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  • So Deniz how many semesters or years till you're finally done with your studies and would be entering the job market ?
    problem degil... dusunmustum ama yinede denegim dedim!

    zaman ayirdigin icin tesekkur ederim! :D
    deno... senden bi ricam olacak bi youtube video var benim bakamadigim, burda kapanmis, sene gøndersem bi bakabilirmisin?
    So now my beliefs are agnostic in that..I'd probably never know the answer to most of my questions..but I do need a moral compass of sorts...but then again how do I define moral to begin with and even if I do manage to do that...do I actually have the right to do so except I haven't defined 'right' either. See what I was talking about ?
    Well the converse is true for me...I was raised as an Orthodox Muslim because my family is a religious one; however I just couldn't reconcile certain things to human reasoning. So I delved into Philosophy and Political Science...the Political Science I could understand very well and for a time I was an avid Marxist but my inquiries into Philosophy opened a pandora's box that ended up giving me a nasty headache...because the more you think about all of that...the more you realize that you know nothing and what you do know is founded on nothing. For example...I remember talking about the rights of others and logic and human reasoning before I realized how hollow all of that sounded because I couldn't empirically define any of them to begin with.
    Except I am a Muslim...an agnostic Muslim, if there be such a thing :) Einstein always identified as a Jew...even though he said that he didn't believe in this vengeful, spiteful God who rewards the good and punishes the wicked...hence I've got some issues with God (such as whether or not he exists..or why the heck is the world in such a mess) but I proudly call myself a Muslim, perhaps not in a religious sense. :P Too much Philosophy will do that to the Mind !
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