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Recent content by Observer7

  1. Observer7

    Thank You India

    This Thread has now become a Funny one. And members from both sides are giving a good laugh with their quickwitted replies.:rofl: :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
  2. Observer7

    Thank You India

    By the way which paper you read....:what:
  3. Observer7

    Thank You India

    Pakistanis don't just rely on those coordinates. Check thoroughly before firing Babur, Shaheen, Ghauri. Who know its might be a deception by RAW. As you fire and finding the same missiles coming after your ....."Beep":rofl:. Later dont say the coordinates were of Pakistan.;)
  4. Observer7

    Bangladeshi origin teacher who made my life a whole lot easier....

    Good Site....Guys around the world refer it ;)to the needy one....
  5. Observer7

    Groups: World War III

    There is no doubt that in future there will be a World War 3. Cause if World war 1 and 2 can happen then why not world war 3. And another reason that the world war 3 will happen some day cause there are many nations who are actively increasing, modernizing and also secretly getting or possessing...
  6. Observer7

    India's edge over China:Soft Power

    Yes China's trade mark is "the Great wall of China" which was build for war and for defense purpose. Where as India's trade mark is Taj Mahal the symbol of love and peace. That is where the difference lies. Probably now you understand Why India is gaining edge.:azn:
  7. Observer7

    India vows $500m for Myanmar infrastructure

    This is just the starting Kid, India belongs to the land of Chanakya, they not to be taught what politics is, its inbuilt in them. They lay low but they are silent killers. You never know what plotting they are doing for their hostile neighbors.:azn:
  8. Observer7

    India Blocks Anti Sri Lanka Propaganda

    Probably some Pakistanies don't know about Tamilians or Indians. They think Since some Indian tamilians support the tamils in srilanka due to some differences or due to some tamil speaking people in some poor state in lanka that dosent mean they are not patriotic to India. They are equally...
  9. Observer7

    India Blocks Anti Sri Lanka Propaganda

    Who said that she is a foreigner. She is an Indian same like any other Indian in India. She is married to an Indian and she is the Daughter in Law. And as per India, Daughter in Law come to the boys family and becomes one of the part of the family and in no way you can differentiate her with...
  10. Observer7

    India Blocks Anti Sri Lanka Propaganda

    Its been more than 60 years since independence. And now there is no king and Kingdom left in India. India is a Democratic Republic Country. And none of its state even thinking for to separate from it. Cause What more any person, state or country can ask more than democracy. And India is formed...
  11. Observer7

    India Blocks Anti Sri Lanka Propaganda

    :woot: Now this is some thing new. Man from where do you get all this info. This sound some thing like Zaid Hamid talk. LOL. There is none of the state in India which is ever thinking to separate from it. Even about Kashmir too. Majority too don't want to separate from India. Its only some hand...
  12. Observer7

    Myanmar largest Indian aid recipient after Afghanistan

    India is slowly catching up. And will diplomatically counter china than by threat to its neighbors.
  13. Observer7

    How to Overtake the Indian Armour ?

    This is where the Pakistanis differ from Indians. First of all India or Indians never wanted to be the God of any country or countries. They were never having the mind set to dominate any country. Instead they all these years were busy to get the basis needs for their people. And till today they...
  14. Observer7

    Top Hizb-ul-Mujahideen commander killed in Kashmir.

    Good job by Indian forces. Keep the count ticking. Indian forces considerably changed the situation in Kashmir. From Militant infested region to Militant free region. :tup::cheers:....And dump those rats to those nameless graves. Why wasting land for making graves for those terrorist. Why dont...
  15. Observer7

    Dont-give-me-death-I-was-brainwashed-like-a-robot: Kasab

    Dear if the whole world come and tells Pakistan, it will still not believe. For believing the truth Strong Will is required. I tell you as long as the Country denies it and thinks those non state actors as strategic asset its going in the path of destruction and misery. And the proof is what you...
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