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  • Hey yaar. Hope you have a great Good Friday breaking bread with the family and a fabulous Easter. May Lord Jesus Christ bless you and your family and India on this auspicious weekend
    JANI no harm i always love humens and live out of pakistan from 13 years now i know india pak meet work and friendship with indian is my daily life .i can't hart a humen. members when go out of control i just feel sad .

    thanks yaar we are brothers and enemy same time.
    Hi Sir Ji,
    Come on man, of my such loong posts you reply me with a 2liner, At least I was expecting something better from to debate on, lol.

    I didn't feel good to put these words in an open forum so I pasted here.D:
    r-15 is 1.1lakh 17bhp 140 topspeed. its called baby r-1.
    fz-16, fazer ~72k 14bhp 110 topspeed, very good city bikes with quick acceleration.

    if you have $$$ buy r-15. else fazer/fz
    Mine is r-15, one of my friend got fz-16 both of the give almost same mileage around 45. fazer and fz may give a little less coz they are carb models where as r-15 is fuel injected.
    ya at points it does get really funny and you really dont feel lik ranking the post down. and some ppl (with no sense of humor) just cant take it. but now im a moderator not a think tank. need to be strick lolzz....
    Hello sir,

    It was a nice thread , but I was to late on it, missed out the real action, Lol, nevertheless it was providing grounds for healthy discussions, specially in the presence of serious and mature posters on both sides. But as usual, sh!t happens and those good 4 nothing bugs destroy a good debate.

    I usually pull of my ejection button, when the thread becomes loaded with those Smokers, even if their is plenty of room for a good debate. Its because the real discussion kinda hides in the mist of bash clouds.

    I am afraid I am posting to much these days, not a good sign. Its better to post less but quality, which i am missing these days. Apart from that its funny that you are even counting my posts, hahahahahaha.

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