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Why We’d Miss Musharraf

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May 15, 2006
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Why We’d Miss Musharraf
By Sameer Lalwani

Posted September 2007

Pervez Musharraf is wobbling, and his political adversaries are moving in for the kill. But Pakistan’s former leaders are hardly the democratic saviors they present themselves to be.


False prophet: Pakistanis should pray former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif doesn’t return to power.

These are rough days for Pervez Musharraf. Pakistan’s president is beset on all sides by critical U.S. politicians and pundits, a hostile judicial establishment, a resurgent al Qaeda, and an increasingly militant religious extremist wing. Smelling weakness, two ambitious former prime ministers, Nawaz Sharif and Benazir Bhutto, are plotting their triumphant returns from exile. Musharraf may finally be running out of options. Speculation is rampant that he may soon have no choice but to take off his military uniform and work out a power-sharing arrangement with Sharif, Bhutto, or both.

We don’t yet know how the backroom deals will work out, and Pakistani politics are notoriously difficult to predict. (To wit, Sharif landed in Islamabad on September 10th and found himself deported four hours later.) But observers can count on a couple of time-honored truths remaining true. Despite all the talk of elections and civilian rule, meaningful democracy will not emerge in Pakistan anytime soon, nor will the military abandon its grip on government. Pakistan’s military possesses much greater staying power than most U.S. analysts assume, and it will remain the most potent and important political institution in the country for the foreseeable future.

Pakistan’s 60 years of history illustrate why this is so. When India and Pakistan parted ways in 1947, most of the British Indian Army’s Muslim officers—who constituted the bulk of the officer corps—went to Pakistan, while the bulk of civilian expertise went to India. This set the course for the military to dominate not only decisions of national security, but also domestic policy. Much like in Egypt and Turkey, the officer corps saw itself as the vanguard of Pakistan’s modernization. Under the military dictatorship of General Ayub Khan, a Nasser or Ataturk of his day, Pakistan witnessed a period of successful leadership and economic growth in the 1960s. This was followed by Pakistan’s most disastrous period of instability under the civilian government of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, Benazir’s father.

Today, the younger Bhutto and her successor Sharif are presenting themselves as the saviors of Pakistan’s beleaguered democratic institutions. This begs the question: How real were these institutions before Musharraf came to power? Pakistan has yet to form modern political parties that cut across clan and kinship lines. Instead, the country has produced one dynastic party, Bhutto’s Pakistan People’s Party, and a collection of local bosses and landowners, some of which make up various fragments of the Pakistan Muslim League.
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Moreover, as foreign-policy analyst Anatol Lieven has noted, “All civilian governments have been guilty of corruption, election rigging and the imprisonment or murder of political opponents, in some cases to a worse degree than the military administrations that followed.” Under the 10 years of civilian rule by Bhutto’s and Sharif’s constantly warring neofeudal parties, Pakistan was a democracy in name only. Far from building democratic institutions, their governments—bereft of competence and riddled with corruption—consistently undermined them. Bhutto was run out of the country for skimming millions off the top of government contracts; Sharif orchestrated the storming of the Supreme Court by street thugs as he was being tried for contempt. In an effort to efface their legacies, both former prime ministers are hoping to duck the legal charges that await them upon their return.

If only in contrast, the military fairly exudes bureaucratic efficiency and meritocracy. The Musharraf government has presided over Pakistan’s most successful economy, averaging 7 percent annual growth over the past five years. Compare this with the anemic 3 percent average in the 1990s under civilian rule. True, the military is diverting more state patronage into its own coffers these days. But arguably the military, instilled with a sense of loyalty to the state largely absent from civilian governments, remains more restrained in its corruption and graft. Indeed, Pakistani generals probably do more to circulate patronage to the lower ranks than their bureaucratic counterparts.

