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Pakistan Defence

Hello.. Thank you for your kind words.. Well i am from ex financial industry then worked for good time with Allianz group particularly in Risk side where i use to manage country ratings and look into the risk aspects of entire supply chain of major MNCs and their JVs performance.
My research ratings inputs were directly linked to their credit products especially trade credit products and insurances and thus based on supply chain health status it impacts their earnings. Now the supply chain itself was dependent on country ratings and biz environment aspect. So it gave me holistic 360 view..
Among the majors i was particularly keen on Defence Majors in India right from Dassault to Boeing to LM to DCNS, among others included Airbus, Monsanto, Fairbanks, to multiple sectors companies. Basically any MNC either buying any product/raw material from India or outsourcing a small portion also
(creditor side) or selling any finsihed good to India and realisation of that in Debtor side payment all comes under my purview. SO in simple words, the health of the company based on making a product and sourcing the materials across the globe (for me its India specific) and selling the finished products (again India specific)
is tracked, rated and continuously the health of supply chain monitored at individual company level. Thats how all the Def sector companies are linked to me and over time i rose upto corridors of power due to having healthy relationship with the bureaucrats. I moved out of that field some time back

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