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Recent content by MohammadHaqueCA

  1. MohammadHaqueCA

    Enigma of Pakistani Cricket

    There is no denying the fact that cricket regulating bodies in almost all the cricketing nations are heavily politicized. However, the case of Pakistan, like every other national institution, is not of politicisation; rather it’s the matter of political contamination. Since the very inception of...
  2. MohammadHaqueCA

    KPK: School books to have Quranic verses against corruption

    It appears to be another poster child of a bunch of Pakistani politicians and another proof that PTI is also a chip of the old block! About 40 years ago, Ziaul Haq made the subject of Pakistan Studies and Islamiyat mandatory at all levels and for all kinds of education but nothing constructive...
  3. MohammadHaqueCA

    Stop arming terrorists in Syria, Iran tells US

    Since when Assad government is secular? Its a radical government thats being backed by extreme Shiite fundamentalist regime of Mullahs in Iran!
  4. MohammadHaqueCA

    Stop arming terrorists in Syria, Iran tells US

    Well, Iran is the principal reason behind the prolonged civilian carnage in Syria, and that too purely due to radical sectarian reasons. Iran supports all the Shiite regimes around the world irrespective of their barbarian and brutal practices, and Syrian regime is the top client of Iranian...
  5. MohammadHaqueCA

    If we opened our mouth, decent people will shut there TVs down. Haider Abbas Rizvi

    Oh, we all KNOW that Mr. Rizvi that you people have gutter mouth; certainly no match for you in Pakistan!
  6. MohammadHaqueCA

    Can Musharraf win back Pakistan?

    Mush will NEVER be successful as a politician. He is living under a hallucinated impression that people like him. The only seat that is secure for him to win is the Chitral NA seat due to Lowari Tunnel; rest of the Pakistan will always prove to be a complete NO NO for him!
  7. MohammadHaqueCA

    Pakistan undermined Karzai's govt as he helped 'India stab Pakistan in the back’: Musharraf

    I have never liked Musharraf, rather his tactics and personality appear loathsome to me but here I couldn't agree more with him. He is right on the spot!
  8. MohammadHaqueCA

    Sarkozy requested India to join UNSC as permanent member

    So it was after that proposal by "former" maverick president of France that his brother married Mary-Kate Ashley!
  9. MohammadHaqueCA

    Pakistan will not accept India as UNSC permanent member: Nawaz

    China never said that it would back India's UNSC membership bid; its only Indian foreign minister who gave the impression that China was good with it. Its all propaganda from Indian Modi Machine to harangue an artificial aura of regional dominance. A hegemonious ambition that will never come...
  10. MohammadHaqueCA

    Pakistan's population explosion may become a threat to the very existence of the nation

    Pakistani pundits don't have the capacity of comprehending the significance and seriousness of this explosive issue. Its too over refined for them :(
  11. MohammadHaqueCA

    Obama told India religious freedom fundamental: State Dept

    Of course Pakistan does it all the time. And look who is talking!
  12. MohammadHaqueCA

    Jinnah didn't know how to write or read Urdu

    Read Jaswant Singh and Dr. Lawrence Ziring, and listen to Advani! and other Millions of books that you people in India don't read!
  13. MohammadHaqueCA

    Dont Hold MQM Responisble for May 12 or Else - Don Altaf Threatens Anchors

    Of course, Bhutto was one of the principal culprits but who brought Bhutto in politics. Pagara took him to Ayub and he inducted a young and pretty son of Sir Shahnawaz Bhutto into his cabinet. Same tactics that all the Military dictators have been using in Pakistan to give a face of legitimacy...
  14. MohammadHaqueCA

    Dont Hold MQM Responisble for May 12 or Else - Don Altaf Threatens Anchors

    WOW! I think the chain reaction of Pakistan's downward spiral was ignited by self proclaimed Field Marshal Ayub Khan. This truth is embedded in the constitutional history of our nation. When an army general (aka Ayub Khan) of an embryonic state puts gun on the head of the incumbent Governor...
  15. MohammadHaqueCA

    Dont Hold MQM Responisble for May 12 or Else - Don Altaf Threatens Anchors

    MQM is a Cancer; its called MQMia from Leukemia!
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