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  • not ok if its not your material and you are violating copyrights

    if its open source then its fine
    الاردن والسعودية سوا الله محي اصلك حاط العلم عشانك والله
    lol, i'm surprised you didn't know what bollywood was, not to mention you only watched one indian film. A lot of Arabs i met including Muslims from other countries watch bollywood films and indian TV serials, even though all of it is nothing but crap and lies not to mention a lot of them are copied from American films/dramas. I heard indian movies are popular in dubai and the rest of UAE.

    I agree, bollywood is ridiculous.
    Well, now you know what we Pakistanis have to live with on our Eastern border with these people threatening to invade us on many occasions. I didn't send those pictures without a reason to just disgust you.

    BTW, next time you watch anything from bollywood, do remember that what they show is not the real india.
    زبدله اديله زبد
    اقسملك باللة و انا كنت فى التحرير لو كان الجيش قتلنى ان ماكنتش هقول انة اضرب عليا حتى لو كنت بطلع فى الروح علشان من غير جيش مافيش دولة دة كفاية المنظر الى مابيتوصفش الى حصل اول لما الجيش نزل الشارع
    على العموم احنا ممكن نقول يارب الى فى مصلحة الامة الاسلامية يتم
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