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India's Navy Just Built a Second Nuclear Missile Submarine


Jul 11, 2016
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United Arab Emirates
The Indian Navy will launch its second homegrown nuclear-powered submarine within the next month, according to local media outlets.

This week, India’s Economic Times reported, citing government sources, that the second indigenous nuclear submarine will be transferred to water sometime in later September or early October. At that time, the INS Aridhaman will undergo extensive sea tests over the next two years before being inducted into the Indian Navy at some point in 2019.

The launch of the INS Aridhaman follows India’s first domestically built nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine (SSBN), the IHS Arihant, being inducted into the Indian Navy in August of last year. That submarine made India only the sixth country after the United States, Russia, the United Kingdom, France and China to build a SSBN. The first Indian SSBN is believed to carry twelve Sagarika (K-15) submarine launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs) that have ranges of 700 km. However, India’s Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) is also developing a longer-range SLBM, the K-4, which its SSBNs will also carry. The IHS Arihant is only equipped to handle four of the larger K-4s (the submarine has four launch tubes but three K-15s can fit in each launch tube). The submarine can also carry torpedoes and submarine launched cruise missiles (SLCMs), including possibly a sea-launched version of the BrahMos.

The IHS Arihant was built primarily to serve as a trainer. That is, to train sailors to operate the new Arihant-class submarines, of which Delhi plans to build four boats. Thus, the new INS Aridhaman will pack a lot more firepower than its sister ship. According to the Economic Times, the second SSBN has eight vertical launch tubes, allowing it to carry twenty-four K-15 missiles or eight K-4 missiles. In addition, the new boat will have a reactor more powerful than the INS Arihant’s 83 MW pressurised light-water reactor. That reactor uses uranium as fuel and light water as a coolant and moderator, which allow it to operate quietly and stay submerged for about two months at a time. The new SSBN will be able to travel at speeds of 24 knots when submerged.

While technically an indigenous boat, the Arihant-class submarines are based on the designs of the Russian Project 971 Akula I-class nuclear-powered attack submarines. India has leased the Akula I-class SSN from Russia in the past. Still, the launching of the first nontrainer SSBN is a significant milestone for India’s Navy. As I’ve noted before, India’s quest to build a nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine reportedly began in 1970 under Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. Code-named the Advanced Technology Vehicle (ATV) program, its existence was kept under wraps for more than three decades ago before the former chairman of India's Atomic Energy Commission, PK Iyengar, revealed it at a public forum back in 2007.

The SSBNs will give India a complete nuclear triad, which consists of land, air, and sea-based nuclear delivery systems. In one sense, this could seen as a good development for strategic stability in the region as submarines out at sea are far less vulnerable to surprise attacks compared with airplanes and land-based missiles. This is especially critical for a country like India which maintains a modest-sized nuclear arsenal.

At the same time, the new leg of the triad could produce a sea change in India’s nuclear operating procedures. As a country with a no-first use declaratory policy, India’s current nuclear warheads and missiles are kept demated and likely in separate locations. This is fine for the air and land-based legs of the triad because they can be brought together if needed. This is not possible for SSBNs. To provide any deterrent benefit, the missiles and warheads will need to be kept together on the submarines, eliminating any actual demonstration of its no first use policy beyond words. This is a challenge that is also being confronted by China, another country with a no-first use policy that also recently began deterrent patrols.

Questions will inevitably be raised about the security of hosting nuclear weapons on Indian ships as the country’s navy, and submarine fleet in particular, has suffered from a number of mishaps in recent years. Most notably, an explosion on the Russian-built INS Sindhurakshak submarine sunk the ship and killed eighteen sailors in 2013. The next year, there was a fire on another submarine, the INS Sindhuratna, which killed two people. A report by the Comptroller and Auditor General’s latter blamed crew fatigue and outdated ammunition as the causes of these incidents.

