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  • I am designing the compress sector section of the pump using SolidWorka and ABAQUS for stress analysis. I did not even major in stress analysis but fluid mechanics. I am also very good at control system designs.

    I worked on it a little bit. I am busying on my master program at stanford.

    You know mechanical engineering in the US is dying. Almost all manufacturing and designing are shifted to China. China also chew up a huge portion of software and IT as well.

    I know you are just posting stuff to vent out or to win the fight. Little trolling is OK but if we do that repeatedly, no one will take us seriously and even our serious posts will be replied by trolls. Very few Indians here are against China. Learn to ignore them. And I'll ignore your anti India posts. :)
    Yeah and ditto from my end. I think we tend not to notice our own countrymen's racism/trolling but we certainly notice it when they are directed at us. Anyway, just don't pay attention to the trolls. Speak to the non-fanboyish and calm Indian posters here. There are many of them who are infinitely more knowledgeable than you and I. Mr.Shearer, Bombenstrum, Benny and John Doe to name a few. Seriously just ignore the trollers. You'll enjoy this forum more.

    Let me know if you need anything else.

    Regards :)
    Thanks for that. I have seen your posts too, you're good on the technical stuff but sometimes you can be a little racist... which disappoints me. Please don't feel offended by this.

    BTW, I was actually going to study aeronautical engineering before I got into media. I'm not great at maths either so I dropped the idea. How do you find it? I still have a massive interest in aircraft.

    Regards and here's a friend request. :)
    Why would i post information about Russian rockets on a thread deticated to Chinese rockets? And what is it you want to know?
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