Some in Washington believe that civilian leaders would do more to crack down on Islamist militants and better cooperate with U.S. counterterrorism efforts on the Afghan-Pakistani border. That’s a false hope: Civil-military relations and national-security decision-making cannot change overnight. In the past, civilian governments have deferred to the Army to manage civil unrest, especially in the frontier provinces. And as it did with nuclear weapons development, the military often acts without the full knowledge of civilian leaders.

A deeply unpopular United States and the prevailing ethnic fissures also render it politically untenable for a civilian government to do Washington’s bidding. Neither Bhutto nor Sharif will crack down on the tribal regions, whatever promises they are privately making these days. Nor will Bhutto or Sharif challenge the military’s strategic calculus, which is to hedge against Indian encirclement via Afghanistan and U.S. abandonment of Pakistan, as occurred in the early 1990s. Like it or not, the military is the player that matters when it comes to such vital U.S. interests as fighting al Qaeda, stabilizing Afghanistan, and stemming nuclear proliferation—but military leaders are increasingly nervous that the United States will desert them again.

Rather than embracing false harbingers of democracy, the United States should deepen its ties with the Pakistani military through further commitments in funding, joint officer training, and intelligence sharing in order to procure the full support of the military leadership against the Taliban and al Qaeda. And for Pakistan’s people, the U.S. government needs to do more to channel visible development aid and encourage the growth of real democratic institutions instead of feudal patronage networks like those of Bhutto and Sharif.

With all the political maneuvering going on, it will be difficult for U.S. policymakers to resist their democratic impulses. Instinctually, it feels wrong to back a military leader over his civilian rivals—and the charges of hypocrisy will sting. Pakistan’s troubles, however, require much more than quick fixes such as elections and power-sharing deals. The question is, does the United States have the patience to stay engaged for the long haul? There’s a first time for everything.

Sameer Lalwani is a policy analyst with the New America Foundation’s American Strategy Program in Washington, D.C.

Foreign Policy: Why We&rsquo;d Miss Musharraf

An interesting commentary.

Will the democratic parties bring peace to Pakistan and to the world.

BB claimed that she would do a better job in handling the fundamentalists. Can she?

What new can Nawaz Sharif present?

Or is Musharraf the only hope for the world and Pakistan?
For now President Musharraf is the only hope, BB and nawaz sahrif are just a**h****, they just want the power and nothing else and people pf pakistan now acknowlege this as once can see it from the recent returning of nawaz sharif there wasnt a single pakistani average person i am talking about on the road, and the muslim league N has admitted this. So will be in the case of BB.
As for military, they are meant to safeguard pakistans interests and so they standup to the occasion if a threat arrises either externally or internally.
We need musharf till we got no other subtitute of him(whic i cant see in near future), bcoz all the leaders in pakistan are corrept & only want the chair.

i rank him at the highest of them all this guy never accept Pakistan from heart always try to control the Pakistan gov with his terrorical avtivities. he was responsibal for the caos in Karach in past 7 now in present. this guy in India said that Pakistan should not have been made we should have lived in India togather. this man burned Pakistani Flag in front of Quaid-e-Azam tomb, & when Agencies came after him he run like cowerd to foreign Countries.

how could you accept a person like him to run this country batter, so we need Musharaf.

Bainzer bhutto:
She was one of the most courrept Leaders Pakistan ever had, reduced Pakistani atomic program to 5&#37; ( which she admited in India), she went to India & spoke against Pakistan some TV channels have the video of it too. She buyed property outside Pakistan from the money loted from Pakistani public, when it come to the front of public she like all other cowerd Pakistani polititions ran away abroad & thinking of being a future PM.

How do you accept a person like her to run this country in the interest of the people, so We Need Musharaf.

