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  • Nah...never was addicted to FB ! Some of my friends on the other hand can't stop with the Farmville !

    'I shave my beard and my moustache' - I've known enough women to know that they do ! :D :D :P :P
    Jeez, Deniz you don't play with Barbies but you play DOTA, you don't do FB but are hooked to PDF and you're a footballer ! Dang...God ( or Evolution for you :P) must have mucked up when you were being created because your unlike every women I've ever know or heard of ? Why do I feel like your just pulling my leg and your actually guy with a moustache sitting on the side of that screen ? :D

    Anyhow, I'm not into FB myself. Just logged in today after about 4 months...and I haven't posted anything in well over 2 years ! So Peace Brother ! :P
    Uhh..projects. I hated those...!

    Hey, I'm asking around whether PDFers are on FaceBook. Are you ? And if yes...may I add you ?
    Good...good ! Have you ever fasted ? I never want to :( but my Mom usually emotionally blackmails me into keeping them. :P
    Haaahaaa ! I don't pray either...in fact the last time I offered any prayers were back in Ramadan and that too for a single day...so I'm just as bad as you are :)

    How about an honorary Pakistani then ?
    Thanks for the link ! Damn, Deno whatever you say...you're still a Muslim at heart ! :P You might not be religious but your still one of us.
    Perhaps...you have to understand that this movie wasn't shown anywhere in the Western world because of strong Indian Lobbying, imagine if it had showed what Muslims had to go through at the time of the Partition, it might be declared as 'Hate Material' towards the Hindus, by the Indian Lobbying. In fact, if I remember, correctly, Christopher Lee said that this was his most important role and lamented the fact that this was deliberately not shown in the West because they don't want others to know that the Muslims sported Great, Progressive Leaders too !
    Yeah I couldn't find any other copy of the film that was better ! I suppose to someone like myself, who understands the progression of how and what events shaped Pakistan, I could understand it better than others and perhaps a little more explanation was required...but then again you can only show so much in a 2-3 hr movie.
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