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  • So, it will be Russia who'll rise as the empire against USA? I can believe that, but I'd think it would expected it to most likely be Muslim.
    By that I was responding to PGK's allegations that Pakistan doesn't have influence in Iran.
    I would think that you would have a better understanding of what being 'anti' is.

    Look at PGK's comments directed towards me in the thread, and my profile page. That's called him being bigoted, and me being 'anti-ignorant'.
    Sorry my last message resume:
    ridiculous?Believe me brother Iran army contains more troops than any country in ME.Brother as an Iranian I tell you most of our modern equipment is in IRGC hands then you see if they are not considered as a part of Iran military,Iran's power will be considered lower than it actually is.Iran always leaned on a very small military budget(about 9 millions if I am not mistaken) but we are informed it is going to be increased at least 125%!I believe brother there are few capable armies in our region:Iran,Turkey,Pakistan(I don't have enough information about Egypt army) and with whole respect to your ideas,I believe Iran is stronger than Pakistan militarily (remember our budget which was only a bit higher than 1/3 of Turkey's) and is going to be stronger day by day.InshaAllah!
    Sorry for making you tired.Have a nice day.
    Hello brother,hope you are quite OK
    I've just read "Iran vs Saudi Arabia". Thanks for your useful information but I'd rather express some points.
    I agree with you that GFP is a good site for comparing armies but it lacks some information about Iran(not other countries probably).You know there are many experts that believe Iran has about 5000 tanks(it MAY be less) not about 1700 as GFP says.You know as our enemies threaten us anytime,military information(such as numbers) are secret.I myself as as Iranian even don't know our army's statistics while I am so eager to find them out.And I have heard GFP hasn't mentioned IRGC.It is said that IRGC had about 160000 deaths in Iraq vs Iran war then how can it be consisted of 120000?Doesn't that sound
    Hello bro,
    I only wanted to say "HELLO" and express my friendship.
    You know,I think it's great to have friends from other countries.Have a great time!
    Changing your flags from Soviet Union to the Russian Federation now ? I dunno but that sounds about 21 years too late..! :P
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