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  • Hi. I asked you earlier, asking again, anything on Project 23000e? There is something that Indo-Russian cooperation likely on it.
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    Reactions: PARIKRAMA
    Thanks for the update. They have the concept of 'aircraft carrying cruiser' guess they are hard put to get out of it.

    Thanks. Gudnite to you
    nothing actually. and when there is nothing you know what is to be read.
    A delegation did come in July and offerred it,, Krylov State Research Center (KSRC) thats the name of the folks .. said to be shipbuilding R&D company...
    I have deleted all my posts , Please check if you think i have to delete any other post then please let me know .... no intentions to hurt anyone
    Hello Bro,

    You seem very very well informed. And your posts very interesting.
    Could you say me more about you? Are you working for the Indian govt? in the defense industry?

    Have a nice day.
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    Reactions: PARIKRAMA
    and now I am part of another conglomerate which is participating in Make In India project under Telecom, IT, Services, Defence and Technology. At present my conglomerate does work for Indian Army, Airforce and Border posts. We are also trying to get into Defence offset part by doing small work as well. So multiple projects work actually.
    about information i share what i get to know.. sometimes it works out accurately some times it does not. The lobby factor works a lot in our country.. Its only now it is decreasing.. But LM and Saab lobbies are very well connected. Comparatively Dassault has very limited lobby
    But India France relations are pretty good.. so far direct talks have worked wonderfully for present government. The only issue is the expectation of people and all fraternity to make a deal which is win win for all side
    Hope that day never arise . Love to see a world who updates their own inventory ahead of their enemies rather than testing their current stock on enemies. Good night sir :)
    Sir, don't u think that secondary sensors has not much power as described by d video op ? I mean Ew suited F22 n Rafale got much proven than any Russian tech in AESA.
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    Reactions: PARIKRAMA
    What you said is probably true.. but then PAKFA is designed againt only keeping F22 in mind. Now point to note is F22 tech itself is old now even though its revolutionary. Its true the new Rafales, F35s and EFs with future upgrades surpasses it.. So in that sense even PAKFA surpasses it.. What would be interesting is to see PAKFA vs Rafale F3R in action..
    That in all probability will showcase how much progress vs F22 has really transpired in a platform and where it stands as compared to its adversaries who have also developed a lot. PAKFA radar EW vs Rafale radar Spectra active cancellation will be probably a treat to understand the technological leap
    and best part is we will have the data bcz both Rafales and PAKFA will be with us :)
    Sir , good evening ... How r u ? Didn't got the tag alert on pak fa. That's y late reply. Thank u 4 d +ve ratings on railway.
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    Reactions: PARIKRAMA
    I am doing good my friend.. how r u? don worry abt the tag.. it works sometimes.. sometimes it does nt..
    Keep ur good works going and even ur presence in PDF , makes me or any new members can post their own views without any hesitation .

    Thank u for being there and please be what u r . U rocks !
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    Reactions: PARIKRAMA
    Thank you for your kind words.. Will try my level best to continue in the same way.. You are a good poster so pls keep up the good work.
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