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Recent content by scuthan

  1. S

    2016 Russian tank contests start

    I am not an expert on mechanics. Just speak on behalf on my limited knowledge on transmission and steering. The steering mechanics of the tank is very different from the car. For a car, steering is completely separate from the transmission thing. However,a tank steers by varying the speeding...
  2. S

    Roman Empire vs Han Empire

    the westmost point that Han empire had reached was Fergana valley, also known as Transoxiana, where there were some Hellenic states there. Bactria was certainly bordering to West "China" and well known to Chinese, so was Parthians, but it would be misguided to think china's rule in central asia...
  3. S

    A Chinese Education, for a Price

    right. it is condo or condominuim. terrible mistake
  4. S

    A Chinese Education, for a Price

    KFC also make changes in their food to pander to chinese customers' appetite. i am glad you like them...lol
  5. S

    A Chinese Education, for a Price

    beijing has few industry workers those days as beijing has been under de-industrialization for over 20 years the salary for a construction worker starts at USD 500 per month. it could be over 1000 dollars for a skilled one. a labor worker might earn more than a entry-level engineer or white...
  6. S

    Thousands of PLAN soldiers entered Varyag on August 1st Morning

    http://you.video.sina.com.cn/api/sinawebApi/outplayrefer.php/vid=57777864_1314731975_axq2SnExWzHK+l1lHz2stqkP7K QNt6nkimuwvFGlLAlcQ0/XM5GcZdoA5yHQBNkEqDhAQZ84cvku0Rk/s.swf 15 seconds of commercials ahead of the video
  7. S

    Vietnam acknowledged Chinese sovereignty over South China Sea in 1958

    can't believe you guys debate with a few robots for several months, flooding the whole board with stupid thing. do you have work or school?
  8. S

    News from within CAC (J-10B and J-20, also Pakistan related)

    NAVY has J10? i thought they only use J8, JH7, and Su30MKK.
  9. S

    News from within CAC (J-10B and J-20, also Pakistan related)

    My old bean, the first J10B prototype was built in 2009. it's a major upgrade of J10A including AESA/IRST/DSI intake etc.it takes a long time to test and improve before it's fully mature. they chinese are not less eager to have them than you.
  10. S

    News from within CAC (J-10B and J-20, also Pakistan related)

    impossible, they have to modify the airframe to accommodate them. that's what J10B designed for
  11. S

    News from within CAC (J-10B and J-20, also Pakistan related)

    perhaps the best practice is to trust no internet "insiders" LOL
  12. S

    News from within CAC (J-10B and J-20, also Pakistan related)

    J10A does not have IRST, AESA/PESA. sort of obsolete today.
  13. S

    News from within CAC (J-10B and J-20, also Pakistan related)

    nothing but unconfirmed internet l rumors. p.s. J10 use Al31FN not Al31F J11 use Al31F.
  14. S

    AC-313 Helicopter Assembly Plant

    AC 313 is designed to perform at high-altitude area. that is what distinguish it from Z-8 and french frelon.
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