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  • Unless magic art practitioners give up the notion that Muslims do worship a "moon god", they will always be making blood moons themselves.
    Nowadays "Narcissists" might have been forced to "eat from the forbidden fruit". Others had no idea how they perceived life before. Maybe.
    America knows peace doesn't start here. It starts in Palestine. She can't do anything in Syria/Iraq to bring "peace". It doesn't start here.
    "And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed. He'll crush your head, and you'll strike his heel.”
    Do not create ICBM, get rid of reasons why your opponent might use them.
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    Not when most of them realize there is no reason to fight. There won't be a Jack or Jim to operate them, nor the warplanes/"the Dragons".
    Tell that to Trump, can he understand the simplest logic? So build ICBMs as many as you can, to put mad dogs on their place. Weak is dead, first law of jungle, the US law
    World is not like that. See, people wanted to attack Pakistan way before Iraq? But we were here to retaliate with WMD, they never dared to cross the line. I respect your stance, but these people dont understand that language.
    Why doesn't that useless idol, Baphomet, undergo a plastic surgery? "Free" masons are persuaded to change things they don't like, I suppose.
    Liking and disliking is something, that is associated with free people. Hiding faces is something associated with public figures. So, why plastic surgery, and why disliking ?
    He will grieve the zoo, the past and the future. That's guaranteed. Useless egotist. Animal-wannabes are expendables, if you ask me.
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    @Lagay Raho I also have a view point regarding this. Remenber, when Adam and Hawwa were created, satan came to Hawwa, not Adam, and Hawwa obliged Satans idea of eating that fruit. Women can easily be lured away from main goals. When Allah said HE is creating HIS deputy(Khalifa), HE created a man, not a woman.
    Lagay Raho
    Lagay Raho
    @fitpOsitive i agree with most of it, but i dont think its clear if he came to both or Hawa only?
    Control the rain, break the sword, get rid of the dragon, take animals back 2 the zoo, save what's left of humans. #Equality #Justice #Peace
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