Just like there is a bomb name MOTHER OF ALL BOMBS he should be named as FATHER OF THE CORRUPTION , it looks like he had a race with BB to see who lots more from this country & he never missed a chance & let go any chance to hurt this country for his personal matters. Stoped Army chief & 219 passengers in the air diden;t allow the to land just bcoz the army chief said the he was wrong in the making decision of withdrawl from Kargil. never respected court & Attacked on Supreme court of Pakistan just for his personal cause bcoz it was opening cases against him, But when he comes to caught & knew that there is no way of escape pleed to the gov. & KSA to help him & promissed to not to come back & not to take Part in politics but broke his promiss.

How do you accept a person like him to run this country & do something batter for this county, so We Need Musharaf

So the conclusion end out be that we need Musharaf bcoz he is the only tru leader Pakistan have right now & till there in no substitie available for him we got no other choice else to accept him either by Will or by Force.


President Musharraf will lead Pakistan, and lead it forward, for another 5 years, that is certain, after that he will retire.
It will also be as a civilian President as he is due to depart from his uniform and retire from the army by the end of the year, as per the constitution. Hopefully he will leave behind him a stable Pakistan that will never again see the military stage a coup to take power (I think them days are gone already).
Prez. Mush would go down the history as the one changed pakistan be it the economy or global image. he did the right thing allying with USA after 9/11
Well, I think you are a partisan of Musharraf but you need to know one thing that all the corrupt politicians these days are with Musharraf as Federal and Provincial Ministers. According to transparency International report the corruption has increased in this era. We cannot forget what he did with CJ. Additionally, Steel Mill case, Sugar Scam and recently PTCL Privatization cannot be ignored.
I agree that both BB and Nawaz are corrupt but they are not the only one. There is a big barn of BLACK SHEEP in Pakistan.
Maybe, you are also not aware of the fact that these days in every civilian organization you would see a Military Officer as a head, reducing chances for Civilians to get a job there.
By the way, He was Musharraf who refused to order an enquiry into a 12 MAY incident.
My serious recommendation is to give a chance to IMRAN KHAN, as we have tried everybody and nobody came upto the expectations.
My serious recommendation is to give a chance to IMRAN KHAN, as we have tried everybody and nobody came upto the expectations.

Talk of hypocrisy and giving Imran Khan a chance is in itself hypocritical.
We need musharf till we got no other subtitute of him(whic i cant see in near future), bcoz all the leaders in pakistan are corrept & only want the chair.

i rank him at the highest of them all this guy never accept Pakistan from heart always try to control the Pakistan gov with his terrorical avtivities. he was responsibal for the caos in Karach in past 7 now in present. this guy in India said that Pakistan should not have been made we should have lived in India togather. this man burned Pakistani Flag in front of Quaid-e-Azam tomb, & when Agencies came after him he run like cowerd to foreign Countries.

how could you accept a person like him to run this country batter, so we need Musharaf.

Bainzer bhutto:
She was one of the most courrept Leaders Pakistan ever had, reduced Pakistani atomic program to 5% ( which she admited in India), she went to India & spoke against Pakistan some TV channels have the video of it too. She buyed property outside Pakistan from the money loted from Pakistani public, when it come to the front of public she like all other cowerd Pakistani polititions ran away abroad & thinking of being a future PM.

How do you accept a person like her to run this country in the interest of the people, so We Need Musharaf.

Just like there is a bomb name MOTHER OF ALL BOMBS he should be named as FATHER OF THE CORRUPTION , it looks like he had a race with BB to see who lots more from this country & he never missed a chance & let go any chance to hurt this country for his personal matters. Stoped Army chief & 219 passengers in the air diden;t allow the to land just bcoz the army chief said the he was wrong in the making decision of withdrawl from Kargil. never respected court & Attacked on Supreme court of Pakistan just for his personal cause bcoz it was opening cases against him, But when he comes to caught & knew that there is no way of escape pleed to the gov. & KSA to help him & promissed to not to come back & not to take Part in politics but broke his promiss.

