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  • I am disgusted of the way you are ashamed of your origins. At first you refused to mention your country but then you say it's Russia. Shame on you. I am trying to learn you how to become a man and be proud of your country rather than hiding behind superpowers flags.
    As I said before, Libya is a whole other situation. I'm not believing the media, rather the witnesses own accounts as well as the videos they post on Youtube.
    The proof given to me shows Assad's evil troops torturing and killing innocent protesters. Innocents - not terrorists.

    And now, you can go ahead and show me your side of the evidence that Assad is being staged.
    There is enough proof in videos and human given to me that Assad is a murderer and a killer.

    Can't say the same for the opposite angel though.
    How do you know that the protesters bombed the church? How do you know that all the protesters are supporting these terrorist actions if this is proven to be true? How do you know that they are not being framed by another outside power (Iran, Russia, China) or the Syrian army itself?
    S-19, I said prove to me how the protesters are terrorists, not label terrorist events that can be disproved in a sentence.
    No absolutely not. Now, if you can provide proof to me that what the protesters in Syria are doing is indeed terrorism, then I may change my mind.
    Actually, we have a rise of a peaceful alternative to Zardari. His name is Imran Khan. He's the leader of PTI, Pakistan's movement for justice party.

    And, as for your analogy of Zaradri, yes he has killed millions by being a jackass, but Assad is deliberatively ordering his troops to go out to kill and torture innocent protesters who want him out.

    Zardari can't really do anything like that to us, we protest everyday, we attack police officers on a even scale, we even set out PM to jail for a minute (mind you, most countries don't have the guts to do this).

    So, you can't compare the situation of poverty in Pakistan, to the deliberate actions of the tyrant Assad.

    I do realize that America, China, Russia, the European Union, and Israel want him in or out for their own reasons.
    Go ahead.

    But I stand by what I said. If he's supported that much, then why doesn't he host elections to prove himself? Just because the majority support him, doesn't make him innocent of his evil actions.
    Well, I think that Syria's sovereignty should be respected, and it should solve it's own matters. But, I do not support a dictator/killer like Assad, and do wish that he comes out of power.

    The Syrians living in Pakistan have said this as well.
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