The emergence of India’s SSBNs is another example of a growing technological arms race among the so-called nuclear triangle of China, India and Pakistan. In 2012, India first tested its Agni-V intermediate ballistic missile, which is capable of reaching all parts of China. As alluded to above, China also recently acquired its first operational SSBNs, which began conducting deterrent patrols sometime in 2016. China also recently began deploying multiple independently targetable reentry vehicle (MIRVs) on its ballistic missiles, a step India is also likely to take if it already hasn’t. Both India and China have also been improving their targeting capabilities through improved intelligence surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) capabilities. On the other hand, Pakistan has been focusing on building up a large tactical nuclear weapon arsenal to repeal any Indian conventional attacks.


Zachary Keck
September 16, 2017


The Indian Navy will launch its second homegrown nuclear-powered submarine within the next month, according to local media outlets.

This week, India’s Economic Times reported, citing government sources, that the second indigenous nuclear submarine will be transferred to water sometime in later September or early October. At that time, the INS Aridhaman will undergo extensive sea tests over the next two years before being inducted into the Indian Navy at some point in 2019.

The launch of the INS Aridhaman follows India’s first domestically built nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine (SSBN), the IHS Arihant, being inducted into the Indian Navy in August of last year. That submarine made India only the sixth country after the United States, Russia, the United Kingdom, France and China to build a SSBN. The first Indian SSBN is believed to carry twelve Sagarika (K-15) submarine launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs) that have ranges of 700 km. However, India’s Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) is also developing a longer-range SLBM, the K-4, which its SSBNs will also carry. The IHSArihant is only equipped to handle four of the larger K-4s (the submarine has four launch tubes but three K-15s can fit in each launch tube). The submarine can also carry torpedoes and submarine launched cruise missiles (SLCMs), including possibly a sea-launched version of the BrahMos.

The IHS Arihant was built primarily to serve as a trainer. That is, to train sailors to operate the new Arihant-class submarines, of which Delhi plans to build four boats. Thus, the new INS Aridhaman will pack a lot more firepower than its sister ship. According to the Economic Times, the second SSBN has eight vertical launch tubes, allowing it to carry twenty-four K-15 missiles or eight K-4 missiles. In addition, the new boat will have a reactor more powerful than the INS Arihant’s 83 MW pressurised light-water reactor. That reactor uses uranium as fuel and light water as a coolant and moderator, which allow it to operate quietly and stay submerged for about two months at a time. The new SSBN will be able to travel at speeds of 24 knots when submerged.

While technically an indigenous boat, the Arihant-class submarines are based on the designs of the Russian Project 971 Akula I-class nuclear-powered attack submarines. India has leased the Akula I-class SSN from Russia in the past. Still, the launching of the first nontrainer SSBN is a significant milestone for India’s Navy. As I’ve noted before, India’s quest to build a nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarinereportedly began in 1970 under Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. Code-named the Advanced Technology Vehicle (ATV) program, its existence was kept under wraps for more than three decades ago before the former chairman of India's Atomic Energy Commission, PK Iyengar, revealed it at a public forum back in 2007.

The SSBNs will give India a complete nuclear triad, which consists of land, air, and sea-based nuclear delivery systems. In one sense, this could seen as a good development for strategic stability in the region as submarines out at sea are far less vulnerable to surprise attacks compared with airplanes and land-based missiles. This is especially critical for a country like India which maintains a modest-sized nuclear arsenal.

At the same time, the new leg of the triad could produce a sea change in India’s nuclear operating procedures. As a country with a no-first use declaratory policy, India’s current nuclear warheads and missiles are kept demated and likely in separate locations. This is fine for the air and land-based legs of the triad because they can be brought together if needed. This is not possible for SSBNs. To provide any deterrent benefit, the missiles and warheads will need to be kept together on the submarines, eliminating any actual demonstration of its no first use policy beyond words. This is a challenge that is also being confronted by China, another country with a no-first use policy that also recently began deterrent patrols.