How do you accept a person like him to run this country & do something batter for this county, so We Need Musharaf

So the conclusion end out be that we need Musharaf bcoz he is the only tru leader Pakistan have right now & till there in no substitie available for him we got no other choice else to accept him either by Will or by Force.



i rank him at the highest of them all this guy never accept Pakistan from heart always try to control the Pakistan gov with his terrorical avtivities.

Did he ever tried to compete in elections if he really wants to ?

he was responsibal for the caos in Karach in past 7 now in present.

This is exactly what biased reporting said.

this guy in India said that Pakistan should not have been made we should have lived in India togather.

I suggest you to read this file and try to understand too.
Partition - A Blundar
And also watch this video which is also reply of your allegation.

this man burned Pakistani Flag in front of Quaid-e-Azam tomb, & when Agencies came after him he run like cowerd to foreign Countries.

Is that the same era in which BB Government starts operation against MQM ? and forcely involve Pakistan Army in it ? you can imagine how biased this news is, anyway authentic link/source would be appreciated.

how could you accept a person like him to run this country batter, so we need Musharaf.

He never intended to be Prime Minsiter or President, that's why he always encourage his poor class workers and you can see the result, in 1989, those workers who actually participated in MQM's cleanliness campaign and clean Karachi roads, they are in assemblies.


No doubt we need Pervez Musharraf as Our president for another 5 years.
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We need musharf till we got no other subtitute of him(whic i cant see in near future), bcoz all the leaders in pakistan are corrept & only want the chair.

i rank him at the highest of them all this guy never accept Pakistan from heart always try to control the Pakistan gov with his terrorical avtivities. he was responsibal for the caos in Karach in past 7 now in present. this guy in India said that Pakistan should not have been made we should have lived in India togather. this man burned Pakistani Flag in front of Quaid-e-Azam tomb, & when Agencies came after him he run like cowerd to foreign Countries.

how could you accept a person like him to run this country batter, so we need Musharaf.

Bainzer bhutto:
She was one of the most courrept Leaders Pakistan ever had, reduced Pakistani atomic program to 5&#37; ( which she admited in India), she went to India & spoke against Pakistan some TV channels have the video of it too. She buyed property outside Pakistan from the money loted from Pakistani public, when it come to the front of public she like all other cowerd Pakistani polititions ran away abroad & thinking of being a future PM.

How do you accept a person like her to run this country in the interest of the people, so We Need Musharaf.

Altaf is a very close friend of Mushi and a very important guy when it comes to man handling people of Sindh, he is in the government if you dont know that than pls dont bother to post on this topic :crazy: and we might see Mushi adding Benazair in his Faction

Allah Pakistan ko bechai:pakistan:

And thax for the video of Altaf Hussain i agree with him for the first time
Altaf is a very close friend of Mushi and a very important guy when it comes to man handling people of Sindh, he is in the government if you dont know that than pls dont bother to post on this topic and we might see Mushi adding Benazair in his Faction

I dont care who is close or who is not a friend of Mushi & neither will i care about it the only my answer was to explain about the leaders of Pakistan's, people of can be handle by many ways just handling them by terror is not a way, when it comes to the hearing of MQM cases they surround the High Court & dont allow the judges to make a decisions.

SO Mr. Either Give some solid Reasons Y sould Altaf be here or else stop Making Childish comments.

i rank him at the highest of them all this guy never accept Pakistan from heart always try to control the Pakistan gov with his terrorical avtivities.

Did he ever tried to compete in elections if he really wants to ?

he was responsibal for the caos in Karach in past 7 now in present.

This is exactly what biased reporting said.

this guy in India said that Pakistan should not have been made we should have lived in India togather.

I suggest you to read this file and try to understand too.
Partition - A Blundar
And also watch this video which is also reply of your allegation.

this man burned Pakistani Flag in front of Quaid-e-Azam tomb, & when Agencies came after him he run like cowerd to foreign Countries.

