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Recent content by Solo Monk

  1. Solo Monk

    More power to Pakistan's jihadis.

    Why don't you give a cow's **** to the under-nourished poor Indians dwelling in Mumbai's magnificent slums ? I know how you get a b*ner when you read these news about Pakistan, but Naxalites are making things fun for you too, eh ? There are a lot of joyful things in raizing India which can takes...
  2. Solo Monk

    Ali Zafar: The hottest male in India

    Ranbir Kapoor is over-rated... But then I'm a guy :P
  3. Solo Monk

    How tall is Imran Khan?

    Really ? Thought Kapil Dev was +6 feet tall, as he was known to be a 'big guy' Interesting thread :P
  4. Solo Monk

    Pakistan and Israel should step up as Mutual Friendship and Cooperation

    The Koran talks about the freedom-loving Americans who sow the grains of democracy amongst the brown populations since quite some decades now, I guess. :police:
  5. Solo Monk

    Pakistan and Israel should step up as Mutual Friendship and Cooperation

    Especially when the last survey from the Pew Research Center has shown how much some Arabs countries 'love' us, not talking of the great treatment given to Pakistanis (amongsts others) in the Gulf countries.
  6. Solo Monk

    Pakistan and Israel should step up as Mutual Friendship and Cooperation

    We should look at our own national interests, and if the common man (who certainly doesn't hate Israel more than the Arabs) understands it, it will be just benefits for Pakistan... and Zaid Hamid is just a success amongst the middle-class urban youth, not a widespread intellectual phenomenon.
  7. Solo Monk

    Russia is Targeting Our Muslim Sisters

    Yeah, should stop our Islamo-centric paradigm, especially when Chechens/Palestinians/... don't know/care about Pakistan, apart when they're jobless, and there's a jihad against Pakistan's government, and then there's the whole ummah package - Uzbeks, Chechens, ... - who go to Pakistan. Of course...
  8. Solo Monk

    Escape route for Pakistanis

    Oh dear, even the most concerned by terrorism - tribesmen from NWFP - fight with their limited resources. Why the rest of the millions of Pakistans be more worried, seriously ? The author talks like in every city/viillage there is a nuclear explosion.
  9. Solo Monk

    Tehrik-e-Taliban Splits, Member Forms Taliban Islami

    From what I know, he wants (with his so called supports) concentrate on the American presence in Afghanistan.
  10. Solo Monk

    Pakistani fitness industry is booming

    Why ? ... :angel: On a personal level, I've remarked that a lot of the young men over there now pay attention to their body. Good stuff!
  11. Solo Monk

    Pakistan qualify for polo World Cup

    Well, Raja Samiullah is namely mentioned, and as far as I know, Express Tribune published an article on Hissam Ali Haider some weeks back (his success in Argentina if I correctly remember.)
  12. Solo Monk

    Pakistan qualify for polo World Cup

    And there are names and pics: The Pakistan Team :pakistan:
  13. Solo Monk

    Obama to withdraw 30,000 troops against Pentagon advice

    I already had this discussion with you: Afghan Taliban don't want to have anything to do with Pakistan.
  14. Solo Monk

    No to operation in North Waziristan Agency

    There are two groups: Afghan Talibans, who are fighting against the American invasion in Afghanistan, and TTP (Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan). Its the second that, since 2006, wants to 'Islamicize Pakistan' (as Pakistan is there since 2006), and they're the peoples who carry attacks on Pakistan's...
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