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  • All the problems in the world aren't because of 'Secularism' they are because of 'Zionism, America and Galatasrary' :p But you have to admit that 'Secularism' makes 'Religious Polity' subservient to an 'ism' that actively castigates religion and consequently religious people who understand a political side to their religion are going to feel threatened !

    Travelling the World...! That sounds a lot of fun...I've always wanted to go to Egypt and see those Pyramids ! Good luck with that....and remember maintain a video-log of that ! :)

    My exams are coming up on the 13th of this month and so my days are spent frantically preparing for them ! :(
    No, why offend? not at all. I am not that kind of person. Accept my apologies about that post, even now I do not know how I posted it, there! Believe me, I do not have the habit of over-drinking! :D

    A professional camera! wow! To be honest the most advanced DC I have had was Canon G series. Which brand do you have? If you want to have a sharp but mature guide, I recommend you to buy book "the 123 of digital imaging".
    Also you may found free but most probable illegal versions of the book, shared by someone on file sharing databases.

    tell me about the lenses you provide for that bad boy! One of my choices could definitely be Tamron AF18-270 mm. it is an all zoom range covering solution in one box. Oh I think I have got over exited about imaging, sorry! Every body has weakness, you know! :)

    Tell me more about the life in Turkey. Where do you live, How old are you, Are you a student? ...
    Deniz, I sent you a reply yesterday, I can not see it among the posts now! Deniz, I am very glad to find you here. I really enjoyed the provided site by you. Please let me know about similar websites.
    Hey, wassup Deno ? With the end of your exams are you now in the final year of your degree ?
    Huuunh ! Don't get cocky with your one league title after 3 years...we won in 2010/11 and we'd win the coming season. We were just distracted with all the nonsense aimed at Fener and if you think that with has-beens like Eboue, Riera, Elmander and Melo you've got a chance against Fener then dream on ! For Gala winning the title next season is as certain as 'your non-existing....' ! :P

    On the language thing - That sounds a lot like Urdu. I mean literary Urdu is heavily persianized whereas the one that we speak every day has loan-words from our local languages ! For example the Urdu spoken in Lahore has loan-words borrowed from 'Punjabi', the language of my Province. Likewise my Baloch friends from Balochistan do use the occasional 'Balochi word' when speaking Urdu. And Urdu by its very nature is 'an amalgamation of different languages' one of which was Turkish whilst the predominant influences were Persian and Arabic.
    *your non-existing what ?* Deeeeno...good Lord ! :D

    Huuunh...! Don't you worry we were distracted with all those 'scandals' and our top leadership being targeted ! We'd be back this season ! :P

    P.S Why would you need to learn 'Arabic' and 'Persian' to learn how to write Turkish ? Our languages are written in the Persian Nastaliq script and yet none of us knows any Persian !
    Yup we probably would understand one another ! I never understood 'why was the Persian script changed in favor of the current Roman one, by Ataturk ?'. What was the reasoning behind that change ?

    And no Deno its not you're fault that you're ignorant of 'artistic literature', you're a Gala fan after all ! :P You guys can't play football let alone appreciate some of the finer 'artistry of man' ! :D :P And yeah Fenerbahce signed 'Dirk Kuyt' ! Oooh yeahh ! :P I can't wait for the season to start any sooner !
    Deno, I don't know any Turkish either, where do you think I got the Turkish word for a 'friend' from if not Google ! :P

    But thanks ! Dost does mean 'friend' in Urdu but I dunno whether you could read that in the Persian Nastaliq script it was written in ! By the way isn't it the same word in the Turkish language because I do remember hearing a song/poem that went 'Dostlar beni hatirlasin' and it translated as, I think, 'may the friends remember me' ! And so I thought maybe 'dost' meant 'friend' in Turkish...does it ?
    I do hope your finals went well; mine are coming up in around a weeks time ! :( So I probably won't be around on PDF a lot. Take Care, arkadas ! (did I say that right ? :D)
    Oye...where the heck were you ? We missed you so much over here...! Well...I guess your Gala actually won something ! :)
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