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  • hey man how r u...

    Its been a long time since we have been postin on PDF yet we r kinda strangers... if u know what i mean bro...
    Listen CD in Delhi we do use this word to call chineese with this name (though has this originated that I don't know) My intent was not to insult anyone.
    CD, do you know what happened to Brotherhood? I've not seen him around for a while now. Missing his daily economic updates..lol
    The same Europeans that massacred 20 times the amount of the so called armenian genocide that is fabricated by the same Europeans? Or the same Europeans that enslaved millions of people and colonised even China?

    Look, I understand that you feel strongly about your country, i respect that. And i also respect China for its peaceful conduct with other countries. BUT, i don't respect that today's China still value the human life so low. I don't give a damn if that girl is Chinese, Turkish, American or Indian. A human life i equally valuable no matter what. This is exactly what is not visible in mainstream China thanks to decades of communist rule, that destroyed the very fundemental beliefs in human value. I am open to Turkey's critizism, i accept that Armenians were killed in WW1. The same way i accept that Kurds didn't have the same rights as Turks for decades. The question is: are you open to criticism or do you still fear that your government watches your movements?
    Thank you for the support, I really appreciate it. We are very lucky to have someone like you here, you are truly the one of the best (if not the best) posters on this forum.
    Hello mate,

    I wrote a long message but then I found out my post count is too little to reply private messages. Darn.

    LOL anyway, there are no cooler months in Malaysia, it's freaking hot and humid all year here, right now it's 37c :P I was under the impression that you have cousins here, so you visit here quite often haha

    Thanks alot for the explaination, yeah it does answer everything I have in mind about China. At the end of the day, every country works for it's own interest, no problem with that :)

    If you ever come down to Msia, just give me a buzz over here, I can show you around the best Chinese food and places.. You have a good day, mate. Cheers.
    i have a question.

    if Hindustan uniliver is not indian but British as its parent company is European; then by same logic jaguar and land rover are Indian companies as their parent company TATA motors is indian; right?

    kindly reply.
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