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Turkish Geopolitics/ Foreign Affairs

Then im racist i dont really care.
A Turkic is always better then a non Turkic for me and i dont whine crocodile tears for people who betrayed us several times and used Turkics as military slaves.
People like Alp Arslan would be ashamed of you.
The Ottomans almost destroyed the Oghuz Turkic heritage in Turkey just look at their bastard language called "Ottoman Turkish" but no wonder when the Sultan was probably not even 10% Turkish

Thanks for admitting racist.

You dont even know what you're talking about..the Seljuks and people like Alp Arslan were no any different than Ottomans when it comes to defence of the religion.. educate yourself on Seljuks history and learn how he saved Abbasid caliph from total defeat by the shias.. Seljuks are reason why most Arab world and Turks have remained as sunni.

You are bashing Ottomans and at same time giving example of Alp Arslan is funny it just shows how ignorant you are on the subject as if these two are different..

probably you believe something retarded such as Ottoman = religious and the Seljuks = Nationalists or something :rofl:
Thanks for admitting racist.

You dont even know what you're talking about..the Seljuks and people like Alp Arslan were no any different than Ottomans when it comes to defence of the religion.. educate yourself on Seljuks history and learn how he saved Abbasid caliph from total defeat by the shias.. Seljuks are reason why most Arab world and Turks have remained as sunni.

You are bashing Ottomans and at same time giving example of Alp Arslan is funny it just shows how ignorant you are on the subject as if these two are different..

probably you believe something retarded such as Ottoman = religious and the Seljuks = Nationalists or something :rofl:
Who said the Seljuks didnt fought for their religion?
cant believe the crap you wrote. overall i look more negative to the gezi protests than positive. For your kind, any criticism against the govt = tree hugger, secular dog etc. there were/are some users here who also put me in the 'religious' (or whatever) corner just because i defended some akp policies. There really is this 'black/white' trait among some of us Turks indeed. I consider myself in the middle and try to be objective, you should try to do the same.

i just find it insane how people oppose everything.. even policy as misak-i milli will be rejected by some of you without any reasonable justification..
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They are mine too and i speak of the later years of the empire

now they are yours too.?

If you disrespect its over you're out of it.. it is not yours just you happen to be turkic no such thing..

one of most important attribute of Turks no doubt must be treating with utmost respect our parents and elders stranger or relative without making distinction let alone insulting to our glorious ancestors.

but here we have someone calling himself so called ''turk'' and doing that..

you are not even Turk.
Turkey sends 87-trucks full of aid supplies to Iraq

Turkish agencies have sent 87-truck convoy of humanitarian aid to violence-hit Iraq over the last 45 days, according to information from Turkey's Prime Ministry public diplomacy office.

Food parcels, kitchen sets, medicine and medical supplies, tents, beds, blankets and wheelchairs were among the aid.

Since June 12, The Turkish Disaster Management Agency (AFAD), The Turkish Cooperation Agency (TIKA), The Turkish Red Crescent, Turkish municipalities and NGO's have distributed humanitarian aid in Sinjar (24 trucks), Kirkuk (28 trucks), Telafer (1 truck), Erbil (2 trucks), Dohuk (29 trucks) and Tel Kaif (three trucks).

Turkey also established a humanitarian aid distribution center at the border in the country's southeastern province of Sirnak.

Iraq has seen a marked escalation of sectarian violence between Sunni and Shia Muslims since June, when a coalition of armed opposition groups led by ISIL, Islamic State of Iraq and Levant, took control of large swathes of the country's predominantly Sunni provinces.

More than a million people in the region have fled their homes, according to the UN's humanitarian agency.

Turkey sends 87-trucks full of aid supplies to Iraq - Trend.Az
now they are yours too.?