Questions will inevitably be raised about the security of hosting nuclear weapons on Indian ships as the country’s navy, and submarine fleet in particular, has suffered from a number of mishaps in recent years. Most notably, an explosion on the Russian-built INS Sindhurakshak submarine sunk the ship and killed eighteen sailors in 2013. The next year, there was a fire on another submarine, the INS Sindhuratna, which killed two people. A report by the Comptroller and Auditor General’s latter blamed crew fatigue and outdated ammunition as the causes of these incidents.
The emergence of India’s SSBNs is another example of a growing technological arms race among the so-called nuclear triangle of China, India and Pakistan. In 2012, India first testedits Agni-V intermediate ballistic missile, which is capable of reaching all parts of China. As alluded to above, China also recently acquired its first operational SSBNs, which began conducting deterrent patrols sometime in 2016. China also recently began deploying multiple independently targetable reentry vehicle (MIRVs) on its ballistic missiles, a step India is also likely to take if it already hasn’t. Both India and China have also been improving their targeting capabilities through improved intelligence surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) capabilities. On the other hand, Pakistan has been focusing on building up a large tactical nuclear weapon arsenal to repeal any Indian conventional attacks.

Zachary Keck (@ZacharyKeck) is a former managing editor of The National Interest.

so what will be the capacity of its reactor?

I have heard that the 2nd SSBN has twice the firepower of the Arihant (8 silos compared to Arihant's 4 silos).

The reactor power of Arihant was around 85mW...the Aridhaman is estimated to be +100mW output.

But we may never know for sure.

This is what our current SSBN plans look like:

1 x S2 Arihant-class -- 4 silos per sub -- 4 missiles with 4 unitary warheads (K4 IRBM)
2 x S3 Aridhaman-class -- 8 silos per sub -- 16 missiles with 16 unitary warheads (K4 IRBM)
1 x S4* transitional class -- 12 silos per sub -- 12 missiles with upto 48 warheads in 4-MIRV config (K5 ICBM)
3+3 x S5 class -- 16 silos per sub -- 96 missiles with upto 384 warheads in 4-MIRV config (K5/K6 ICBM)

The 6 large SSBNs (16 silos, displacement likely ~15k tons or above) will be the definitive undersea nuclear deterrent for the country. These will enter service only around ~2030.

By then Arihant will be retired and/or returned to BARC/SBC/DAE. Both the Arihant and the S4* are capable of performing deterrence patrols (Arihant already doing it), but at their heart they are Tech-Demonstration platforms. The 2 Aridhaman-class are the fruit of Arihant R&D data. The 6 S5-class will be the fruit of S4* R&D data.
India will be FIELDING 5 nuclear powered Subs by 2025/2026

Between them they will carry over 40- 50 SLBM with ranges varying from 750km to 3500km

Estimated warheads to ranging from 40kt to 100kt
India build another sub and its fan base is talking about 5-10 years from now, India will have this or that.

Let's stick with today. One day at a time. Remember that India achieved SupaPowadom by 2012. Everything else is icing on the cake.

India build another sub and its fan base is talking about 5-10 years from now, India will have this or that.

Let's stick with today. One day at a time. Remember that India achieved SupaPowadom by 2012. Everything else is icing on the cake.
Estimated warheads to ranging from 40kt to 100kt
40kt maybe. but 100kt???? any sorce of claims?

now we must know india only did 2 test. pokhran 1 and 2. so india's minituration is very limited. so i expect 1.5 tonns for full 40kt load. now this looks like too big number for submarin missile. now in reality if india navy has sub missiles with nuke it cannot full load of 1.5 tonns.

here is some information.

if you look above link. you will see india having Shakti IV bomb. this is 0.5kt bomb. now such bomb will be 400kg or less. so it is enough for submarin missile. so it must be this bomb most likly being on india's so called nuclear sub. size is perfect for k15 missile. which is having 500kg maximum load.

now big question being why need for making this small bomb? maybe to look powerful aginst china? maybe me too device?

now saying we have nuclear missile on submarin looks powerful. but what is details? where is information? why indian gov is hiding this? india is boastful contry. india boasts about everything. but why not submarin? is there something we are not seeing? is there big failure?
I have heard that the 2nd SSBN has twice the firepower of the Arihant (8 silos compared to Arihant's 4 silos).
you must be hearing from romors coming from below photo.


now above photo looks very interesting. it is like india is now expert in nuclear submarine making. like russia and china. but reality speaks otherwise. so how? lets see.

