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  • No cults = no useful idiots/civil intelligence = no bourgoise/chosen ones = no fascism/capitalism = no lobbying = no Zionism/globalism
    Apparently, US & UK made ISIS to traumatize Muslims to push them towards hedonism, same way they radicalized Germans to destroy Christianity
    Then they showed a lot of Chinese texts and flags as if they had the power there. Seen a lot of clowns, but them?...wow.
    Assadist media needs to stop its cheap attempts to induce guilt, don't they know they'd be turned into tomato paste if we had the power? :)
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    Why does Assad have support in Syria? Is it fear of the extremists taking over?
    Such a stupid "president", threatening the European refugees since years. Nothing happened.
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    Which president and which European refugees?
    @fitpOsitive lady is talking about Assad and Syrian refugees. What a bright mind she has, cannot understand the reason of her enmity on Assad. Future will tell us more, if Assad didn't resist, nowadays, Israel was building a desalination reactor in beaches of Basra.
    No matter how plausibly deniable you think you are, someday, everything bad you once did will be returned to you with a boot over your head.
    Exporting oil alone is far better than accepting monopolist-capitalist investments, flooding a nation with millions of South Asian workers.
    After serving 25 to 40 years, all we get is some cash in hand and a kick on.... what demographic change are you talking about. When west and Israel treats you guys like that, it makes perfact sense to us. Its better change yourself rather than critising others.
    I'm not talking about what you get, I'm talking about what they get. The governments, besides I'm not a fan of Dubai and how the entire thing was built.


    Seek to 09:49. It's okay, that's the only way they can implement this stupid pyramidal system of slavery.
    Now you are talking :)
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    Without overthrowing "private" properties that are owned by pro-U.S. cult slaves in Iraq, capital will end up controlled by foreign hands
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