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  • Assad needs to stop exploiting Alawites to run a cult. Al-Abadi needs to deny entry of all South Asians. For a better Mashriq.
    If the Iraqi tribes of Basrah insist on being stupid, Iraqis will someday represent no more than 15% of its total population.
    Remember, difference between destructive cults and healthy forums is that the first have thousands of fake accounts 4 hypnosis, gaslighting.
    Civil intelligence are people who are used by their governments as useful idiots. They help the gov't gaslight/persuade their own people.
    & I promise you Aleppans if you be "good" kids and obey me now on, we'll go to the Mullah's Wonderland and see Santa Claus #PromotingGrowth
    Use every given chance positively, who knows u may fairly prove ur better than them...expel/starve/enslave Today, rather than Someday.
    You support cults while they are against cults. They crushed you once, they'll crush you twice.
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    Care to explain , who?
    who is "you" and who are "they" ?
    The "you" is the team which employs unlawful/unfair ways to convince people of things and the "they" are those who are likely to be bad in the end of the line. Both are bad, except the world won't run out of good people. You can't be bad to people and justify it by saying you're protecting them from a "possibly" worse scenario, mere possibility which may not take place. The "they" are nicer people, so far.
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    Now that Assad deprived our students. He'd offer milieu-controlled jobs, cool android spouses, pitchforks 4 the Super Bauers (or "powers").
    If a psychopath bans critical thinking, keep smashing the "chessboard" over his head until a flower grows up there. #PromotingAgriculture
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    Beliefs aren't necessary, behaviour is.
    I was asking because i thought shias are very happy with how things are in iraq as they are in power. But sunnis must be finding everything wrong with their country.
    You can't tell. You can always use coercive persuasion to make people feel worthless, or accept things they wouldn't accept otherwise. Likewise Al-Assad, and it's possible whether offline and online.

    The very first step for a better middle-east is to educate people what a cult is and how it works. It's never a "Shiite vs. Sunni" war, it's a war between destructive cults and freedom of mind.
    Better find another lie to feed the idiotic Ganados, psychopathic Saddler. Love-bombing, that needs more love-bombing...
    "Pinky: Gee, Drain, what do you want to do tonight? Drain: The same thing we do every night, Pinky, try to take over the world!..."
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