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  • ROFLMAO.................................................................................................
    Hey buddy.. its OK.. I don't take these things seriously. And I hope you dont take other provocative Indian posts seriously too. Its not worth it.
    Why do you take discussions on this forum so seriously? Just discuss what you like and ignore what you dont. Dont sleep over it, obviously.
    yah we already love china more then any other country in world and india is like makin friendship with a snake who is gonna bite u one day or the other .
    have a nyc 1
    yah i had alot of fun tonight man i m laughing my head out the indias are ducking down like bush ducked down from the shoe thrown at him
    Thanks man ! Well I haven't taken any computer class in high school yet ! So I would have to take a computer class in college etc ...Also what is your job now? I mean you work on aircrafts etc? If it is not too personal,can I ask what is the scope of this field? Like If I get a degree in Aerospace engineering--what job can I get? how many $ per hour? Also you said that UCLA aerospace degree is not that good in practice..what does that mean? Which school in California provides better Aerospace engineering degree than UCLA? So if I am bothering you too much lol :)
    yah bro i love to make them feel the inferiority complex wich they r in lets team up lol good one bro
    Oh cool ! You got engineering degree in Aerospace engineering,right? So how was it? I mean what was your 'path'? You went to UCLA direct from high school or you attended any community college before transferring to UCLA? Also what classes are required to get admission into UCLA Aerospace engineering? I know about Maths and all that--you can probably help me out..I would be getting out of high school in this june..I am soooooo confused what to do and where to go . . . .Also if you go to any UC directly from high school..what advantage you have? People say that it takes EQUAL time if you go to UC from high school or after attending two years of college..Is it true? I mean won't it take LESS time for me if I go to any UC directly skipping community college?
    Hello man? Are you in UCLA? Or were you in UCLA? You probably can help me ..
    Hey buddy.. I am working for Disney games now. settled at last!

    Great to know that you have got a good job. Congrats! How are you liking Texas?
    You're one arrogant prick. Keep talking like that my friend. You're funny.
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