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    Iran seeks strategic depth in Pakistan ties

    I do not understand why we Pakistanis are underestimating our-self just being observing other nations what they do or say. The reality is we should see our national interest. Pakistan have been taking many bold steps during the last few years and define her new foreign policy and China played a...

    Ababeel SSM - Pakistan gains MIRV technology.

    Oh my God:cheers: Another sleepless night for our beloved neighbour. :enjoy: Please yar respect our neighbour's right and let them sleep... :wacko: Many congratulations :cheers:!!!!!

    Why is Russia so interested in Afghanistan all of a sudden?

    The main reason is ISIS phenomena. Russia is more worrying about the ISIS as she believes US is playing another dirty game in Afghanistan to destabilise the surrounding regional states. Russia now realised that she has to involved in Afghanistan with the help of Pakistan and China before its too...

    Why is Russia so interested in Afghanistan all of a sudden?

    An increased Russian involvement in Afghanistan has surprised many observers. What does Moscow want to achieve in the war-torn country? After Syria, is another US-Russia conflict being played out in a different arena? Lately, Russia has increased its involvement in Afghanistan. For many...

    China Offers New Proof That It Is A Major Challenge For Modi

    Your PM HAVE proudly accepted the responsibility of this mass killing of gujrat on national tv and said that he would do it again if needed. Just Google it and you will find a proof with video.. Truth hurt... :P

    China Offers New Proof That It Is A Major Challenge For Modi

    China is a responsible country who just can't put someone name on terrorist list just to please to RANDI RONA state. You need to provide evidence, rather than RANDI RONA. Don't forget the butcher of gujrat and No.1 terrorist of the world can only become a prime minister in India. O Ya ya...

    China Offers New Proof That It Is A Major Challenge For Modi

    India and China will beginto-side-with-pak-china-defends-terrorist-and-spites-india-1643807 fears by blocking a UN Security Council-mandated committee from blacklisting Jaish-e-Muhammed (JeM) chief Masood Azhar, thereby throwing a lifeline of support to its client state, Pakistan. As the rest...

    The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor is the Great Game of this century

    You got my point... :cheers:

    The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor is the Great Game of this century

    If connectivity is becoming the basis of a new geopolitics, the China-Pakistanstory-S3tg8DNawU9HYWNU5WChoK.html be rated the year’s most potent symbol of this 21st century version of the Great Game. A Great Game whose outwards manifestations are multi-lane highways, pipelines and container...
  10. NOWorNEVER

    India’s Foremost 2017 Foreign Policy Challenge: China-Pakistan-Russia Troika – Analysis

    By Dr Subhash Kapila* The China-Pakistan-Russia Troika having emerged on the South Asian geopolitical scene now with undisguised contours and political signalling emerges as India’s foremost foreign policy challenge in 2017. The China-Pakistan Axis has been in existence from 1963 onwards but...
  11. NOWorNEVER

    PM Modi should bring together India, Pakistan and Bangladesh: Sudheendra Kulkarni

    Wed, 28 Dec 2016-09:06pm , PTIreport-pm-modi-should-bring-together-india-pakistan-and-bangladesh-in-a-family-reconcilation-sudheendra-kulkarni-2287303 gether in a "family reconciliation" for the better future of coming generations. Observer Research Foundation chairman Sudheendra Kulkarni urged...
  12. NOWorNEVER

    What If India officially request to join CPEC?

    Please would be grateful if avoid trolling the thread and stick to the comments based on your voting. I totally understand that India is not interested on CPEC and thats also suit to Pakistan and China. However please note that the thread is based on the PRESUMPTION only. If CPEC will be...
  13. NOWorNEVER

    Pakistan, China, Russia warn of increased IS threat in Afghanistan

    Since when this puppets represents to the people of Afghanistan? Who's care if you are worried. The reason you were not involved in this meeting because you are not real stakeholders.
  14. NOWorNEVER

    What If India officially request to join CPEC?

    To be honest China would never accept India in CPEC.
  15. NOWorNEVER

    What If India officially request to join CPEC?

    Well, our nation is United on this project. Remember 1998, when we become a nuclear power. We are now more United on CPEC and when we are united nothing can stop us to achieve our objectives.
  16. NOWorNEVER

    What If India officially request to join CPEC?

    For your kind information, CPEC will definitely be completed and successful. More than $18 blns have already been injected on different projects. I don't want to waste time at going in details as you can search your own on the progress of the CPEC. However If you need more proof then ask your...
  17. NOWorNEVER

    What If India officially request to join CPEC?

    What If India officially request to join CPEC?
  18. NOWorNEVER

    ‘Soft border approach can bring India into CPEC’

    Atul Aneja BEIJING: DECEMBER 26, 2016 01:57 IST UPDATED: DECEMBER 26, 2016 19:00 IST A focuarticle16943237.ece soft borders” between India and Pakistan, rather than a final settlement of boundaries in Kashmir, can lead to New Delhi’s rapid integration into an expanded China-Pakistan Economic...
  19. NOWorNEVER

    Russian military plane carrying 91 on board, including famed army band, crashes into Black Sea

    ARussian military plane crashed on Sunday in the Black Sea as it made its way to Syria with 91 people onupdate-20161225-0522 icians heading to celebrate the New Year with troops. Local news agencies, citing the defence ministry, said the Tu-154 plane had crashed shortly after taking off from...
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