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  • Great Depression then rise of Nazism/coincidence, Pearl Harbor then Hiroshima & Nagasaki, 911 then 610. God bless America 4 obvious reason.
    They "know" about ur personal best too. Making guesses, to see under which "civil intel" useless bourgeois they can put you, exploit you
    Stop being a "pessimist", let the "illuminati"/civil intel fraud exploit the Placebo effect by telling u to b positive and....the universe!!
    "kabalarians", divine guidance, civil intel, or God knows what oh keep trying. I thought there was a brilliant mind behind our suffering...
    Terrorists/"civil intel" worldwide, same agenda. Destroy, traumatize, "enlighten" & recruit then rebuild. Useful idiots, totalitarian gov't.
    Some migrants live on welfare while others r recruited by deep state or civil intel scam. Germans & Swedes are effectively paying jizya
    Writing about the use of internet forums as cults will help stopping a possible nuclear Pk-In war, Jewish globalist useless narcissists.
    I am going to include photos of the useful idiots in the video. Atyaf, her so-called Jordanian "intelligence" doctors and etc. The universe!
    So-called "reptilian" Abdullah II can shapeshift in few seconds, if you put him in boiling water. Same thing is applicable to Elizabeth II.
    In a country such as Syria or Iraq, what are the consequences of withdrawing from the UN, withdrawing recognition of the US government?
    And when I caused the LAN connection 2 disconnect remotely & made fake prints, "illuminati god" claimed to be the preparator. The universe!!
    Basrah is full of anti-Zionist people. What is needed to be done is spreading awareness. Fascists' so-called "God" can do nothing but watch.
    The awkward moment when the "illuminati" degenerates use a dongle-less mouse to impress disbelievers by moving the cursor, the universe!
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