitering munitions.
  10. B

    Iranian Ground Forces | News and Equipment

    Most of Russia's high tech military products used imported western components like the thermal sights for their tanks which are imported from France. I don't think they have the technology to complete the Su-75 without these imports. J-35 was designed with export in mind, when it completes...
  11. B

    Iranian Ground Forces | News and Equipment

    Iran should go for 5th generation fighters like the J-35 or Su-75 (though I personally doubt this one will ever see completion given sanctions) when they become available. It should not waste money on 4th generation jets in the mean time. Spending 100s of millions of dollars to make the "allied...
  12. B

    Iranian Ground Forces | News and Equipment

    I did no such no thing. A handful of Su-35S will not instill fear in our adversaries when our neighbors have 200+ F-15s, 200+ F-16s, Eurofighters, F-35s, etc. That's not even including the US or it's other european vassal states. Even Iraq is going to buy Rafales which dominated the Su-35 in...
  13. B

    Iranian Ground Forces | News and Equipment

    It's a waste of money, it will not make IRIAF any more capable of fighting a major western or western-backed adversary than their current fleet. Better to spend it on domestic engine development. You will have noticed in the post you quoted I already said there are no 5th gen fighters available...
  14. B

    Iranian Ground Forces | News and Equipment

    Thank you! 4th gen fighters are outdated, no point replacing obsolete with slightly less obsolete. Su-35 has not performed well in trials and supermaneuverability is a meme, if you can't detect your enemy before they hit you with a missile it's only good for airshows. Either spend the money on...
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    WSJ:Russia’s Use of Iranian Kamikaze Drones Creates New Dangers for Ukrainian Troops

    Best way for China to help is to overcome chip gap and become a steady and reliable source for the East for tech. No need to disconnect from euros sooner than absolutely necessary.
  16. B

    Iranian Chill Thread

    They're looking for an excuse to attack Iran, and supporting freedom-loving Azerbaijan against Putler-allied Armenia and devil incarnate Iran is a good one. If they don't attack Iran directly they at the very least will send massive amounts of equipment like they did in Ukraine. Pashinyan...
  17. B

    Iranian Chill Thread

    Iran invading Azerbaijan is a great way to unite the western world behind Aliyev's regime. Iran doesn't even have a nuclear deterrent to discourage direct involvement by NATO. The western propaganda apparatus is too strong, no one cares about Armenia here. It would be a mistake.
  18. B

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    Doubt IRIAF was offered J-10C, they are certainly not in a position to reject it if offered.
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