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  1. mhosein

    Beijing is scrambling to keep the U.S. from kicking Chinese firms worth $1.4 trillion off Wall Street. But Congress is in no mood for compromise

    Yes indeed, just like america revoked its gold pegged dollar. 1973 America, like a corrupt politician, cancelled all obligations under the Bretten Woods Agreement to redeem Gold for Dollars. Reality check, America only plays by the rules when it suits them and not others.
  2. mhosein

    Russian warship Moskva had real piece of jesus cross on board

    The same way America justifies Nazi'ism when they vote in the United Nations Security Council against the abolition of Nazi speech. Also the same way the West (britain, america, denmark and poland) justify sending their citizens as mercenaries to fight alongside Ukrainian-Nazi battalions in...
  3. mhosein

    US monitoring rise in rights abuses in India, Blinken says

    Musharraf brought these traitors (Nawaz, Zardari, Shabaz and Benazir) back into the country. Now Bajwa has brought these traitors back again. If anyone thinks that the change in govt could have happened without the army's leadership approval, is living in a fantasy world.
  4. mhosein

    US monitoring rise in rights abuses in India, Blinken says

    He ain't my General, the policies the leadership of Pakistan is carrying out and will carry out from here on in, will NOT be in my name, as Pakistani.
  5. mhosein

    Beijing is scrambling to keep the U.S. from kicking Chinese firms worth $1.4 trillion off Wall Street. But Congress is in no mood for compromise

    If America doesn't need to rely on anyone, then why is the price of gasoline in America at $6 a gallon?????? I think it is clear, YOU have no idea what you're talking about!!
  6. mhosein

    US monitoring rise in rights abuses in India, Blinken says

    Ah the biggest hypocritical liar state in the world, America. Who is now firing warning shots at its pet, India. Why? Because india, unlike the prostitute leadership of Pakistan, has stood up against Western commands of opposing Russia. As a Pakistani, it is truly a disgraceful moment to...
  7. mhosein

    Beijing is scrambling to keep the U.S. from kicking Chinese firms worth $1.4 trillion off Wall Street. But Congress is in no mood for compromise

    Thank you, I stand vindicated. Its these oligarcs that will lead American economy toward collapse.
  8. mhosein

    Beijing is scrambling to keep the U.S. from kicking Chinese firms worth $1.4 trillion off Wall Street. But Congress is in no mood for compromise

    Tell that to the Americans who are paying through their intestines at $6 a gallon of gasoline. If America has so much oil and gas, then why isn't it able to stop the petrol and gas price hikes? Europe relying on America is good for the corporate mafia of Wall Street, not common Americans. Wake...
  9. mhosein

    Sweden to officially apply for NATO in June

    It is amusing to see how hypocritical and duplicitous the West is revealing itself to be. Sweden seems to have had nostalgia on its psyche for it to join NATO. The country's ties to Nazi Germany weren't so far removed from reality, as their profits soared and their Zurich accounts burgeoned...
  10. mhosein

    Imran received funding from India and Israel, alleges Maryam Sadar

    What sin is the most destructive in nature for a Muslim? Does anyone remember what our beloved Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihi Wassalam stated? ............ Lie!!! Maryam Nawaz, Shabaz Sharif, Asif Zardari, Nawaz Sharif, Bilawal Bhutto and their associates, partners and thugs, are LIARS...
  11. mhosein

    Beijing is scrambling to keep the U.S. from kicking Chinese firms worth $1.4 trillion off Wall Street. But Congress is in no mood for compromise

    The only ones who will be hurt by such actions, is America and the West itself. They dont have Oil, or Natural Gas, or enough wheat to feed their own citizens, let alone the world. If they do what they say will do at Wall Street to China. Then there will be serious Boomerang consequences the...
  12. mhosein

    Recession is now the ‘most likely’ outcome for the U.S. economy, not a soft landing, Larry Summers says

    I remember this guy (summers), he is the goon who bullied his way across the SEC to protect OTC-CDOs. He was on of the instrumental components of the Wall Street mafia that tipped the scales over for the 2008 economic depression to happen. Anyone who has any sense in their heads would not listen...
  13. mhosein

    Russian warship Moskva had real piece of jesus cross on board

    I am a Muslim, a Pakistani and what I see is Russia being proud of being Christian and upholding belief in God. As opposed to that, what I see is a West which is devoid of Christianity, drowning in homosexuality, gender bending, feminism and debauchery. In the West, like Britain, churches are...
  14. mhosein

    Pak Army Helicopter Got hit with gun shots

    So long as Pakistan Military serves Pakistan, under the laws of Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah and NOT Washington DC, London or Paris .... I have no issues with the military. The day they or anyone else in Pakistan betrays the commands of Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah and joins the West .... mark my...
  15. mhosein

    Top 10 Military projects makes Turkiye unrivaled in the region

    What I am interested in knowing is where is Turkey getting it's engines from to power these elaborate fighter projects? Because I do not know of any industry base in Turkey that has the ability to design, develop and manufacture high performance turbofan engines, indigenously. If Turkey has such...
  16. mhosein

    Why are we accusing the COAS?

    Did General Bajwa denounce and oppose Russia's military operations in Ukraine? Did General Bajwa visit Washington DC, while the Prime Minister had visited Moscow? So long as the military leadership follow and support Prime Minister of Pakistan, Imran Khan. I have no issue with the guy...
  17. mhosein

    For the first time in history, Pakistani exports to cross $31 billion

    Losing is not an option for us Muslims.
  18. mhosein

    For the first time in history, Pakistani exports to cross $31 billion

    For the first time in history, Pakistan has a leader (still alive, may Allah protect Imran Khan) who is honest, trustworthy, one with integrity and dignity, still serving Pakistan. If Pakistanis had even an ounce of integrity and faith in them, they would unite against the scum like zardari...
  19. mhosein

    Hillary Clinton: We are experiencing an existential crisis, and I am disappointed in Saudi Arabia's decision not to raise oil production

    The Ukrainian Crisis is the creation of the West, with America as the lead. It is the West, drenched in it's hubris, who decided to encroach on other states' sovereignty by expanding NATO, which the West claims is supposedly a "defensive military alliance." For in 2014 it was the Americans like...
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