The reactor power of Arihant was around 85mW...the Aridhaman is estimated to be +100mW output.
lets all pretend india having 100mw+ naval nuclear reactors. ok. lets do matamatics. regular ssbn 200mw+ reactor. in many nuke sub they have 2 reactor. so 20+200= 400mw reactors. so it must mean indian ssbn have very low power reactor. such low power is useless. so there is some mistake here.

1 x S2 Arihant-class -- 4 silos per sub -- 4 missiles with 4 unitary warheads (K4 IRBM)
no. wrong. arihant is only having 2 k4 missile. this too only on paper. they said currently only k15 is working. so 4 k4 is big dearm.

here see below photo. last photo is arihant.

as above see. arihant having 2 k15 and 2 k4. this is main design.

2 x S3 Aridhaman-class -- 8 silos per sub -- 16 missiles with 16 unitary warheads (K4 IRBM)
16 missile??? in 8 silos??? how? india is fiting 2 missiles in 1 silo?:haha: very poor logic.

1 x S4* transitional class -- 12 silos per sub -- 12 missiles with upto 48 warheads in 4-MIRV config (K5 ICBM)
india is not having mirv technology. this is very advance technology. no contry will give ToT. also minituration of nuke is required. so most unlikely. also using logic. agni 5 itself isn't mirv so how can small k5 be mirv???

3+3 x S5 class -- 16 silos per sub -- 96 missiles with upto 384 warheads in 4-MIRV config (K5/K6 ICBM)
what???:smokin: 96 slbm missiles???:o: inside 1 submarin? tell me you are joking. you are asking imposible.

The 6 large SSBNs (16 silos, displacement likely ~15k tons or above) will be the definitive undersea nuclear deterrent for the country. These will enter service only around ~2030.
any sorce? 2030 is most imposible. because arihant itself took 10+ years to make. and many many years to test. so even with this 10 year logic. only 3 submarin will be build by 2030.

By then Arihant will be retired and/or returned to BARC/SBC/DAE.
you must be not knowing about nuclear submarin. i know enogh. no contry discards nuclear submarin in only 14 years.

there are many many points on indian submarin program but i have limited my argument. in short. indian nuclear submarin program is only me too program. reality behind this program speak something else. now we must all think with simple logic. if contry can't make small disel submarine. somehow in 1 try made ssbn? very unlikely.
India build another sub and its fan base is talking about 5-10 years from now, India will have this or that.

Let's stick with today. One day at a time. Remember that India achieved SupaPowadom by 2012. Everything else is icing on the cake.

India build another sub and its fan base is talking about 5-10 years from now, India will have this or that.

Let's stick with today. One day at a time. Remember that India achieved SupaPowadom by 2012. Everything else is icing on the cake.

You pasted the message / dictation received twice
Is this @Dark Lord Forever some kind of escaped asylum patient? Why is he so stupid? Not complaining though...this is about the average intelligence of most anti-India trolls. :cheesy:

lets all pretend india having 100mw+ naval nuclear reactors. ok. lets do matamatics.



Look @faithfulguy it's your cousin!!

regular ssbn 200mw+ reactor. in many nuke sub they have 2 reactor. so 20+200= 400mw reactors. so it must mean indian ssbn have very low power reactor. such low power is useless. so there is some mistake here.

The mistake was your father didn't pull out fast enough.

200MW reactors are used for SSBNs which have upto 24 silos and displace ~18,000 tons submerged. Arihant has 4 silos and displaces some ~6500 tons surfaced. For Arihant 82MW is enough.

For Aridhaman with 8 silos a 100-120MW reactor is enough.

no. wrong. arihant is only having 2 k4 missile. this too only on paper. they said currently only k15 is working. so 4 k4 is big dearm.

Wrong. Didn't expect better from your stupid undeveloped mind which is result of decades of inbreeding.

K4 was already tested from Arihant like 2 years ago. But they revealed the news one year after it happens (in line with how most of the news regarding Arihant was given to mainstream media).

Arihant in operational patrol will only ever carry 4 K4 missiles. The K15 is only a technology-demonstrator and will not be used in operational role because it has very short range (750km).

here see below photo. last photo is arihant.

as above see. arihant having 2 k15 and 2 k4. this is main design.