If you disrespect its over you're out of it.. it is not yours just you happen to be turkic no such thing..

one of most important attribute of Turks no doubt must be treating with utmost respect our parents and elders stranger or relative without making distinction let alone insulting to our glorious ancestors.

but here we have someone calling himself so called ''turk'' and doing that..

you are not even Turk.
You have no right to question my Turkishness.
And criticizing what the Ottomans did wrong doesnt make me less Turkish then someone who looks at it with rose-colored glasses.
The later time of the (former) great Ottoman empire was a time of backwardness
You have no right to question my Turkishness.
And criticizing what the Ottomans did wrong doesnt make me less Turkish then someone who looks at it with rose-colored glasses.
The later time of the (former) great Ottoman empire was a time of backwardness

Criticizing doesnt but sure as hell insulting them would make you less Turkish..

i am aware they are far from perfect and they commit errors.. its not about seeing rose-colored its just about respect.

other than that..i dont question anything from you i dont care about your fictional turkishness.

believe whatever you want call yourself turkish at same time be hostlle to its ancestor.. such is your kind of turkishness.
can't understand it. in the recent push ISIL captured regiment 121 in hasakah, n.syria. the list of war spoils is astonishing:

130mm M-46s field guns, at least ten of which were captured with associated ammunition and towing trucks.

BM-21s, at least seven of which were captured. Some BM-21s are showing burn marks, indicating heavy usage in the past couple of weeks.

T-55s, of which at least three were captured at Regiment 121. More tanks of this type were captured at Division 17.

9K115-2 Metis-M anti-tank missile systems. Three 9M113 anti-tank missiles together with another box showing '1ПН86ВИ' or 1PBN86VI, the thermal sight used with the launcher, can be seen below.
This indicates the Islamic State not only captured the missiles, but also the 9P151 launchers required to operate the missile.

Various trucks and jeeps, apart from the MAZ-6317s and GAZ-66s most of them in derilict condition. Also captured were Soviet ZiL-130s, ZiL-131s, ZiL-157s and UAZ-469s, Belarussian MAZ-6317s, Czechoslovak Praga V3S's and Tatra 148s and one lone Russian GAZ Sobol and a lone British Land Rover.

Apart from munition for the 130mm M-46s and 122mm BM-21 Grads, Regiment 121 also held various other munitions such as hundreds of thousands small arms rounds and hundreds of PG-7V rocket-propelled grenades for the RPG-7. The reason for the large cache of weapons and munitions is that regiment 121 did not only hold ammunition for troops stationed on this base, but was one of the main weapon depots in the Al-Hasakah Governorate.

those m-46's range is around 30-32 km. grads have a range between 20-40km depending on rockets used. now ISIL have some really strong punch. why in ****'s sake those SAA idiots didn't destroy all of it before fleeing? rig some shells together and blow them to hell. i really don't get it
can't understand it. in the recent push ISIL captured regiment 121 in hasakah, n.syria. the list of war spoils is astonishing:

those m-46's range is around 30-32 km. grads have a range between 20-40km depending on rockets used. now ISIL have some really strong punch. why in ****'s sake those SAA idiots didn't destroy all of it before fleeing? rig some shells together and blow them to hell. i really don't get it
They have everthing from rockets to tanks they are far more than just rag tag terrorists, ME is getting messier every day, i dont see an end of conflicts there.

They have everthing from rockets to tanks they are far more than just rag tag terrorists, ME is getting messier every day, i dont see an end of conflicts there.

WTF how did they get such things ?? how did they learn to use these things ?? i thought they biggest thing they got is ak-47 and G3 :o: look like they made an army for themselves it wont be so easy to put them damn :close_tema:
WTF how did they get such things ?? how did they learn to use these things ?? i thought they biggest thing they got is ak-47 and G3 :o: look like they made an army for themselves it wont be so easy to put them damn :close_tema:
They have many ex saddam soldiers i think they are capable of using these toys.
Lmao, just now i also read news saying that Maliki is trying hard to create an image of an unified nationalist iraq on the state tv. apparently he was having a big hard time keeping the ranks together with all those differences in sects all the time... too little, too late.
WTF how did they get such things ?? how did they learn to use these things ?? i thought they biggest thing they got is ak-47 and G3 :o: look like they made an army for themselves it wont be so easy to put them damn :close_tema:
If isis acts like a real army rather than a guerilla army they will be easier to take out imo. Let them collect their toys. :butcher:
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