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Khorramshahr multi warhead ballistic missile

So is it a big leap forward for Iran or just another normal test?


To me looks like a monster but today I was reading an American missile expert's opinion saying that Iran will need a decade to build an ICBM and that's if Iran starts the work on it today----and there are no signs that Iran is pursuing an ICBM..soo I don't know what to make of this missile test

Left Iranian without grid fins, only 2 tests.
Right NK with grid fins and at least 7 failure tests.
So is it a big leap forward for Iran or just another normal test?


To me looks like a monster but today I was reading an American missile expert's opinion saying that Iran will need a decade to build an ICBM and that's if Iran starts the work on it today----and there are no signs that Iran is pursuing an ICBM..soo I don't know what to make of this missile test

We don't need an ICBM !

We have SLVs ... And we can convert them if needed !

So is it a big leap forward for Iran or just another normal test?


To me looks like a monster but today I was reading an American missile expert's opinion saying that Iran will need a decade to build an ICBM and that's if Iran starts the work on it today----and there are no signs that Iran is pursuing an ICBM..soo I don't know what to make of this missile test
Hi . May i see the link ?
That base you refer to prior to civil war was an obsolete small rundown naval port, hardly the strategic naval base a global power would use. It was rotting away and was used ocasionally By Russia. Nothing strategic about it other than its location.

The syrian conflict Russia felt it had nothing to do with themselves and thus didn't want to get involved and risk Russian lives. Solemani convinced Russia that they could keep losses at a minimum by just bringing in the airforce and letting Iran be the boots on the ground. Putin then thought this would be a good time to test Russian airforce readiness using training funds and at the same time show Russia is a power on the main stage. Thus Russia entered the fray to the worlds surprise. Or else Russia would let Syria fall like it let Saddam fall like it Ghadaffi fall.

The only reason Solemani went to russia is because IRGC finally learned after 3 decades it needed an airforce to win the war. They were stubborn about this, but mounting losses by IRGC, Hezbollah, and Shiite miltias finally made them realize what they probably knew all along. Air power was needed.

As much as users here like to blame Russia and China for Iran's military hardware problems they should also take a look at Iran. Iran's military much like the pillars of its society is mafia based with corruption rampant and power circles all preaching their own point.

Iran may say it would like an airforce but sometimes that is just talk and they make unrealistic demands to China and Russia that they know are going to be rejected or they say we don't like the quality of this country's fighter. All excuses. When Iran was serious about air defense we saw how quickly they upgraded their air defense systems as well As radars. Same applies to Air Force, if Iran is truly serious about upgrading airforce they would make changes.

But if the IRGC learned anything from the Syrian civil war it should be that Air Force is absolutely critical even when going up against asymmetrical force. I think that's why you have seen IRGC develop an airforce division and why F-313 suddenly revived. The IRGC needs close air support planes for future conflicts.
You put Syria next to Saddam and Qaddafi and u say Russia did not interfere to keep them in power!!
You talk about general soleimani visit to Russia and talk with Putin like you were there.. while I mentioned what is there semi-officially in the outlet...
Iran was serious about airforce but this one field is different to air defense or ballistic missiles... Dont you know the difference? Even in the air defense Iran wanted S-400 and Russia only sold the obsolete S-300...
Your analysis has no credit or weight.. It is just making up stories to make your point sound right...
North Korea has discontinued the development of this Hwasong-10 missile, replaced by the far superior and successful Hwasong-12 IRBM, powered by a single engine 80 ton-force Paektusan series engine.

This Khorramshahr missile is certainly not comparable to the North Korean Hwasong-10:
Look at the video, suddenly the flame is directing to an outward direction...and also visible from the contrail left. No such sequence seen in Korean test videos.


▲ Khorramshahr missile's flame is directing to an outward direction at T=1m13s to T=1m24s


▲ Contrail making a curve


Here a German space enthusiast's claim:


▲ This looks very much like a catastrophic ending

Here, South Korean website claiming the engine is of the same type as the North Korean Paektusan series that powers the Hwasong-12 IRBM and Hwasong-14 ICBM:


▲ North Korea's Hwasong-12 ballistic missile.
The upper part of the flame descending from the auxiliary rocket is not symmetrical, but the flame is seen protruding on one side (right).


▲ Iran's Khorramshahr ballistic missile.
The upper part of the flame descending from the auxiliary rocket is not symmetrical, but the flame is seen protruding on one side (left).


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Norbert Brügge is a amateur after all with no professional background.
His analysis also states that the Khorramshahr is a HS-10 clone, despite the Khorramshahr being at lest half a meter longer and of a totally different design school.

Even professionals like the Israeli Tal Inbar (at least its claimed), make such silly amateurish mistakes that I'm speechless, mistaking a bearing structure for a umbilical... Lets hope all westen and Israeli analysts are of that quality ;)
Iranians are some of the magnificent,creative,trailblazing people on the Planet....the only gripe is that they donot honour their ancestral Zoroastrian civilization enough and donot embrace Zoroastrianism

Hi.I am a normal citizen of Iran. I also have many friends who love Zoroastrian people. Iran's ordinary people respect religions such as Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Zoroastrianism, and even Zoroastrianism in the constitution of Iran is a divine religion, and we all believe that Zoroaster was a good person.:smitten:
Hi.I am a normal citizen of Iran. I also have many friends who love Zoroastrian people. Iran's ordinary people respect religions such as Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Zoroastrianism, and even Zoroastrianism in the constitution of Iran is a divine religion, and we all believe that Zoroaster was a good person.:smitten:

Most Iranians I have met in Germany are either atheists,agnostics or moving away from religious belief...There is an Iranian Grandpa I know who is a retired engineer and an amateur historian...He actively inculcates Zoroastrian beliefs and practices in his own life
Most Iranians I have met in Germany are either atheists,agnostics or moving away from religious belief...There is an Iranian Grandpa I know who is a retired engineer and an amateur historian...He actively inculcates Zoroastrian beliefs and practices in his own life
Do not write offtopic.
We don't need an ICBM !

We have SLVs ... And we can convert them if needed !

An SLV for many very obvious reasons makes a very poor icbm,which is precisely why you did not ever see an unha or taepodong icbm except as ridiculous guesstimations that only ever existed in the fevered overactive imaginations of western arms control "experts".

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