This chart shows how each sub is capable of carrying different missiles/different variants of the same missile.

Not that Arihant will carry 2 K4. Look at Ohio in that chart - we know Ohio carries 24 Tridents all of which have the same range. But it shows only 12 of long range and 12 of lesser range. This is to show it carried a shorter range missile before. Just like how Arihant once carried K15 but now carries K4.

16 missile??? in 8 silos??? how? india is fiting 2 missiles in 1 silo?:haha: very poor logic.

This is what happens when a moron who can't even spell mathematics tries to do mathematics.

Did you not see I said there will be 2 subs of the Aridhaman class? Do you know what 2 x means??

How much is 2 x 8 ?? 16.

Frigging idiot.

india is not having mirv technology. this is very advance technology. no contry will give ToT. also minituration of nuke is required. so most unlikely. also using logic. agni 5 itself isn't mirv so how can small k5 be mirv???

Because Agni-5 was tested back in 2012 and K5 is yet to be tested. The tech is K5 is much more advanced.

what???:smokin: 96 slbm missiles???:o: inside 1 submarin? tell me you are joking. you are asking imposible.

Gosh. What an idiot!!

I clearly wrote 3+3 subs of the S5 class. Are you blind in your left eye??

S5 is a big class of SSBN with 16 silos which will likely have ~200+MW class reactor.

3+3 = 6. How much is 6 x 16? 96.

I don't know why I'm even talking with a person of such a low IQ.

you must be not knowing about nuclear submarin. i know enogh.

Is this @Dark Lord Forever some kind of escaped asylum patient? Why is he so stupid? Not complaining though...this is about the average intelligence of most anti-India trolls. :cheesy:



Look @faithfulguy it's your cousin!!

The mistake was your father didn't pull out fast enough.

200MW reactors are used for SSBNs which have upto 24 silos and displace ~18,000 tons submerged. Arihant has 4 silos and displaces some ~6500 tons surfaced. For Arihant 82MW is enough.

For Aridhaman with 8 silos a 100-120MW reactor is enough.

Wrong. Didn't expect better from your stupid undeveloped mind which is result of decades of inbreeding.

K4 was already tested from Arihant like 2 years ago. But they revealed the news one year after it happens (in line with how most of the news regarding Arihant was given to mainstream media).

Arihant in operational patrol will only ever carry 4 K4 missiles. The K15 is only a technology-demonstrator and will not be used in operational role because it has very short range (750km).

This chart shows how each sub is capable of carrying different missiles/different variants of the same missile.

Not that Arihant will carry 2 K4. Look at Ohio in that chart - we know Ohio carries 24 Tridents all of which have the same range. But it shows only 12 of long range and 12 of lesser range. This is to show it carried a shorter range missile before. Just like how Arihant once carried K15 but now carries K4.

This is what happens when a moron who can't even spell mathematics tries to do mathematics.

Did you not see I said there will be 2 subs of the Aridhaman class? Do you know what 2 x means??

How much is 2 x 8 ?? 16.

Frigging idiot.

Because Agni-5 was tested back in 2012 and K5 is yet to be tested. The tech is K5 is much more advanced.

Gosh. What an idiot!!

I clearly wrote 3+3 subs of the S5 class. Are you blind in your left eye??

S5 is a big class of SSBN with 16 silos which will likely have ~200+MW class reactor.

3+3 = 6. How much is 6 x 16? 96.

I don't know why I'm even talking with a person of such a low IQ.

Then they try to hide behind an Indian flag !!!!
Is this @Dark Lord Forever some kind of escaped asylum patient? Why is he so stupid? Not complaining though...this is about the average intelligence of most anti-India trolls. :cheesy:



Look @faithfulguy it's your cousin!!

The mistake was your father didn't pull out fast enough.

200MW reactors are used for SSBNs which have upto 24 silos and displace ~18,000 tons submerged. Arihant has 4 silos and displaces some ~6500 tons surfaced. For Arihant 82MW is enough.

For Aridhaman with 8 silos a 100-120MW reactor is enough.

Wrong. Didn't expect better from your stupid undeveloped mind which is result of decades of inbreeding.

