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  • below_freezing getting banned again, what a fuc.king forum?

    NiceGuy, dore, ao333 and many Viet trolls are living well here, it seems PDF was hacked by these sh.t?
    The making of nuclear weapons might be the cause of the recent Japanese big earthquake, I guest something went wrong in one of those secrets nuclear weapon manufacturing compartments of theirs, which lead to this massive earthquake. I will not be surprise if the Japanese have a large secret deep underground military compartment extended to the whole Asian continent in Chinese back, by financing the poorer south east Asian and some unemployed Japanese to do the work for them. Actually, they could of easily do it since they are an technologically advanced country. Hey, if poorer North Korea can do it without been detected in South Korea backyard, so can big daddy Japan, Hahahahah!!
    Instead of clowning around, point out where i was wrong. I'm more than happy to have a debate otherwise don't leave childish and moronic messages.
    I got 'owned' by Brokwhateverhisnameis? I only recall talking to him once and in that conversation he got 'owned', so much so that he never replied back. Only naive people like you and him would think that there is no room for radar blockers when in fact the engines occupy approximately half of the intake, which leaves approximately 16 feet (give or take several feet) for radar blockers.

    Please do explain where i'm wrong, in fact bring your little friend too to help you out. And i find it odd that a self proclaimed engineer would neglect depth perception by looking at a frontal image and ignorantly proclaiming that there is no room for radar blockers, i suggest you study depth perception--looking at an object head on or slighly off does not give you an accurate measurment of that objects length.

    Now as for radar blockers and supercruise- i bet you did not know that a radar blocker funneles air, i bet you also did not know that funneled air increases velocity.
    And loving Communist means that he is a real Chinese?!

    Come on,man.I have the freedom to choose love something or not,that has nothing to do with my nationality and race.

    Hating communist means hating being Chinese!

    There are so many people being loyalty to their host that they even lose their logics to conduct a conclusion. Excellent work,my friend.
    What's your point, kid? Keep harassing me to let everyone here know how stupid you are??? Com'on... Don't humilate yourself anymore, you are not smart, we've already get it...

    BTW, now you are on my ignore list. Byebye!
    I get your point. You, like Hitler, has a hobby of hating a group of people. I'll accept that as a fact. And there are some other facts:
    1. I live in Shanghai but I'm not Shanghainese.
    2. I hate retard person especially when he's also crazy.
    Hope you can accept that as facts too and stop harassing me anymore.

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