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Recent content by wap7

  1. W

    Blast at Varanasi- please be respectful

    happened in the evening .. read tomorrow's newspaper
  2. W

    DRDO to develop hack-proof websites

    Hahahaha ... I always have to laugh when someone says they are going to develop "hack proof" anything. Reminds me of Microsoft saying Vista was the most secure OS. I thought DRDO had some brains. This is probably some PR wing spouting this nonsense.
  3. W

    Pakistan Railways

    Did anyone bother to see that video? The minister explains what is wrong with PR and what is needed. It's sad to see you guys are more interested in bickering against USA, India etc., than be concerned about your country. Railways form a central part of developing countries. For India it is a...
  4. W

    Pakistan Railways

    News Beat | Meher Bokhari - November 18 2010 Talk Show @ Pakistan Herald The Railway Minister travels in a PR train with an lady interviewer. The question of loco shortage is mentioned often. Minister states that PR has only 154 operational locos out of a fleet of 530. He also mentions...
  5. W

    Pakistan Win Women's Cricket Gold

    cool ... nice chicks :P
  6. W

    Chinese girl jailed for an year for a (re-)tweet

    A year in labour camp sure must be boring. :cheesy:
  7. W

    Chinese girl jailed for an year for a (re-)tweet

    This is the tweet: http://www.amnesty.org/sites/impact.amnesty.org/files/china-cheng-tweet-560.jpg And 1 year of 're-education through labour' Can Chinese members educate us what exactly it means? BlogPost - Chinese Twitter sentence: a year in a labor camp for a retweet
  8. W

    Happy diwali !

    yes! all three of them
  9. W

    Happy diwali !

    Holi isn't even celebrated down here in the south. Barely known. India is too diverse. And I could add a dozen festivals to that list. Happy Diwali!
  10. W

    YouTube Withdraws Muslim Cleric’s Videos

    where are these videos now?
  11. W

    Be like China, India told

    yea someone call the Indian Army and ask them to bring out the battle tanks onto the streets of Mumbai.
  12. W

    Pakistan to Apologise for 1971 Killings

    I think they should pay Bangladesh for all the damages done and the people they've killed. Just like Germany did(still does).
  13. W

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    bbbut if you take all .. where do we live? should we convert to islam also?
  14. W

    China's Google Earth rival claims Arunachal.

    As usual the Chinese will live like frogs in their own well. I wonder if the people know whether they're being suppressed at all.
  15. W

    Shunned by Racism !!!

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