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  • I am not into it but i know that they are messing up the world and have their own believes and interpretations of the Torah and striving for a great-israel and believe that the humankind are created to serve them only. Its a ideology based on racism. And about the devilworship, yes it is true. They are worshipping the devil. They get this secret after a mason reached degree of 27. They getting connected with the devil and the devil (Satan) giving the orders.

    The main target of Satan is taking the people away from the truth and making people worship something else then God . The final and the biggest test for the humankind will be the Dajjal. Job of Satan is to weak the faith of people in God and His religion so the people will accept the Dajjal as a God faster. If you look to the system of the world now, its nothing else but a injustice system based on immorality..
    That is indeed true, but I believe the Kashmir Conflict has evolved from that to something else - more of a nationalist struggle that is, albeit, at times manipulated by fundementalist forces. AJK's pretty dissolutioned with Pakistan as a whole since the wide-spread rigging in the last elections, IOK is more attuned for Pakistan but there is still a majority re: complete independence.
    Doctors just call them "Board". You take a "GS Board" meaning you will get a General Surgery Specialist degree and followed by Consultants degree.

    Saudi Post-Graduate medical education system supports the Doctor all the way to get the Consultant degree ASAP. That is why you have Saudi Consultants in their late 20s and early 30s while else where they get it when they are in their 50s.
    How you mean a myth?? Well, i made this account year ago i think but i believe now that the name ''illuminati'' is not very accurate. Its more a manipulation for people. We must more focus ourselves on the masonic elite. The knight templars that has a mission to dominate the world and preparing the world for the anti christ. They do this under command by the Satan.
    You know what illuminati is? So when you put the K in front of it, it will be Killuminati (Kill the Illuminati).
    Until the end of this month I will be extremly busy :( Only escape I will get will be my launch breaks and little times that I can get from ditching my work for a minute or two :'(
    I was on a trip to Aqaba with my friends, after going through tough times. I don't remember exactly of what I was exactly thinking but I think contemplating. Alhamdulilah, God took care of me.
    Waw, I don't know. This tempreture was like this three days ago, it was the highest tempreture in the whole year. It's not only me but all people everywhere don't get out with this temp but for important things. You see the streets empty, and ACs and fans are on everywhere at 17C. I am really surprised that you play football under 39C. Maybe it's 39C and cloudy, there must be sth different.
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