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  • I think you spend the bulk of your time chatting with people on profile walls than in the forum discussing topics. Wish I was like you. You seem like a very social person.
    Ofcourse you have every right to be proud of your mothers accomplishments, she sounds like an extraordinary woman. And I am just being a unreasonable I guess, well I am of to sleep. Good night Arms.
    The video I posted is a year old one. I don't know why JF-17, but I guess they tried to market it by demonstrating it's capabilities.
    Air exercises, Pakistan was part of the recent drill in Jordan as well, "EAGER LION" a month ago.
    I saw some video's about the sheikh but the major problem is, is that everybody talking about it and its hard to know which one is reliable. I am not really a follower of him or him or them. Its just important to use your logical thinking and a bit of history you can analize and conclude whats going on. Ofcourse with the Qur'an and the Hadith otherwise u cant understand it.

    Just hold distance of the work of the Satan .
    You don't sleep during class?? That is not a sign of a successful future. ALL great men slept during class. :D
    You should be proud of your mom even if she didn'thad any degree... Atleast I think you should. Atleast she is there you know....
    f*ck this sh't I am out of here.... :D

    What I don't study in finance!!! atleast I new it was abouf debt!!!
    But wasn't gearing ratio used for companies in stock market? If you are asking for debt/revenueratio of this year I think I would like it to be secret or atleast not to write in a forum that everyone can see :)
    You are in in Accounting.... You Count...

    200,000 +2% tax and so on... Clicking the calculator all day long must be excruciating.
    Wow nice :) and I sense some righteous pride in your message :) Man... I would like to feel the same when I finish my school and say ''*uck yea!! and show my degree and say I earned this sh't'' :D

    I know that as a person who you met on internet my opinion doesn't matter much and SHOULN'T matter much but I think I would choose the risky path for few years and if I am succesfull I would continue and if I am not than there is always the ''safe'' path that I can take.
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