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  • Well, I'll sure miss a personality like you.

    And no, it is not a crime. But I do think that you're anti-Arab, and pro-Israeli/Iranian. Why is this? You're so called 'explanations' that you give in your posts don't seem very logical to me.
    You said 'these are the last posts I'm making'. Tell me, before I will be left wondering to myself 'who was this pro-Israeli, pro-Iranian, anti-Arab guy' to appear in PDF for a while then go away?
    hi, you asked me once why imam ali was quiet even when he had the right to complain, so i have a question: if i translate a large amount of text, will you read it? it will take 2-3 months!
    My brother i'm listening to Mr Ahmed Hulusi u should look in to it. I think he is without any doubt the best of todays scholars. It made me understand my religion in turth ways and also love it. He makes u think a lot on all kind of matters.
    My honorble friend we need more brothers like you! Keep those posts coming!
    Yes, true..I single every word you said..
    BTW, i like your approach to terrorism..Exterminating fundamental-extremist so called "Islamic" terrorists should be #1 priority..Well i would like to share more of my thoughts but i fear i will be expelled from Turkish community here, so will share my thoughts better when i have 2000 posts :) Good night for today
    No, i am not against it..Not at all..Nato is crucial for us..I know, most of the Turks on this forum oppose me for that but i am not an extremist who hates America or Israel..I am just against our foreign policy to be doctrinated from Washington..Thats all..BTW i sent you a friend request, i hope you accept it
    I agree except the part that any insurgents are terrorists. Some government are pure evil, example NK. If it caused them a million lives then IMO its worth the sacrifice. Another is Syria. If you your self lost your mother or family by government torture, you would think that there is a reason for jihad and sometimes in the long term its better for the country as a whole.
    I am Saudi, but since several Pakistanis accused me of being an Indian I decided to take up the roll.
    I think the term is abused so much these days. If defending your country from invaders is extremism then I am an extremist. The ironic thing is people decide on who is/isn't extreme based on media which is based governments view point. For example, the Taliban were freedom fighters when they fought the soviets, now they are terrorists. Libyan rebels had members who publicly said they affiliated with Al-Qaida, and the west wholeheartedly supported them. That being said, I think AQ, Al-Shabab, Mahdi army and Hezbollah are 10 times worst than Israel and the US combined.
    I don't support the US. I just realize they are a super power and no need to lock horns with them unless absolutely necessary. International relations are based on power, ideology is just used as an excuse/justification for the masses.
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