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  • Yah man, am fine....just hanging to life lolz....well, i dont either like fighting my countrymen, especially on an international forum....but you know, there's always a way of arguing....a standard way....sadly, some people did not learn to follow that....
    You saw my posts, i have done it with perfect honesty and with my up-to-date knowledge....even if i am wrong, they dont know the proper way to show that to me....anyways, cheers to our countries, hope we earn success and stand out as proud nations....:)
    what are you doing nowdays....??? where are you from india...
    yes, but if u look at that thread, it went on well, because no one replied to the flame bait. what i am saying is that if some people can exercise some restraint, a lot of threads would have not been destroyed.

    the chinese and pakistanis keep bringing out the poverty and toilet card because they know it get to some indians. and like idiots a lot of them give the trolls the pleasure of letting them know that they got to them. if no one had bothered replying, those insults would have died down a long time ago.
    yes, i think i missed that. have to check it up.

    but even then, TATA shouldnt have replied the way he did. If one troll blurts, you dont reply in kind. Besides, as an Indian i expect him to maintain higher standards than posters of other nationalities. I didnt mean any harm
    ya me too :)
    I just said to one of the hot heads that Kasab was not a Pakistani initially and later become one. All hell broke loose and I was banned for replying to trolls but the trolls themselves were not banned. I can see the comedy side of things in any case.
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