K4 was already tested from Arihant like 2 years ago. But they revealed the news one year after it happens (in line with how most of the news regarding Arihant was given to mainstream media).

Arihant in operational patrol will only ever carry 4 K4 missiles. The K15 is only a technology-demonstrator and will not be used in operational role because it has very short range (750km).

This chart shows how each sub is capable of carrying different missiles/different variants of the same missile.

Not that Arihant will carry 2 K4. Look at Ohio in that chart - we know Ohio carries 24 Tridents all of which have the same range. But it shows only 12 of long range and 12 of lesser range. This is to show it carried a shorter range missile before. Just like how Arihant once carried K15 but now carries K4.

This is what happens when a moron who can't even spell mathematics tries to do mathematics.

Did you not see I said there will be 2 subs of the Aridhaman class? Do you know what 2 x means??

How much is 2 x 8 ?? 16.

Frigging idiot.

Because Agni-5 was tested back in 2012 and K5 is yet to be tested. The tech is K5 is much more advanced.

Gosh. What an idiot!!

I clearly wrote 3+3 subs of the S5 class. Are you blind in your left eye??

S5 is a big class of SSBN with 16 silos which will likely have ~200+MW class reactor.

3+3 = 6. How much is 6 x 16? 96.

I don't know why I'm even talking with a person of such a low IQ.


Because it's entertaining to others. Duh!!
K4 was already tested from Arihant like 2 years ago. But they revealed the news one year after it happens (in line with how most of the news regarding Arihant was given to mainstream media).
k4 was tested from pantoon. :haha: this too only ejection test. not full range test.

also i have solid proof below.

so as above only k15 is working. k4 is in development.

Arihant in operational patrol will only ever carry 4 K4 missiles. The K15 is only a technology-demonstrator and will not be used in operational role because it has very short range (750km).
Arihant is on patrol?? do you have any sorce?

india oprats many short range misssile. dhanush is short range. prithvi is short range. agni 1 is short range brahmos is short range. so if we look at all examples we can see india makes many short range missiles. so no wonder k15 is also short range. making long range misile is very dificult. india still has many dacades to learn missile technology.

now don't tell us how agni 4 and 5 is long range. because truth is no missile above agni 3 is deployed. also deployment of agni 3 is also questonable.

see below

as it is clear now that india's long range missile making capacity is questonable. so long range slbm dream is many many years away.

This chart shows how each sub is capable of carrying different missiles/different variants of the same missile.

Not that Arihant will carry 2 K4. Look at Ohio in that chart - we know Ohio carries 24 Tridents all of which have the same range. But it shows only 12 of long range and 12 of lesser range. This is to show it carried a shorter range missile before. Just like how Arihant once carried K15 but now carries K4.
there are different ranges of triedent. so triedent is not 1 missile but family of slbm.

arihant can only cary 2 k4. because other 2 tubes are small so big missile don't fit inside. sub silos are made for specific missile with specific diameter. it is not 1 silo fit all design. as you think.:haha:

Did you not see I said there will be 2 subs of the Aridhaman class? Do you know what 2 x means??
you write it like 1 sub would can carry 96 missile. so this is why i said it. you should be more clear in writing.

Because Agni-5 was tested back in 2012 and K5 is yet to be tested. The tech is K5 is much more advanced.
and still after 5 years of testing. agni 5 is still not oprational. :omghaha: this is level of indian missile technology.:omghaha:

now imagine slbm and that too with mirv. how many years it will take?:sarcastic:

S5 is a big class of SSBN with 16 silos which will likely have ~200+MW class reactor.
s5 is pipe dream. only hot air propaganda from that yellow website.
India will be FIELDING 5 nuclear powered Subs by 2025/2026

Between them they will carry over 40- 50 SLBM with ranges varying from 750km to 3500km

Estimated warheads to ranging from 40kt to 100kt

The ranges are absolutely not enough to blanket most of the planet. The Big 5 have the prowess to target any part of the world with ballistic missiles and therefore it is essential to have at least 8,000 Km capable SLBMs to make it of any use in a real apocalyptic war.

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