Is that the same era in which BB Government starts operation against MQM ? and forcely involve Pakistan Army in it ? you can imagine how biased this news is, anyway authentic link/source would be appreciated.

how could you accept a person like him to run this country batter, so we need Musharaf.

He never intended to be Prime Minsiter or President, that's why he always encourage his poor class workers and you can see the result, in 1989, those workers who actually participated in MQM's cleanliness campaign and clean Karachi roads, they are in assemblies.


No doubt we need Pervez Musharraf as Our president for another 5 years.

Just one Question to you Voice after that i will answer all your questions, Have you ever been to Karachi ??

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SO Mr. Either Give some solid Reasons Y sould Altaf be here or else stop Making Childish comments.

Again i wanna ask is he ever tried to be in power ?
We need musharf till we got no other subtitute of him(whic i cant see in near future), bcoz all the leaders in pakistan are corrept & only want the chair.

i rank him at the highest of them all this guy never accept Pakistan from heart always try to control the Pakistan gov with his terrorical avtivities. he was responsibal for the caos in Karach in past 7 now in present. this guy in India said that Pakistan should not have been made we should have lived in India togather. this man burned Pakistani Flag in front of Quaid-e-Azam tomb, & when Agencies came after him he run like cowerd to foreign Countries.

how could you accept a person like him to run this country batter, so we need Musharaf.

Bainzer bhutto:
She was one of the most courrept Leaders Pakistan ever had, reduced Pakistani atomic program to 5% ( which she admited in India), she went to India & spoke against Pakistan some TV channels have the video of it too. She buyed property outside Pakistan from the money loted from Pakistani public, when it come to the front of public she like all other cowerd Pakistani polititions ran away abroad & thinking of being a future PM.

How do you accept a person like her to run this country in the interest of the people, so We Need Musharaf.

Just like there is a bomb name MOTHER OF ALL BOMBS he should be named as FATHER OF THE CORRUPTION , it looks like he had a race with BB to see who lots more from this country & he never missed a chance & let go any chance to hurt this country for his personal matters. Stoped Army chief & 219 passengers in the air diden;t allow the to land just bcoz the army chief said the he was wrong in the making decision of withdrawl from Kargil. never respected court & Attacked on Supreme court of Pakistan just for his personal cause bcoz it was opening cases against him, But when he comes to caught & knew that there is no way of escape pleed to the gov. & KSA to help him & promissed to not to come back & not to take Part in politics but broke his promiss.

How do you accept a person like him to run this country & do something batter for this county, so We Need Musharaf

So the conclusion end out be that we need Musharaf bcoz he is the only tru leader Pakistan have right now & till there in no substitie available for him we got no other choice else to accept him either by Will or by Force.



Just one Question to you Voice after that i will answer all your questions, Have you ever been to Karachi ??


I Am born karachitee :enjoy:
I dont care who is close or who is not a friend of Mushi & neither will i care about it the only my answer was to explain about the leaders of Pakistan's, people of can be handle by many ways just handling them by terror is not a way, when it comes to the hearing of MQM cases they surround the High Court & dont allow the judges to make a decisions.

SO Mr. Either Give some solid Reasons Y sould Altaf be here or else stop Making Childish comments.

lolzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz WTF
most riduculus post ever:crazy:
you support mushi, but you dont support Altaf who is not only a part of mushi's government, but also a key ally
dude altaf is in the Mushraff government get this in your brain

Admin Edit: Please improve your posting style. Thanks.
lolzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz WTF
most riduculus post ever
you support mushi, but you dont support Altaf who is not only a part of mushi's government, but also a key ally
dude altaf is in the Mushraff government get this in your brain
Ahum, Ahumm, People will decide who's post is Ridicules.

I told you again it is not necessary that if i like Mushi i will also like like his friends, Mushi is a friend of Altaf(go get a break). he is only with him bcoz he a a democratic Gov to run successfuly.

This forum is not for flaming, you should think what you are writing or you know the Result........


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